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Showing posts with label Awards. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Awards. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Second Place Isn't Bad Either...

This morning I awoke to find that Brae had won the Blog of the Year 2013 award.  I was not surprised.  She writes a good blog with a lot of information.

I am happy with second.  After all, as I stated early on about five years ago, I am writing this as a record of my accomplishments in mini with tutorials and a few other things on the side.  If anyone reads what I write, it is an added bonus.  I had first place for two years and it is about time to pass it on.

I want to thank all of the people that have stuck with me all this time and some that have jumped aboard along the way. I will continue to blog daily and I hope that some of you will stick around.  I like the company. So does Tessie!

Brae, Congratulations on your win! It is well deserved.

More Later today.  See you then.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Third Time's a Charm!

Here we go again... When I got up this morning, I couldn't find Tessie!  Nowhere in the house.  Then it dawned on me where I would find her.

Yesterday I got an e mail, notifying me that, for the third year in a row, I am nominated for's "Best Miniature Blog of the Year" award.

Yes, with Tessie's help, I have won the past two years.  Don't tell her, but I couldn't have done it without her!

That's how I knew that she would be out campaigning.  I doubt that the campaigning that she is doing will help.  At least not where she is doing it.  Not to many pedestrians walk down our street.

Yup.  She was out on the front sidewalk, with her sign. I grabbed her by the scruff of the neck and brought her inside.  It's a bit cold out there to be walking around in bare feet, without a coat.  She came, kicking and screaming, "How can I campaign, if I don't carry the sign?"

The rules are, one person, one vote every twenty four hours.  This year they have one of those irritating "prove you are a person" thingies to fill out every time you vote. Here's the addy for voting.  It's about half way down the page.
I came back in the house and started working on the stone work on the back of the house.I heard Tessie mumbling to Zar in the living room whilst I worked, "I have some stiff competition this year, so I am counting on each and every vote." She really does think that this is all about her.  Oh well... Isn't everything?

I made the mistake of standing back to look at the stones...I don't like them shaped like the stairs.  I am going to have to go back and break them up and maybe extend them up on the wall.

Last but not least...I designed this rug pattern last night.  There are still a few areas that I need to work on, but when I get it done, I will post a larger photo so that you can stitch along, if you wish to do so. 

 This is the first design I came up with for Zar's living room. I may try a couple more designs. It's a bit bigger than the one in there now.  The center will not be white.

This one is a take off from one in an old Peerless Rugs catalog....Probably at least 15 years ago...Did I mention that I save everything?  There are other designs in that issue that would also be suitable, but I kind of like this one because it breaks up the severe lines of most of the other stuff in the room.  We shall see.

Anyway, Tessie has gone back out on the sidewalk again.  I have to go get her.  It is going to be windy later today and I wouldn't want her to get carried away...Please go vote, so I don't have to chase her down every day!

See you tomorrow.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Look to the Right!

The announcement for Best Miniature Blog for 2012, by About. com was made this morning. WE won for the second year in a row. Thank you for all of your votes and support for the last month! Tessie is off somewhere celebrating right now....She and the rest of the crew are partying up a storm. I am left all alone to work and write....How sad?....This should be twice as fast as usual. I need to find something for them to celebrate more often....Back to work. I have three very boring photos to show you this morning. Please keep reading. There are prettier photos to be seen later.

I am working on the slate roof now. Very gray and very blah so far. The first step is to put a wash over the whole side to cover the printing on the cartons. It IS a wash. Very watered down paint. It is a mixture of Ceramcoat Hippo Gray, Charcoal, and White to start. I don't want three separate colors, but I don't want one solid color either, so I mix as I go. Before I am done, I will have gone over it many times. A dab here and a dab there to change the color of different areas. In the second photo, I have scored between the wet shingles on the bottom eight rows. You can clearly see where I stopped.

The top part doesn't have as much wash on it and is drying fast. I will go back in and do some more painting and then score that part.

