Showing posts with label hobbies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hobbies. Show all posts

Thursday, March 21, 2013


But, with a bit of a difference ... I tried a bit of gauzy chiffon type fabric..on a little piece of silk I found hanging around ..

That was fun.

Then I made some Prairie Points.... apparently it's just folding little squares to look like mountains...well, that's what they remind me of anyway...

Maybe when I piece my fabrics and trims...this piece of lace that is also pointy will add some interest....

Onward..... Rouleau Loops next ...

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


My first attempts at Karen's web... and some French knots, which of course I used to do, but my fingers don't really seem to remember them too well...yet.  What a disaster with several. thing I do have... perseverance ... yep....I've got that.  'Stick-to-it-iveness' as some folks used to call it.

I'll get it.  See the difference in the last web?  Pretty good compared to the first little white one and much better than the first yellow one.  My own experience after only trying two showed me something...I was pulling the wrapping thread a bit too taut around each of the legs ..... so, when I loosened my vice like grip on the thread... look... nice webby effect.  Plus...I must remember to work a bit larger for the first few til I get an handle on it.  I tend to work too small with everything it seems...

I love this stitch.  It's beautiful.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Tiny, tinier, tiniest....

Magically it's Monday again. The Time Fairy must have been madly waving her wand about ...she really stirred up the fairy dust and hours whipped past. You know what I'm talking about. They show you the little magical clock..with hands just whirring? ... hours, then days whiz past in a twinkling? Yep.. another week just flew.... .... however, having written this few lines.... I now have a great new fairy in mind...hahahhaha.... sometimes saying things out loud.. ( or writing them ) let's you "see" something else..... something you were not thinking about AT all!

Originally, when I realized it was Monday already... I was trying to think what I could post for the once a week photo challenge that Linda is hosting.

...and.......I figured it out. After doing the tiny feet entry a few days back.. ...then carrying on with teensy "inchies" ... I was ruminating about being kind of funny that way.... having a love of tiny things. Then I walked into my craft room and saw this.... A piece of popcorn??

Gotcha didn't I?

...on closer inspection..................

...not popcorn, but it did become his name.

here's his cute little bum.....

 you can see he really is little....

I was fiddling with some paperclay one day and thought it was a bit tricky to work wanted to see how difficult it would be to try something really small. You know, just to make myself crazy. He was not a piece of cake... as a matter of fact I mistook him for a piece of popcorn several times. Once I almost tossed him into my mouth.... poor little guy. I named him Popcorn...and... he sits beside a tiny box of inchies on the craft table. I will actually put some colour on his eyes and nose some day...... til then, I'll just grin every time I see him.....