Showing posts with label wishlist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wishlist. Show all posts

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Wish Upon a Hero

A friend showed me this site, and I think it's a wonderful idea!

Wish Upon a Hero

You can put up a wish for people to grant, or you can search through other people's wishes and see if there are any you can grant! And they're not all huge greedy things! Some people just want prayers or cards, others need real help, and yes, there are a few who are hoping to find something they just *want* - but that's ok too!

Check it out!

Sunday, July 20, 2008


When your 10-year old leaves you $1 and change with a note saying it's for rent because she doesn't want to move, and your almost 16-year-old can't wait to turn 16 so he can get a job, not to make money for video games or a car, but to help the family, it makes you do strange things...

Despite our best intentions to move forward joyfully and positively, we find ourselves being dragged down by unending worry. Our children shouldn't have to concern themselves with our bills. We were able to borrow some money and have $200 from that, some of which will need to go for gas and groceries. Rent is $600. It seems like an astronomical sum to me to come up with in less than 2 weeks.

If it helps, you can think of it as a birthday gift to any one of the birthdays coming up this week...

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

:::le sigh:::

Oh to be able to afford to go to this ($80 per person for the weekend)...

To stay in the Convention Center Hotel (all booked already)...

To have costumes and fun things to wear (sadly lacking in my closet)....

To have someone watch the kids while we go (um yeah...)