It is hard to tell what I did with the painting in the photos. In a couple of places you can see where I have made it a little darker at the top of the shingles, under the next course to make the edges stand out. Basically, I fuss with it until it looks right.I tend to use the same approach that I would use if I were doing a painting of a roof. Darkness under the front edges here and there and lighter tones dry brushed on the bottom edges to further emphasize the contrast.

Here it is with all of the basic scoring. I will go back in and do it again in some areas, where it doesn't seem to show as much.

Paint and score. Paint and score some more.

When I get the paint part looking the way I want it, I will let it dry thoroughly and then start shading with Prismacolor Pencils. That's when the roof starts to really look more like slate than egg cartons.

Hang in there. This is going to take a couple of days. Meanwhile, here is something to keep you amused.....Remember I promised you pretty photos at the start of this? Here you go. I stumbled upon this site this morning. There are over 4,000 wonderful photos of cottages from all over the world. I have not had time to explore it fully yet, but I think that I am going to be distracted a lot by this site. I want to build at least ten different ones so far.

If you double click the first photo you will get a larger view. If you double click that one, it will take you to the slide show. For those of you that don't know, as well as setting the time of each slide to a number of seconds, you can go down and pause it. Then when you go back up(still on pause) you can stay on each photo as long as you want until you click it to move. No pausing and then clicking it to go again that way.

Have a wonderful day, wandering around the world, dreaming of the next house you are going to build in mini. I know I will....No, wait. I have to finish the Weaver's Workshop.

See you tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Queen for a Day.....

This morning, when Tessie heard the news about the Miniature Blog of the year award from, she was ecstatic. Her first reaction was...."I did it! ME!!! My blog!!!". It took a while to calm her down.

Then I quietly reminded her that she wasn't the only one involved. She answered with, "Of course, you get credit for running the typewriter thingy. And helping me make some of the minor miniatures....I did most of the work."

After doing a few dance steps around the room, she announced, "I am Queen. At least for today. I need a crown and scepter. Oh! And a castle, throne and maybe a fancy rug to keep my feeties warm."

I went and pulled the box with egg carton stones from the top shelf. I had to kick the Prince of Persia out, but it served the purpose of a castle backdrop. One of Tessie's tiger skin chairs would sufice as a throne.

I then stole Cordelia's living room rug....She won't miss it. She has been over at Eskiaga's place since the Christmas, turned New Year's party....It is a perpetual party and seems to move to another place as soon as the drinks and snacks are gone. Which reminds me....I need to make more snacks.

It's easy to make Tessie happy. I got out some gold paper trim, doubled it and formed it into a crown. She came bouncing in with Zar's mesmerizer. "This will do for a scepter."

I ducked my head and yelled, "Tessie! Stop waving that thing around. It's dangerous!"

I fear that we are going to have to do another, larger crown. Tessie tried the one on that I made to fit her head.

It's three sizes too small. In fact, Spike got into the act....He thinks like Cinderella. If the crown fits, he is king.

Oh dear. We are now in Bloglandia. It is run by a delusional witch and a megalomaniac dog.

I don't know about you, but I am running for cover. Thank you all again for voting for us. If you need me I will be hiding behind that chair in the corner. Tessie already turned Spike into a handsome prince. Who knows what's next?

Whilst Tessie is sleeping tonight, I will abscond with all of the paraphernalia and convince her that the whole thing, with the exception of the win, was a fantastic dream.....

See you tomorrow.

Extra! Extra! Read All About It!!!

It is official. Tessie is the best! As usual, I do the typing and Tessie gets the credit. If you would like to read about the results, go here.

Thank you Miniatures and thank you to the people that nominated the blog. And thank you, most of all, to the people that hung in there and voted for Tessie and me every day. It has been fun.

This is the old Tessie. See....There really isn't a difference. I still think that it's the new hairdo that makes her look different. The old hair was frizzy and fried. Oh and the deep breathing exercises help too.....

