Showing posts with label sleep. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sleep. Show all posts

Friday, July 04, 2008

Summer Nap

Robins and chickadees
and birds I don't know
sing songs to each other
across the yard
Crickets and cicadas
call out for a mate
and the neighbor mows
his yard
Children laugh
and scream in joy
somewhere in the distance
but nothing stirs in the room
save a housefly
buzzing in the window
and dust motes
lazing in a beam of sunlight
that creeps
ever higher
up the walls

Thursday, April 24, 2008


I can only do so much before I crash... I can either read and reply to my email, I can read LJ & a few other blogs, I can post to my blogs, or I can just screw the whole damn computer and go sleep. Which is probably what I should have been doing, but...

This week I haven't been keeping up much at all. I tried paring my list down, it doesn't work... I love my friends, I don't want to *cut* any of them...

Anyway, what I'm trying to say with my jell-o-fied, sleep-deprived brain is that if you've said something important you better tell me to go look or comment with it here, because I don't know if I'll have an opportunity anytime soon to go back and read everything...

And everyone knows if you don't comment on someone's entry within the first 36-48 hours, you might as well not comment because they'll have forgotten what they wrote, and wonder why you're not commenting on their more recent posts! LOL!

I'm going bed... do your thang, peoples...

EDIT: I have no idea why semagic always posts this 4 hours earlier than I really post it. And it even put it ahead of the one I posted a little while ago... *BLAH* I'm going to bed...