Showing posts with label rocks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rocks. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

I've been painting rocks..

Just small ones.

It's a "thing".  People all over the world are painting rocks and putting them in their yards and gardens.  The two little girls up the block have a pretty big collection of theirs out under a big is pretty colourful
I noticed one of their little signs encouraged people to leave a rock..   Originally the signs read... "take a rock, leave a rock" ...but, I think people just took them and they changed their it reads, "please don't take our rocks... leave yours for others to enjoy".

Here is their garden of rocks...

I decided to paint them a couple of faces to put in their garden. Here are my first attempts... they are like my dolls.  Seems the only thing I can actually draw or paint is a face.  I used my watercolour pencils .... and sprayed them with several coats of a finish spray ... hopefully it will help them to remain intact.  They do have big tree for some protection from the weather maybe they'll be okay.

I tried a little whimsical cat ... doesn't look like much... and, for somer night out in a storm and it was almost trashed  ........oh, well ....... 
So then I tried some wild sunflowers...... it was sort of okay... and, then, another girl.
My husband said, why don't you put some of them in our garden?  Hmmm... now why didn't I think of that?  So..I did a few more ...and, now....we have some in our yard too. 

Here they are on a large rock in our yard....I have since moved them to a darker rock..but, haven't taken a new photo yet.... more for our garden..... a brown eyed girl....                    

But, then......... Bernie decided he had to paint some rocks too.  Although, after his choice of paintbrush size...... his first words were .... "maybe I need a bigger rock""""    yeh.....right .....good one Bernie...

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Rock pilfering squirrels

Why do they do it?  I can't find anything scientific on it... only anecdotal evidence really... have you seen it?

They run into the yard... poke around in our decorator rock in the garden a rock .. sometimes they lick it a few times... get it situated in their mouths and run off with it.  They sometimes only go as far as the lawn... and, bury it.  Then, come back for another.  Last spring we found dozens of them in the lawn when we had it power raked.  We spent a lot of time plucking them out before running our own mower over the grass ...

Sometimes they take them across the street into neighbouring yards.  Apparently they are 'scatter hoarders'... meaning they put things all over the place for future.. what? with rocks? .. who knows ..

Often I find a quite large one on the sidewalk or out in the middle of the road... too big to get very far and they drop it and leave it I guess... most of the rocks in the yard are about 2 inches and bigger... we still have some that are from a previous batch of only smaller ones to two inches .....but those are disappearing quickly ...  they try poking around for those and then..just pick up a larger one and go with it... it's crazy... the one he has here is about 1.5 inches by about 1 inch.... the photo is a little dark, but click on it to enlarge and you can see it better.

Friday, April 24, 2009

the sun is shining....

I'm off to the beach! ....

....look, I have shells...... and, interesting pebbles.... even some stripey ones....
I pick them up if I notice them in my gravel around the yard. See, if you look at them in the camera lens, (in the plant pots).... you might think
they are on a beach somewhere... sort of........ mightn't you?

This pebble was painted by a Vancouver Island artist.... Haida tribal artwork.. I love little hummingbirds....

hey! get out of guys weren't invited !! We're having a beach party here..