Thanks again. See you later with a regular entry.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Appeased for the Present.....

No pun intended....But Tessie is appeased. Maybe I should have said with the presents.

Since I am not showing you Kim's chair for now, I will have to show you my payment for taking care of April's cat and chickens next week....Yes, she is a trusting soul and paid me in advance. She didn't really have to pay me at all. I enjoy visiting her animals when she is away.

We met for coffee and a bit of running around this morning and ended up at the UNICEF Store. It is one of our favorite places to at least browse, and sometimes buy.

I picked up this wooden box from Thailand and showed it to her. She told me that she would buy it as payment for chicken sitting. All that and eggs too!

When I got home, Tessie grabbed the stump and immediately declared it a new table for her townhouse....Little did she know that, that was exactly what I had in mind.

Something to assuage her feelings for not working on her townhouse was my intention. She was doubly excited when she found out that the top swiveled to one side and she could hide things inside.

Everything that I took out of the shopping bag went straight into her hot little hands.

Maybe I should say she grabbed it all....I am trying hard to be nice.

She also grabbed a magnifying glass from Tibet. That one, I am going to take away from her. It is meant to be a necklace for me.

She held it up in front of her face and said, "See how much bigger I get when I hold this in front of me? I'm almost as big as Zar!" Her fuzzy way of looking at things never ceases to amaze me...

After I parted with April, I stopped at a quilt shop that was on my way home.

I found three fat quarters of fabric that will do for mini use. Guess who has custody of them now? Yup....

You may have to poke the photo and make it bigger to see. The top one is actually printed with a mini basket weave. I thought that it might be fun to make some boxes and cover them with this print.

The middle one is for a shirt for Zar, if I can get it away from you know who....

The third one is just a fun one and I liked the colors....Unfortunately, Tessie does too.

So much for I mean Tessie's presents. She is standing guard over everything right now. Sooner or later she will tire of the whole thing. Then I can hide everything but the new table...

Just a reminder.....There are only today and tomorrow left for you to vote for Reader's Choice Miniature Blog. Then Tessie will stop carrying that sign around, I hope. Thank you for all that you have done so far.... Only two days to go.

See you tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

She's Driving Me Crazy!

Last night I decided to do some work on the blog site. Where was I when they changed the whole system? I almost lost the background. It was replaced with something baby blue and pink! ICK! Not Tessie colors. I did finally get mine back, but now the header photo is off to one side and so far, it is refusing to move.

It' s not easy working on a blog layout when you have not a clue about the new way of doing things. It's doubly bad when Tessie is trying to help.

She hung over the top of the screen shouting orders. "No! Don't put that there!" and "Put a photo of me on that side!"

I did manage to get a few things back where they belonged. And I finally figured out how to get the logo for the Reader's Choice Awards to work as a link.

I was about to take the other link down when Tessie marched in with her sign. If you look to the left, you can see her fuzzy logic at work.....She wouldn't let me take down the old link that says " Miniatures". Why? She thinks that everybody will get to vote twice.....Not so. One vote per person, per day. That's the rule.

Anyway, now you can go either way, up or down to get to the polls. Please do exercise your right to vote. There is still another week to go. Tessie and I really appreciate all of your support. You rock!

I am now going to go and try to finish going through the list of entries for the drawing. Then I am going out and cut down more frozen foliage in the back yard.

Just after I took this last photo, Tessie bounced down to the keyboard and started tap dancing. I asked her what in the world she was doing....Her reply?

"I am like those monkeys that type until they write a Shakespeare play..... Then huffing and puffing, she finished with, "If I jump up and down on the keys long enough maybe I will type in another vote for me!"

I give up. As usual, arguing or trying to explain things to her has no effect what so ever.

Thank you for your votes. Past, present and hopefully, future.

See you later.

I'm back, but not for long....Tessie and I spent a lot of the day on the patio....76 degrees. I finished potting the replacements for most of the plants on the patio, that died.

