Showing posts with label scrapbook. Show all posts
Showing posts with label scrapbook. Show all posts

Thursday, November 14, 2013

The new "class" ...

... that isn't really a class...but, more a following along of Karen as she shows us how she works through her creations ...  Simply Stitch 3 if you want to check it out.  Side bar on her blog.

During it all, of course, there are many questions, and the answers come in the form of demonstrations ...not really lessons..hahahha... so as you can see it becomes a bit more of a class than it's supposed to be, but, it's all in good fun and lots of entertainment and learning goes on... and so many great photos are being posted to the Flickr site for inspiration for us all.  Sadly, I can't give you that's private for the group.. can't give it all away ..

There is paper involved this you can see by all the info and photos on Karen's there is still plenty to see... and we are encouraged to do some ourselves...

I may not still quite grasp the ins and outs of all of it yet...but, I'm checking out my stock of papers.  No need to buy any, that's for certain.  I have plenty.  Years ago I thought I might do some cards and other paper things...even took a short class ... but, that didn't happen.  However, us crafters never throw anything out.  Just a minute... I think that's our motto.  "It might come in handy"...hahhaha...and look did.

I got me a big spiral bound mixed media book of paper ... nice weight.. for use as a place to save bits of fabric and also as a drawing paper...and as luck would have it ..plenty of pages to tear out and use separately to stitch on (they are even perforated at the spiral edge) or to just take out and dispose of if I don't like what I scribbled.  It is thick enough that when I get 'stuff' in there on several pages ...even if I take out a lot....I'm thinking it will still be stuffed.
The cover was mostly just I 'prettified' it.  with a great piece of paper from my stash.  Hey, this is fun already!

Not only will I use it for demos to myself and for show and tell in the class  .. I will be writing down new information and keeping any 'notes to self' from previous classes will all be in one place.  Hah!  Good for something already.  Like Karen always says...if we walk away with only one thing.... she feels good about that....

She has several books she uses for saving her bits and pieces...but, they are pages with drawings or patterns on.  I looked at a few books that might have worked...but... decided on plain, pristine paper to work with.  I like plain.  I can add little bits and bobs of my own design or pics of fun things.  You know my dolls and bears will show up somewhere in there...ya just know it!  Well, they won't want to miss out on all the fun will they?  Not those guys.

Some of the women are worried about not being able to draw or paint... not me... I will use some splashes of colour if I want them..using other people's art, or I will sit right down and copy things I see that I like.  Copying is always good.   Or, how about pieces of somebody else's art?  Like these soft, watercolour napkins pretty and I've had them for years... sitting in a drawer in my hobby room...doing nothing...waiting ..... opportunity knocks....

Playing with paper ... oh, and of course, still working on pin pillows and ...a little something for my Christmas tree.... sorry Karen, I know you don't want to hear it yet....but, it's not too early for me ...I need to begin now..or it won't get accomplished.  No waiting til the last minute this time.  It'll be on us before we know it and there is a lot to do yet........ must keep on top of things.