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Showing posts with label Lettice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lettice. Show all posts

Friday, August 3, 2018

I Need Straighter Hair!!!!

Lettice Has Decided that she needs a newer name to go with the levis and T shirt.

We are straightening her hair right now...  She is working on a new name.

This will probably take until tomorrow. Meanwhile, she is refusing to let anyone see her without the hair.  Black Tshirt material makes a great hood.

She decided on levis and a black T shirt for clothes... I have the feeling that she is going to be a sixties Hippy type.

If that is what she wants, that's what she will get. I am not going to argue with her.  She already has Tessie on her side and Zar seems to be coming in a close second. 

She had me make her just a little taller than Tessie.  She seems to think that this will give her an advantage of some kind... Just wait.  I have a feeling that they are both thinking that they are going to win...

I have agreed to telling her that she doesn't have to do any gardening if she gets big... She only has to clean the workroom once in a while... That should last about a week.

Back to work. See you tomorrow. With hair!!!

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Not Going To Happen....

I started looking at the back yard this morning.  All of that green stuff in the middle of the yard is weeds.  They need to be hula hoed!!!

The photos aren't too good because it is trying to rain... The skies are dark.

Sorry about that.
 The Terrible Two have been trying to talk Lettice into taking my offer all day.  She has had second thoughts, after seeing the weeds. 

She fears that if she has to be big for any length of time, she will have to do some gardening... That is NOT to her liking. 

I do believe that there has been a falling out. She does not want to be put to work...

I couldn't find her.  She has gone back to sitting in the door of her cottage wrapped in the denim.

It is getting darker in the dining room by the minute. 

She is NOT happy.

It looks like she is backing out on the deal.  She still wants new clothes... And now she also wants a new place to live.  She says that the embroiderer's cottage is to dark and dank...
I went and hunted the Terrible Two up. They are setting in Tessie's cottage, trying to figure out how they can talk Lettice into doing the trade.

I don't think that it is going to happen. 

They had visions of raiding the refrigerator any time they wanted...

Lettice told them that she wasn't going to do that.

They balked.  I am probably going to have to make new clothes for Lettice... She also wants her name changed... Let's see. New name. Check.  New place to live. Check.  New clothes. Check.  Oh! And a new hair do!  It looks like all I did was make more work for myself!!!!!

See you tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Not a lot done....

OK... Tessie will NOT be styling my hair!!!

I would probably come out with a butch haircut.

So far she has pulled out more than she has styled!!!!

I decided to use the black hair that I had when I met Walter. It turned into red after a while and I think that would be confusing. Two redheads standing nose to nose, yelling wouldn't be good.
I remembered that Zar did Tessie's hair a few times.  He will be my stylist of choice.

I feel that I should tell you that this is not really me... I am here typing and taking photos. And I will probably do my own hair the first time.

I have hired a double! Lettice, the lady from the embroiderers cottage was sitting there looking extremely bored last night.  She sits on the steps of the cottage 24 hours a day. Seven days a week. 365 days a year,

I had a talk with her and told her that she could switch bodies with me when I wanted to be little.  She would get new clothes and anything that she wanted to eat when she was big.  That seemed to seal the deal...

She has been sitting there so long that anything would be a welcome change She jumped at the chance... I did show her how to use the camera.  I think that she can handle taking a few photos when I am small. We shall see.

I am putting her in levis and my usual T shirt.

She is very excited about the new job.  We shall see how long it takes her to tire of it.

I am going now to dress her.

I probably won't get a lot done tomorrow.  The Wednesday Witches are coming here. I have a lot of cooking and cleaning to do... I wonder if Lettice would like to switch bodies early? Probably not...

See you tomorrow.

Back to work. See you tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Don't Forget to Poke the Pictures!

I always forget that some of the new people reading this aren't aware of the fact that, if they poke the photos, they will enlarge. That goes for all of the photos on the blog. If you are new, try it.  You will like it.

I am still finishing the computer room closet.  I have to be at Witches at 1:00PM. 

So I don't have a lot of time to do minis.  That's my excuse and I'm sticking with it.

I cleaned the floor in the Embroiderer's Cottage this morning...(AKA The Crooked House.) 

I went to plug it in to take photos and the lights kept blinking on and off... I guess that I am going to  have to find a way to get into the roof and fix the electrical.
I have the feeling that it is a bad transformer... If so, it is going to be an interesting fix.  English wiring vs. American.  We shall see/

Meanwhile Lettice is going to be in the dark for a while...
It really doesn't make a difference.  She doesn't do much embroidering these days. 