Tessie is faking you out. That looks like a cactus, but it is a euphorbia, masquerading as a cactus. Not really any thorns.

Anyway, no minis were accomplished today. Thanks for all of the new votes today!

See you tomorrow.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Voting Can Be Fun!

Good morning! I'm so excited! Two days ago I received an e mail from Lesley Shepherd at It was to inform me that I was nominated as one of five finalists in their "Reader's Choice Awards" for miniature blog of the year. Thank you to the readers that nominated me.

Since their miniature site was one of the very first places I bookmarked when I started with the computer, I was honored.

The voting started last night at midnight. Each reader can vote once a day until March 8, 2011. The winner will be announced on March 15, 2011.

When I told Tessie, she was so excited that she fell off of the desk whilst jumping up and down. When she climbed back up where she belonged, She immediately started rehearsing an acceptance speech, a la Sally Field. "You like me....You really like me!" And then, "I would like to thank the academy...."

About then, I clamped my hand over her mouth, to get a word in edgewise. "No Tessie! We didn't win. We are nominated. Now we have to wait and see what happens."

I am up against some other blogs that are really good. It was as cool just to be one of the five...Of course I do want to win. I won't lie. Please go look at the entries on Lesley's blog and then vote for the one you like best....

I just looked over and Tessie has started a write in campaign. Yup. You guessed it.

She finished the sign and has been marching up and down the desk with it.

I should warn you...Tessie is watching you.....Please go vote for the blog of your choice. I promise not to tell her who you vote for.

I can't seem to get the above badge to work as a connection to the voting site. So this is the actual site that has all of the nominees and the place to vote.

I will be on pins and needles until March 15th.

To anybody that hasn't been here before, "Welcome!" and feel free to wander around as long as you like. There are lots of things to see and do. That really goes for the regulars too. I enjoy your company. See you tomorrow.

Friday, January 28, 2011

An Award...Twice

Last night I received this award from Maria Jose over at Mi Mini Rincon. This morning I also received it from Kathi at Beautiful mini Blessings
It originated from Arte y Pico My Spanish is not very good but I think that it is for creating great art. At least that's what Babel Fish tells me.
Thank you both so much. I am supposed to pass it on to five others, if I am understanding it right. It's not easy choosing just five, but here goes.
In no special order.
Dollhouse Miniature Furniture/Tutorials/ 1 Inch Minis
Go see these mini people. They are fun to visit.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Strange Men In Pinstripe Suites....

I don't know whether to be honoured or scared....Nikki over at Witch and Wizard Miniatures had given me the Strange Men in Pinstripe Suits Blog Award....It does say,"or in certain cases a Strange Woman.

I can't say that I have ever worn a pinstripe suit, but I have had a few people call me strange. Thanks Nikki.

The award originated with Cate Gardner whe is celebrating the pre-release of her book of the same title. Here's her blog link.

She has some contest and prize give aways over there.
Now I quote my friend Nikki....To accept this award, you have to do some "strange" things...
"Go forth and celebrate the strangeness of friends(and strangers ,who are always allowed)by nominating seven blogs run by strange folks.

To take part, these are the roules and also how to enter the competition.

1. Add the logo of the award to your blog post.

2. Add the link to the person who awarded it to you(Don't mess with strange people.)

3.Nominate seven other blogs telling us why you think the recipient is strange enough to deserve the award.

4. Leave a message for those nominated on their blogs.

5. If you e mail and tell her you've received the award for your strangeness, she'll enter you in the Strange Men competition. Details at the above link.

Now for the seven....However, all of my nominees seem perfectly normal to me....Perfectly normal.

