Showing posts with label neopets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label neopets. Show all posts

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Secret Lab Map

In order to get the chocolate cybunny one must visit the Lab Ray. So I guess I need the map after all... So here are the pieces I have (highlighted green, no numbers) and the ones I need (numbered). If anyone has some pieces they're not going to use, I'd be happy to take them off your hands! ^_^

Monday, August 18, 2008


I have been so busy with a million other things that I haven't had time to visit Neopets much, but I got some time today...

The Jelly Keeper says 'Remember... only one helping per day!'

You take some Smelly Jelly!!! Congratulations!

Ew! Smelly jelly??? That just looks disgusting...

OMG did you know I got a warning from the Neopets team? I wanted to advertise the Meerca I had won and decided to sell on eBay; so I read and reread over & over and had Jacqueline read it and we couldn't see how this would be against the rules. And I didn't even post a link, just said it was on eBay, my seller name, and that it was the only one up. And they sent me a *warning* that I wasn't allowed to post links to ANY offsite places. Meh. I sent them a polite letter back through their comment thing, but I'll never hear back. I hope they don't ever freeze me for something stupid. I love my pets...

Wednesday, August 06, 2008


Today's random theme is: Glitter!

So cool! They have new glittery candies at the Chocolate Shop, and a glittery background, and glittery soap.... YAY GLITTER! ^_^

Sunday, August 03, 2008


Man I feel like one big commercial lately... sell-Sell-SELL!

Anyway, for you Neopets players out there, I have won one of only 1000 5" Authentic Collector Red Meerca Plush, and was hoping to win the Green Cybunny. I've offered a trade on the Neopets forums with no takers, so I am selling it on eBay. If you're interested, take a look!

Friday, July 25, 2008

More freaky jelly!

You take some Whole Thornberry Jelly!!! Congratulations!

The Strange Jelly Saga continues... LOL!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Continuing Saga of Strange Jellies

The Jelly Keeper says 'Remember... only one helping per day!'

You take some Fire Jelly!!! Congratulations!

Saturday, July 19, 2008


You take some Squished Jelly!!! Congratulations!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Bits & Pieces...

Do you know how I remember how to spell piece? (Yes, I do sometimes need mnemonic devices, not the point here...) You always take a PIEce of PIE, yes all that I before E stuff just didn't sink in... I am forever getting confused on those!

Last night I was lucky enough to snag a piece of rhubarb pie. *BLISS* I love rhubarb pie! I love it best with vanilla ice cream or cool whip, but it's been so long since I had it, that I was just happy to be having it at all. Nevermind that I also had several brownies and lots of fruit and even some fried dough! Yes, I had *real food* too: a hamburger, baked beans, potato salad, tomato and cucumber salad, and even some cheese cubes. We had a great time and the bugs were practically non-existant! Of course I paid for the bad eating with overnight indigestion, but I knew it was coming and it was worth it. It's not like an every day occurrence.

Wait, I think I got off on a tangent... I keep doing that lately.

Meanwhile the strange random jelly phenomena at Neopets continues:

You take some Whole Pinanna Jelly!!! Congratulations!

Hey have you checked out the new challenge for {stay}cation? I need to do the first *AND* second one now... I am planning a picnic for our [stay]cation, and I am for defs gonna use this website for some new and exciting ideas: 101 20-Minute Dishes for Inspired Picnics. Many thanks to PopFiend for linking me! (He also linked me to iDose and Creating a Life Plan, which I plan to explore more thoroughly when I have time...

But right now... well... We've moved the king sized mattress that we got from FreeCycle into the bedroom, and I think it's going to be a permanent thing. Sleeping on it the past 2 night has been pretty good for me, but I can't get into my bottom dresser drawer right now! LOL! (If anyone as a king sized platform bed frame lying about, we'd be happy to take it off your hands if you're not too far away...) So anyway, I've got some work to get done! Ta-ta for now! ^_^

Sunday, June 29, 2008

More Weird Jelly from Neopets

You take some Whole Chokato Jelly!!! Congratulations!


You carefully walk in and pick up a keychain from the pile of treasure, and then run quickly away!

*Squee!* I got a yellow Nimmo keychain! ^_^

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Today's Jelly...

Some of you might not find this as unusual as I do, but the standard jellies I get are glowing, poison, lime, and strawberry. Occasionally I'll get dung or lemon. But lately I've been getting rare jelly after rare jelly: Whole Blunella Jelly, Whole Kiwi Jelly, Whole Tigersquash Jelly, Snotty Jelly (ew), Peanut Butter Jelly... And today...

Raspberry Jelly

Stay tuned, folks, for who knows what tomorrow may bring!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Strange Jelly Saga Continues...

The Jelly Keeper says 'Remember... only one helping per day!'

You take some Whole Purplum Jelly!!! Congratulations!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Happy Summer Solstice!

