Showing posts with label swimming. Show all posts
Showing posts with label swimming. Show all posts

Thursday, June 03, 2010

Swimming in May!

About a week ago we went swimming, and although everyone else got in, I was too chicken... I got sprayed by waves and waded up to my knees or so, but it was COLD! I did get some great family photos though! Here's some of the best pics:

Jacqueline got a new suit a few months back; now it's too big!

And I haven't found a new suit yet, but I'm going be *swimming* in mine too soon!

Lia got in first, but I am not sure if she was ready!

Ant & Jacqueline splash about...

Here are the girls!

A dramatic shot with the sunset behind us...

Another dramatic one; can you tell I posed us?

Chillin' at Flatrock...

I think Ant was getting sick of the picture taking by this time...

Lia jumps...

Esme hovers...

and JoAnn flies...

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Photo Manip Class is Over

I feel a bit short changed because 2 of the days were "self-checks" and not actual tutorials (down with unnecessary testing!), but for a free course it was pretty good. If anyone is interested in seeing the 14 I mean 12 13 photos I have manipulated for this class (I did 2 for the 11th tutorial), hop on over to my deviantArt. Here's the final project:

Thursday, January 01, 2009

New Year's Eve Party

No not mine... We did have fun though! Special punch to toast the New Year in, and watching the ball drop on the internet...

But the real point of my post is to join in the party they're having over at The Roost, where everyone is gathering to post their Favorite 10 Photos from 2008. But you know me! I couldn't pick just 10! So I decided to pick one from each month, and I couldn't even stop there! LOL!

So without further ado, I give you my Top 10 Photos of 2008:

January 08 was cold of course, but there were birds at our feeder! Here I've captured a blue jay and a chickadee...

February was spent primarily indoors. This is picture of Bunny one afternoon when Jacqueline & I were scrapping...

March was still very cold, but the sun on the snow & ice is always so pretty...

April brought the first flowers! This one looks about to kiss the sky...

This one was taken Memorial Day. Emma was showing the Esme & JoAnn her new camera...

By June we were finally swimming and loving every minute of it!

Flat Rock in July, our favorite time & place...

Me, August 2008. Lots of twilight swims during the summer for us...

Our sunflowers got a late start and didn't start blooming until September! This was one of our favorites...

A twilight walk in October at Sterling Nature Center, look at the gorgeous poison ivy growing up the tree!

The November moon, always a beautiful sight...

Just this month! Lia climbs up Ant's snowman while Ant shovels off the roof...

BONUS! I couldn't leave these out no matter how hard I tried to stay to 10 12...

Ten ran away from home this fall; I hope it's not because I made her share the seat with me...

And Saten passed away not long after. He always did the silliest things for such a dignified old man...

Thursday, September 04, 2008


This was most likely the last swim of the season... :::le sigh:::

Friday, August 15, 2008

365-20-something and a few...

Tuesday, August 12th - Sitting on the rocks while the waves try to get my toes wet again...

And it seems Wednesday went by undocumented, thus...

Thursday, August 14th - What's that I hear?

OMG it's Christmas music!  o.O  Inspired no doubt by the catalogue our postal carrier delivered today...

Sunday, August 03, 2008


Woo-hoo! The swimsuit edition! ^_^

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Mermaid Summer

Perhaps it's presumptuous of me to assume we're going to go swimming as much as I hope to, especially with gas prices going the way they are, and the way summer work is looking, but I am moving forward with positive intentions and have dubbed the summer of 2008:
Mermaid Summer

We've already begun by reading some of the Emily Windsnap books and Mermaid Park by Beth Mayall, and we've watched Splash and will soon be getting Aquamarine from Netflix.

In addition to books and movies, we'll be playing mermaid ourselves at the lake, and doing all kinds of mermaid crafts too! So do you have any good mermaid books or movies or crafts you want to share? I'd love some suggestions!

Friday, June 06, 2008

Summer sometimes isn't the greatest...

Oh. Em. Gee. It is so hot today... Over 90. Ok so that's in the house, but over 80 outside!

So after working for 3 hours doing tedious reading lessons in a room that had to be over 90 (the other reading teachers wouldn't even open the window and there is no A/C!!!), when I got home we headed straight for the lake. The water level is still pretty high; so we had to cross a long stretch of slippery rock in ankle to knee deep water, before we could even attempt to get in. And when we got there, we decided it might just be ok to sit on the edge of the ledge, which made it waist-deep water, with our toes in the FRIGID deeper ice water. But the girls just splashed right in at their usual spot and dipped themselves several times before declaring it more fun to sun themselves like lizards on the rocks and roleplay their Organization IV characters (based on Org. XIII in Kingdom Hearts).