1. Kathi at Beautiful Mini Blessings. She has a rabid hate for balsa wood....LOL
2. Ara at The Addams Family Mini Mansion Not at all strange. I love her mini Addams family....
3. Daisy at Antique Daisy She likes to dable and jumps from one project to another just like I do....No strangeness here....
4. Keli at iseecerulean. She is currently in love with a new saw.....If you go to her site you will see a photo of her hugging the saw in question.....Not odd at all...I understand hugging new power tools.
5. Kat at Kittle Thoughts From an Average Mind This is a paleontologist that does minis and fibre arts....I am still waiting for her to go into paleontology mode.
6. Tiffany at Mini Mischief She has two beautiful dollhouses just sitting there waiting patiently to be worked on. Not strange at all...
7. Brae at blog She is a most original miniaturist. Never the same thing twice. Very strange? Nope. Just unafraid.

Ok, that's my seven. Time for you all to go out and find some other strange people.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

An Award

Anna M. of Freaky Keen Sent me a new award. I am going to cheat on this one. She stated that she thought that it had to go to 15 other bloggers. I am not willing to pick and choose, so I am giving this to all of the blogs that I follow. I am not going to play favorites! I love them all.

Thanks Anna!
It is really a cute award.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Welcome and an Award

I am being a good blogger....I am not letting the welcomes get away from me this time.

Welcome to the party!

First there is Julie. I have no info on her. Julie, if you have a blog, please let me know so that I can adjust this.

Second is Carol of True2Scale Lots of neat stuff to look at and she has some great book covers to use.

Third is Rapunzel. Again, I have no info on her. Please tell me if you have a blog. I will add it.

Now for the award....It is the Trendy Treehouse Award. A big thanks to Lena of Miniatyrmama This is one that should be sent on to ten other trendy blogs.....I can't really pick just ten. I am giving this to all of the people that put up with my nonsense every day. You know who you are. So here you go. Pass it on.

Thanks again Lena!

Friday, April 9, 2010

An Award from Julia

Julia over at Bearcabinminiatures notified me that this was waiting for me over on her blog.
Thank you so much Julia. It is a beautiful award. As I understand it, I am to pass it on to five other bloggers, so here goes.
In no particular order...
Antique Daisy at She shares her name with my favorite grandma. Daisy has a lot of neat minis to look at.
Kathi at Beautiful Mini Blessings Always a joy to see what she is doing at her beach house.
Dale at Dale's Dreams A great place to go and dream of minis.
Susanna of Elämää Koosa 1:12 Beautiful Finnish minis. The drinks that she just put up make me thirsty.
Carolyn of Fab Shabby Roses You should see her crocheted bed dolls!
Back to work. See you tomorrow.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

A New Award

Michelle, over at Michelle's Mad World has given me the Sunshine Award. Now I have to list six blogs that I enjoy. This is not easy. I would like to send it to all of the blogs that I follow. I enjoy them all. I will pick out six, but I am really sending it to all of you.

My six for today are...Kat from Little Thoughts From an Average Mind.
Kathi at Beautiful Mini Blessings
Christel Jensen at Little Treasure
Kim at Flowers and Art
Katie at Katie's Clay Corner
Congrats to all!
An edit....It seems that Julia over at Bearcabin Miniatures has also given me this award. Thank you Julia. I am going to cheat and say that the six above blogs count for yours too.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

A New Award...

Kathi of Beautiful Mini Blessings has created a new award. I am honored to be one of the first to receive it. I especially like it because of Snoopy. Walter is a big Snoopy fan and I have a small collection of them in different costumes.

It is called the Friendship Award. Here's what she says."The rules are simple. Just pick three friends - I know that's hard! Choose someone who has inspired you or brought joy into your life. Let them know how much you appreciate them by giving them this award and ask them to pass it on! Then please link back to this post so I can see who receives this award! That's it! Hope you enjoy sharing this award with your friends!" Thank you so much Kathi, I am honored!

If I could, I would pass it on the each and every one that I have met in blogland. Since Kathi says it has to be three, I am going to pass it to three.

I have to pass it to Katie at Katie's Clay Corner Katie and I share a rather strange sense of humor when it comes to minis, cats and other beasties.