Mostly she sits on the doorstop and watches the goings on in the rest of the house.

As for me, I have to get back at the closet and then get ready for minis.

Enjoy the picture show.  I am going back to work.

See you tomorrow.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Problem Solved...

I finished the barley twist table this morning.  Not two minutes after I did, it disappeared...

I knew just where to look.  And I immediately went to check on Lettice.

Actually, she is fine.  When I asked her how she was feeling, she said,  "I am of the opinion that Tessie is not to be trusted.  It took me a while to extricate myself  from the spell.  Being a longer practitioner  of witchcraft than that child, I know more about how to fix things than she does."

I was very surprised.  I had no idea that she was of that persuasion. 

She also whispered to me to please keep it quiet.  And then the real shocker...."You know, I am actually her great, great grandmother....Please don't advise her of that particular fact. She can't figure out how I managed to escape her spell..."  I am guessing that Lettice has the upper hand if she wants it.
Anyway, I had to take the table away from Tessie and I needed a bit of help.  Lettice was my secret weapon. 

I pulled the table out of the sewing box and Lettice slammed the lid shut and fastened the catch....

There is a very irate witch in that box....I am either going to have to let her out or drill holes in the bottom  of the box for her to get air.

Lettice was pleased with the table and I also found a  portrait from 1585 that I am going to use on the lid wall.

I also still have to make a stool and a mirror.  The poor man can't put on  makeup without a mirror, can he?
Now for Spike's Mystery box.  No more pink rug in the body of the box...I will replace the other pink with tile.  I am starting the interior furnishings...

Any guesses?  Yes there will be shelves in the back.  They are just stuck in there to see how they fit....They won't be crooked when I finish....I hope...

Other than that, wait and see.....I have to go check on Tessie...Maybe I will open the box just a crack and shove in a couple of potato chips.

See you tomorrow...

Friday, June 7, 2013

Don't Move A Muscle!

This morning, Walter left to play golf in Sedona for three days...I decided not to go... He will be playing golf for at least five hours each day...

I opted to stay here with all of my toys, rather than carting a few of them along to Sedona and then remembering that my favorite Exacto knife is on the worktable at home.

Tessie jumped in to keep me company.  Again I asked where Lettice was...Again, she evaded the question...

I started putting the table together.  She couldn't wait to help....What's wrong with this picture?

Whilst I was working on the table, she grabbed a paintbrush and carted a bunch of paint bottles t the worktable...

She started painting the Chrysnbon dress form white....White? 

She informed me that it would stand out against the dark green walls in HER sewing room much better in white.

I went on with what I was doing and ignored her.  After all, I could always repaint it later.
After about a half hour, I went to check on her.  This is what I found....Not bad for a little person, a big paintbrush, various  paints and a bunch of toothpicks.

Of course, there was the usual, "See!  I told you so!"

I have to admit that, for once. she is right.

Did I tell you, that I have decided to do the sewing machine in an early cabinet style that goes all the way to the floor and covers most of the working parts of the treadle?

Again, I inquired about Lettice's whereabouts.  Again she hemmed and hawed.  Then she sheepishly explained..."Well, if you must know, a spell misfired.  I was tired of her jumping in with her Tudor stuff.  I talked her into showing me her Tudor bedroom.  When we got there, I told her, literally, not to move a muscle, while I went to get the camera...".

She continued with, "Well.  She didn't.  When I got back, she was still standing there stiff as a board.  I really tried to get her to move, but she just stands there.  I think that I must have swished my broom one to many times or something."

So far, I haven't had any luck getting her to move.  I put Tessie in with her and said, "Tessie, you get to keep her company until either the spell wears off or you take it off.....

This could be Tessie's downfall.  If she doesn't fix things, she could be in there for a very long time. 

All this, after I made Tessie new clothes yesterday afternoon....That's the thanks I get. 

I think that the sewing room is going to go back on the shelf if she doesn't straighten this mess out.

See you tomorrow.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Likes Watching the Glue Dry.....

Did someone ask what Spike's favorite pastime is?  He was perfectly happy to sit and wait for all of the trim to dry and moreover, he was contented just watching it happen....

I thought that you would like to see how I managed to get wood trim to bow and fit the curved lid of the one box.
Yes, I did it to the top edge too.  It just depends on the wood trim that you choose.  These two trims were very bendy, so all I did was cut them to size, paint them, and while the paint was dry to the touch, but not completely dry, I simply put it in place and forced it to stay there with one of my exacto clamps.