Ant jumped in too this time, but got right out and sat beside us (on the dry rocks) discussing the pros and cons of getting in. Eventually, emboldened by a group of college or high school boys who just charged in, I decided I *had* to dive in. So I did a quick affirmation: I am an Arctic Mermaid! Cold water has no effect on me! I am insulated! *giggle* Like a sea lion! :::patting thighs::: And I did it! And it was glorious! And farking cold too! But I made myself go back under after my initial dive to swim back. I wanted to swim forever! However, like Ant, I immediately got right out and sat beside Jacqueline warming myself in the sun. We discussed the pros and cons some more, since now I also had input, and it was decided that since Jacqueline had made herself shivery cold just dangling her feet, that it was unnecessary for her to get all the way in. So we made our way back across the slippery rocks and eventually back home.

Sadly, little Dork-a-boo went off to her godmother's for the weekend soon after. :( She will be missed.

Soon after that, Jacqueline headed outside to change the laundry on the line. I peeked out the window and she looked very hot and tired, so I asked if she wanted my help. She said no way, because she was covered with mosquitoes, and she is not allergic. :P When she came in, she told me she was all bumpy, but of course I was distracted and didn't even look, but later when she was in the front cooking the hot dogs, not only could I see the mosquitoes on her (and in a huge cloud between me & her), but I could see all her bumps! ;-; And yet they don't itch her at all... which of course makes me very jealous... of course she still feels them on her and sucking her blood! /fake-Dracula-voice

And even though she tried to protect me from them, they still get me. I am all covered with itchy little red bumps. And every time I feel a hair brush my arm or shoulder, or feel a little prickly from the sun or a droplet of sweat, I think it's a mosquito and I get all jumpy which makes me itch even worse... I remember it not effecting me so much. Not noticing. But now, I remember *why* I like the cooler weather, even though the whole while I complain that I wish it was warm enough to swim... *whine* We either need to move where it's warm enough to swim more often, get our own pool (which would be warm enough already), or get a membership to an indoor pool...

Anyway, I have tons of email to read, and bunches of pages on LJ and other blogs I want to read, and I think none of it is going to get done tonight because I need to shower (4th time today) and then get some sleep...

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Scrappy Happenings

So it's June first everyone! Happy soon-to-be-summer! In case you weren't aware, there were a few scrappy happenings today:
  • The first was that a whole new batch of PageMaps just came out. As usual the website is MOBBED and their servers are having a hard time keeping up, but tomorrow should be a little better if you want to download the PDF of all their great sketches.

  • Also, Scrapbook Dimensions put up their free desktop wallpaper of the month. You get to add your own photo, and don't worry about giving them your email, I only get one newsletter a month and it reminds me to go check out the wallpaper!

  • And last but not least, pcCrafter has a new font to download for the month: PC Chalk for June.

Yesterday was our first trip to Flat Rock of the season and the water was FRIGID! We're talking toe-numbing cold! But the girls - those bone thin little things - all got in and fully submerged at least once each! JoAnn did it like three times!!! Of course, it was hot & sunny at home but the minute we headed up to the lake it started to get overcast and was raining by the time we got there. We didn't let that stop us though! After the girls thoroughly froze themselves, and Ant & I numbed our toes (Note: Jacqueline was the only one smart enough to not even bother trying.), we all headed back home, under a sunny blue sky! :P Anyway, I can't wait to scrap the pics; here are a few of the best:
Click for full-size...
Flat Rock
Cold and grey while we were there...
...but the girls bravely immersed themselves!
Ant & Diana
Antonio & I couldn't find a place to just jump in...
...but Lia didn't mind braving the slippery rocks
to find the best place for jumping in...
Half full, my friends, and not the wrong beverage at all...

Today, we went to the Super Walmart grocery shopping. OMG... I think the entire city of Fulton was there... We were so on sensory overload by the time we left, we nearly killed each other. We didn't though, and we treated ourselves to an impromptu picnic in the closest cemetery with one of those scrumptious Subway subs split 3 ways, between Jacqueline, Lia, and I.

When we got home it was practically time for Jacqueline to start dinner. She grilled hangaburgs over a wood fire, and they were SOOOOO good. I hurt my foot though, in a dumb way of course. We decided to move the grill a bit after she started the fire, and silly me went out barefoot to help. Of course, a few hot coals slipped out the bottom without us noticing when we moved it, and well, I stepped on one. I stepped on it good and long before the heat made it through my callouses, but it doesn't appear damaged, just feels sore. :\

Well, I am off to bed for the night. I am hoping to put up a sketch tomorrow and maybe a LO based on it... We'll see how work goes! Nighterz!

Thursday, August 09, 2007


Today we went swimming and there were lots of big waves... it's always strenuous to swim then, but so fun! I am so glad I am not as afraid as I was last year... The waves today were much higher than the waves in this video that Terry took last year. That's Lia, dancing around like a monkey, and Jacqueline & I behind her on the rock letting the waves wash over us. The man with his kids in the background is doing what we all did today, only like I said, the waves were bigger! ^_^

EDIT: You may need to give the video a while to finish "processing" at you-tube before it will show here...