Written on Friday, June 20, 2008
TodayYesterday, we held our Solstice ritual and feast! It was lovely! ^_^ There was much fun & revelry, and as usual, my fingers are black and sticky from roasting marshmallows! ^_^ Everything was finger food: watermelon, cantaloupe, peaches, nectarines, grapes, and cherries; bright orange cheese curls; hot dogs cooked on sticks; sunshiny orange cupcakes with lemon frosting; and s'mores!

Our Summer Solstice Feast

It's been cool, so the skeeterz weren't too bad, and I used the bug repellent so they didn't bug me too much at all... (Ha! Pun not intended but so welcome! ^_^) We took some time to write our annual letters to our future selves, then tied notes of things we wish to get rid of to the wicker man*. Jacqueline then told us all a story (from which we could draw our own lessons), and we all got to read our letters from last year. Then we headed out to the fire where we each got to take part in calling the quarters.

omg tired... need sleep nao...

Written on Saturday, June 21, 2008
And then I crashed... LOL! So yes, anyway...

Here we are about to cast the circle...

Yep, that's our Yule Tree!

Then we lit the bon fire. The tree went up pretty fast, the wicker man was burnt, and we spent a few moments reflecting on and discussing the things we wanted less of in the coming year: poverty, car problems, lack of self confidence, etc...

It burns, and with it our flaws...

Then we got to the feasting! ^_^ The kids had cut sticks for everyone, and we roasted hot dogs, and marshmallows, and the kids tried to roast some of the fruits, with mixed results. We all stuffed ourselves, and I could have eaten more but I was just so tired!

Cooking hot dogs is hot work...

So Jacqueline & I headed inside, where I attempted to document our celebration, but failed... XD When we went to bed, the kids were still outside roasting marshmallows and playing Organization IV.

Today it is over 80 and sunny, and although I was going to play outside, I am thinking it's too warm now, and I have been goofing off doing other things... But as I write, Jacqueline is packing up the perfect picnic lunch for us, and we are going to head over to Mexico Point Park for lunch, and hopefully we can swim... ^_^ If not, I might just be forced to stop where we can!

There are only 4 more days left of school with 3 of them 1/2 days, and I assume that I am done for the year. I was really surprized to get called for yesterday, though, so maybe I will get the chance to work some more... If not, I have faith that something will come along!

Heee... Like my new icon, BTW? ^_^ Get it? Rocks... on the beach... in summer regalia? XD

*The wicker man in our case isn't big or made of wicker or a man, but rather a small lady made of fallen twigs; this year sporting bright red hair (yarn scraps) made by Lia. I wish I had gotten a picture... Oh I kinda did! He's there on the table with our feast in the first pic, behind the bread, next to the ketchup, in front of the marshmallows & chocolate! ^_^


Some links for those of you that play...

Free food for your pets...

Six Flags

Saturday, June 07, 2008


My RingPop Bling Ring Celeb Rating is Cotton Candy Bubble Gum or maybe it's Cherry... Both flavors I love! ^_^

What's yours?

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Neopets Nonsense

Don't forget to go and get your monthly freebiesBlounsi got a Clawmatoe, BunnyKissd got Shrimptail with Kelp Sauce, Dreamy_Phin got a Fried Chicken Breast, and GrundiGolem got a Cheese Tortilla.  Yum!  And the free 2000 NP isn't half bad either!  ^_^

BunnyKissd's fishing skill is 135.
Dreamy_Phin's fishing skill is 133.
GrundiGolem's fishing skill is 139.
Blounsi's fishing skill is 135.

You take some Whole Tigersquash Jelly!!! Congratulations!

I've been getting the WEIRDEST jellies lately!  Robot, mint... now this!  LOL!

Thursday, May 22, 2008


Today at the Giant Omelette...

Something has happened!
OH NO! There has been an avalanche in Tyrannia, and Giant Omelette has been buried. In order to get rid of all of the boulders why not play a game of Destruct-O-Match III.

Sunday, April 27, 2008


Something has happened!
An ugly bug sits here eating a Scabu. He says 'Im going to eat all your Neopets food when you arent looking!!!'

And I won a Galleon Wall Clock from Tarla!

And Blounsi walks slowly up to the strange shrine, where Coltzan said, "I will do what I can to help you," and Blounsi has gained 1 level!  Cool!

Sunday, April 13, 2008



You reel in your line and get...

Flask of Rainbow Fountain Water!

Your pet's fishing skill increases to 130!

GrundiGolem's fishing skill is 130.
BunnyKissd's fishing skill is 125.
Blounsi's fishing skill is 124.
Dreamy_Phin's fishing skill is 123.

OMGOMGOMG... Do you *know* what the Flask of Rainbow Fountain Water can do????

BunnyKissd could finally become the chocolate cybunny she wants to be!!!
No finding all the lab maps and then blasting her daily with a ray risking not only her gender, but her species as well! Just poof! Chocolate!

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Fishing with my NeoPets

Blounsi's fishing skill increases to 83!
BunnyKissd's fishing skill is 81.
Dreamy_Phin's fishing skill is 83.
GrundiGolem's fishing skill is 91.