As you can see, once they are all the way dry, they just automatically stay that way.

The test is, to see if you can get the cut piece to pretty much stay in place before painting.

Tessie immediately inspected and said it needs more gobbledygook, her word, not mine.  I imagine she is right...It is Victorian, after all.

I dug around and found enough chair rail and other wood that I needed, and finished the half timbers in the dressing room.

Lettice approves of that, as is. Although, after a conference with Tessie, she said it needed more ageing.

I need to separate those two.
As for the Mystery Box, I did get some baseboards installed...I have to figure out how to ask for help without giving the mystery away.

So far, it is a very boring box...Gotta work on that.

See you tomorrow.

Friday, May 31, 2013

To Each His/Her Own.....

In order to keep the peace, each of the ladies have agreed to be in charge of one of the boxes.

Since I wouldn't let Tessie have the dressing room, she opted for the sewing room.  Although, what she needs another sewing room for, I can't imagine.  She already has the top floor of the milliner's shop and a shopping bag sewing room. 

She informs me, "I won't have to clean nearly as often if I have more....One gets messy, I just move to another.  I can't remember the last time she did any sewing...Maybe they will all stay clean... Just maybe.

This is only the first coat of dark green and it isn't really dry yet. It will look better later...Honest.

Lettice, on the other hand, is leaving me to the decision making, until I ask a question....That certainly is a change.  For the better....

I ran out of small chair rail that I was using for the half timber.  I am going to give a thorough look through the wood bin before I go rushing off to buy more.

About the time I got the ladies settled into their respective boxes, I looked up and saw Spike settling into the Mystery Box...He does love rooms with carpeting...Think of it as one large bed...

I have one piece of furniture in mind for the dressing room.  This is a small table with barley twist legs that I taught classes for years ago.  It is appropriate to the period of the dressing room... Now I have to decide how much bigger I want it to be and  what I am going to do about a chair to go with it.

I hate to say it, but since I settled the territory thing with the two of them, Tessie and Lettice are getting along....Maybe  bit too well.  They have agreed to stick together when there is a question of two against one...

I may have to hire Zar as a carpenter and then work on Spike a bit to even the odds...

I am off to redesign the table now.

See you tomorrow.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Alexander Cooke...

I was hoping that someone would suggest Shakespeare's time and plays...2minimom did just that...

I called in my authority on Elizabethan England this morning.  Lettice informed me that there was one person that really deserved the dressing room

She got to thinking about the "boy players".  They were the young men that played the parts of women in the late fifteen hundreds and early sixteen hundreds.  Women weren't considered equal or intelligent enough to do the task.

I started digging around about the person that she suggested.  It was a guy named Alexander Cooke that is said to have originated a lot of Shakespeare's female characters.  He is the lucky man/lady that I am going to do the dressing room for. 

I don't imagine that he probably had much of a dressing room, but he will have one now.

We are going to give him the dressing room that he deserved and never had.

Lettice informed me that the patterns and furniture in this book would help my quest.

She seems to think that there will be windows...Don't hold your breath, Lettice!
I got as far as the bottom half of some timbering before we had to leave to go over to April's.

When I got back there seemed to be a bit of a tussle going on between Lettice and Tessie...

I may have to lock one, or both, of them out whilst I work on this box.

They just don't seem to agree on anything.  Tessie wants a "real woman's" dressing room...She may be the one to get kicked out.

I can't see myself trying to explain "boy players" to her.....She claims to be 400+ years old.....I guess that's just not quite old enough to remember them.

I am thinking that Lettice will be of more help in this case.  At least she  is willing to have a discussion about what will be in the box and she can tell me what is right and proper.

I am going back to finish the woodwork and dirty up the corners and such.  Oh!  And I will be tossing Tessie....If she comes back, I may threaten to put her back in her glass cage for the time being...

See you tomorrow.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Lettice Wins Again...

Lettice got several pieces from the stash that I just acquired...Maybe even more than Tessie did...Since that Colonial bedroom isn't really hers.

As soon as Tessie tires of it, I am going to change the sheets back to the ones that I monogrammed with my initials.  So there!

I took a lot of shortcuts with this room, since it is really one of those temporary things.  That's until something more suitable comes around.
I will tell you some of the awful things I did to finish it fast.

The floor is just a piece of a bamboo place mat.  It was that color and finish when I got it.  All I did was cut it to size and glue it in.

I gessoed and painted all of the walls, right over the wallpaper.  I used Light Ivory Ceramcoat.

All I had to do was remove the baseboards, so as to slide the floor in after painting.

