Showing posts with label electrical. Show all posts
Showing posts with label electrical. Show all posts

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Caution: ...may be toxic....

If only we could bag it and use it ....perhaps for hamster or gerbil shavings...but, pine, cedar and some others can be toxic to your little guys..... careful what you do use.  Sadly...I am just sweeping and tossing (I feel guilty as it must be good for something) ...mounds of the stuff!  All the new wires need newly drilled holes, because the old stuff just hung down from the ridge vent area at the top of the house.  These low slope roofs are a nuisance to renovate.

I wonder if my garden would appreciate some ..... hmmm...must look that up too.....

There are literally miles of wire hanging everywhere ....the electrician is here...has been for days.  Older homes need to be brought up to code.  If you see something ... you must change it if it is not up to code.  That's the law.  So...if the drywall is still in place and you don't actually see what is behind it ... okay....but...if the drywall is taken off and you see older code wiring must be replaced.  And... as usual, when we take off another sheet of drywall...we 'discover' things nobody knew were there....or things that need bringing up to date.  Sigh... it has become a total re-wiring job.

In other hen had chicks...hahahha.... Mr. BV snapped this the other night..... in the midst of chaos ...always a little pretty to admire ....