Next I will pass it on to Tiffany at Mini Mischief We are both short red heads and can manage to get into trouble in any art or craft that we find the least bit interesting.

And third, Rosanna at La Stanza Di Giuggiola She lives in the most beautiful town in Italy and makes beautiful minis, especially the needlework!

OK. It's your turn to spread the Snoopy Friendship award.

Welcome and Awards...

We have several new party goers. First we have . I am correcting this one. Esen very kindly wrote and gave me the right addy for her blog. It is bright and beautiful, now that I have found it.
Then there is Daisy of Antique Daisy at She is just starting a blog. Please go see. Nice minis. There is also Chris V of Candid Canine She has several blogs. I will lead you to the first one which will lead you to the others. Go visit. Interesting stuff. Welcome to all. Have a cupcake and stay as long as you like.

Now about the awards. I have several people that have added to the awards list of Creatif Blogger. C. from Confessions of a Minin Addict . There was one in Spanish from Sofia, but I couldn't find a website for her. I am not sure which the award was.

Then there was the Dream Blog Award from Rosanna at La Stanza di Giuggiola
And also from Cristina at Crisminiaturas
And from Elosia at Casa De Bonecas De Elosia
And from Julie at Yummy Miniature Foods From the Crow

Thanks to all of you for passing on the awards to me. I appreciate each and every one. I have already done both of these awards before, so I am going to cheat and give them to all of my followers this time. Go and visit all of the above sites. You will be in for a treat at every one.

I am off to the TMS Miniature Show this morning. I will report back later today. I am NOT taking Tessie along! She would want one of everything!

See you later.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Welcome and Awards!

First of all, I have some new people at the party. They are Minicrochetmad at a blog of the same name. You have to see her increcible mini crocheted teddy bears!

Then there is Christinalorite_bcn and KatheeVZ. They are incognito....No info on either of them.

Welcome to the party!

The other order of business is an award....Thrice. I am assuming that I only have to do the questions once and pass it on to 7 people, not 21.

I received this one last night from Kathi at Beautiful Mini Blessings
This morning I got up and found it two more times.

First, from Lena at Miniatyrmama in Sweden. Then just now from

Julia at Bear Cabin Miniatures She sent me a comment telling me that I had it from her whilst I was writing this!

Anyway, all three sent me this one. Thank you all!

Here are the rules for the award:
1.Thank the person who gave this to you.
2.Copy the logo and place it in your blog.
3.Link the person who nominated you.
4.Name 7 things about yourself that no one would really know.
5.Nominate seven "Kreativ Bloggers"
6.Post links to the seven blogs you nominate.
7.Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know that you nominate them.


OK. Tessie here. I am taking over. Casey is taking a breakfast break. Seven things that you don't know about ME!!!
1. I don't like pickles.
2. I want a pet elephant, but Casey won't let me have one. She says that she doesn't want to clean up after it.
3. I know about Zar's secret room. He just thinks he has me fooled.
4. I am a really good witch. Casey doesn't know it, but I go in and wave a finger at the workroom and it gets all icky. I love to make her work. I could sit and watch for hours. I find all kinds of neat new things when she does.
5. I AM going to get my way about Spiderwort Manor! It will be big! Gigantic! Humongus!
6. You know I don't wear shoes.....You just don't know that I have three hundred, forty two pair stashed in a secret place. I keep buying them. Non feel right.
7. And the top thing that you don't know about me.....Well maybe you kind of do.....I RULE!!!

OK. Back to Casey. I hope that she doesn't scroll up and see the above.... I wiped her memory.


Julie also sent me this award.

Here are the rules;
1. Display the image of the prize and publish the rules.
2. Post the link of who won the prize
3. Give 10 blogs dream to which award the prize.
4. Notice blogs listed.

Thanks for this one too. I am going to cheat on this one. It is going to the same bloggers that I choose for the other award. If I added them all up, I would be sending awards to 31 blogs! I know there are even more than 31 blogs that deserve it. I am splitting the difference and giving both to ten people.

1. Carolyn at Fab Shabby Roses
2. Deni at Deni's Dollhouse Mania
3. Deb at Deb's Minis
4. Tiffany at Mini Mischief
5. Sabiha at Sab's Mini Interiors
6. Debbie at Tiny Treasures Get well soon!!!
7. Olivia at My Dollhouse
8. Katie at Katie's Clay Corner
9. Kat at Little Thoughts from an Average Mind
10. Sans from Dollhouse Diaries

Post script. It seems that Doreen of and Doll Mum have also nominated me for this award!
I think that I did everything required... Oops! I have to go notify everyone. I'll be back later with the regular blog....If I ever get all of this done...

Post Script....I also got the bottom award from Doreen of Doreen's Miniature Memories and Doll Mum's Blog

Let me that adds up to 51 people that I would have to pick..... Nope. Ten's enough.

Thanks to both of you!

Monday, July 13, 2009

An Award

First, I have to thank Debbie over at Tiny Treasures for the Bella Sinclair Award. The text that went with it goes,"This award was designed by Ces for her friend Bella. Ces wrote:- I designed this award to celebrate art in the blogs and to honour the value of friendship, sisterhood, sharing and caring. It is to be awarded to the gifted, accomplished, eloquent and talented blogger, whose friendship and influence inspire us to do our best. That I named it after Bella Sinclair is because she epitomises all of these things.

Please go read about Bella at Ces's blog Ces and Her Dishes From there I went on to Bella's own blog to find out more. I think that she is really inspiring.

I am passing it on to:

Josje at "A Beautiful World" She always inspires me with her beautiful world of minis, as well as her beautiful garden.

Kathi at "Beautiful Mini Blessings" She is new at minis, but right from the start she is fearless and gets in there, using her imagination and skills well.

Deb at "Deb's Minis" She is a creative miniaturist and knows how to write a good story. Go read about her "urban critters". Don't be eating or drinking whilst you read......

Kim at "Flowers and Art" She does beautiful minis and had the loveliest real garden. I wish I had her green thumb!

Kat at "Little Thoughts From an Average Mind"
She is a miniaturist, needleworker and history buff. And she manages to make all of the things that she writes about interesting. Go look at the spiderweb that she is weaving......

Jody at"Mini Leaps and Bounds" She is not only a miniaturist, she is also a great quilter. Go see all of the things that she does.

Thank you so much for including me in your list Debbie. It's an honour to receive this.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Award Time!

Dora over at Miniaturas Dora has given me an award. My Spanish is not very good, but as I understand it, it is for the love of reading. That certainly fits. If I'm not doing minis or housework there is a book in my hand.

The rules are, I have to pick up a book that I have at hand, turn to page 161 and write the fifth sentence on that page here. Then I have to pass it on to five other blogs.

I only have a couple of books in this room. One is the Universal College Dictionary. Another is a travel guide for London. No writing on page 161. So I settled on a large volume titled Paintings in the Louvre. I got lucky with that one. The fifth line on page 161 is in the discription of the Mona Lisa. It says "The subject is thought to be the wife of a Florentine, Francesco del Giocondo." Granted, it's not very exciting, but it is 5:27AM and I don't want to wake up Walter to find another book.

I am passing the award on to these people.

Josje of A Beautiful World

Jodi over at Creager Studios

Kim at Flowers and Art

George the Miniguy

Sans at Dollhouse Diaries

Pass it on.

Thanks for the award, Dora!

Monday, June 29, 2009

An Award of Friendship

This morning, when I came to the computer, there were several positive comments about Tessie's choice of blog backgrounds. I guess I will let her keep it for a while.

There was also a very nice award from Lena of Miniatyrmama there for me. She sent it on to 8 people. I am going to cheat. Since it is a friendship award, I am sending it to all of you that read my blog. You all deserve it for putting up with Tessie's antics and you even come back for more! That is real friendship!

Have a wonderful day!