Yes, I know that there are still strings holding the place mats together.  I decided that, since they are the same color as the floor, they wouldn't be too noticeable....Especially since I was using one of the rugs that I printed from the Peerless Rugs website.  I kind of like the faded colors in it.  It looks like it has been used for a long time.  By the way, I stuck that down to the floor with the same double sided tape that I used on the bed yesterday.

The Tudors were known for using religious relics in their decoration.  Thus the cross at the back wall of the bed...However...This ornate cross came in the box with Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  I won't tell if you don't.  Oops.  I already told...

See the pretty green bottle by the spice chest?  That was one that Sue threw in for free...It is a vintage Christmas ornament...Too bad they don't make those anymore.

The picture frame on the left is actually guitar veneer strips. They used to sell them at one of the mini stores here in town.  I imagine that you could find them on the net.  They are very thin and useful for inlay on all sorts of furniture and in this case a fast picture frame.

The other two frames are metal miniatures painted gold.

The axe is a pressed metal one that I don't even remember where it came from.  It fits the period and nobody will see the back.

Looking at this now, I think that the top tester of the bed needs some black trim...OK...I am off to do that now.

See you tomorrow.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Lettice Was in the Way!

It had to be done...Lettice is out.  She will have a new room soon, but for now, she is without a home.

The new bed has to go in that room.  That room was originally meant to be another Colonial room to go with the kitchen next to it.

OK...Now I am going to show you something that I shouldn't.

Tessie helped me change the sheets.  She insisted that she couldn't sleep on sheets with someone else's monogram...

I put the antique linen sheets back on the antique linen mattress, with her help.  I though that you might like to see how we do it without damaging the needlework or the furniture, either one.

The sheets are wrapped around the mattress and pinned to themselves with straight pins.  I can't stand bedding that sticks out unnaturally.  I flipped this over and put it on the bed.  Nothing holding it in.

Then I ran a piece of double stick scotch tape around the three sides where the coverlet hangs down.

I started with the foot of the bed  and got it where I wanted it and pressed it against the tape.  Then I did either side, making sure that they were even.

It's a simple solution and won't last forever, but it will be in place for quite a long time. 

I use that instead of mini wax or anything like that.  Any of that sticky stuff can stain the fabric and stick into it so that you can never get it out.

Tessie took one look at the room, and announced that she would stay there on one condition...Like a fool, I asked what the condition was...

She answered, "You have to remove that dreadful baby rocking thingy in the corner.  I don't want any tiny people getting the idea that they can move in....I will NOT be awakened at 3:00AM by a bleating baby!  Especially one that isn't my own... Spike is bad enough." 

She then proceeded to unceremoniously shove it over the edge of the room and onto the floor.  Now I not only have to finish a room box for Lettice's things.. The cradle was in her room for a while, but it is a much later piece that I copied.  The original people sized piece was made by Canadian natives...I am not sure which tribe.  It should go somewhere else.

I have the room painted and floored for Lettice.  I have to get back to it, if she wants a place to sleep tonight.  I will show that to you tomorrow.  Back to work.

See you tomorrow.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Roped and Hog Tied....

I got up this morning with intentions of finishing the rope bed in a hurry....Not to be.

I just didn't like the way it was swaying.  Not enough bracing and the ropes were going to warp it even further.  I think that's the hazard of turning this one into the mini. 

I decided to put a bit of extra bracing under the rope area.  I know it's not authentic, but I am not to worried about the bed police coming to take me away.  By the way, I used #5 DMC pearl cotton for the rope.
Not too long after we got the bottom braces stained and the ropes laced, stretched and tied, I heard wailing coming from Lettice's room.  I went to look and found that somebody pilfered her mattress.  I told her not to panic and that I would find the culprit and return it to her.

Then I went to get it.  I knew immediately where it was.
Nellie bribed Zar to get it back for her new bed.

Thank goodness for one of a kind beds in different sizes.

The mattress was a wee bit too large.  I absolutely am not going to remind  her that the coverlet is removable....Let's just let her think that she will have to make a new one.

Don't you dare tell her either!!!

Meanwhile, I am going to have to go make another mattress and put her to work on a coverlet.

Back to work.

See you tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Wednesday Again....

I did what miniatures I could this morning.  What I mean is, I worked until I ran out of stained flooring. 

See that little spot behind Tessie?  That's all there is left to do.  Two of those sacks of skinny sticks weren't enough.  I thought they would be.

So that's my excuse and I'm sticking with it...But I also have to get ready to go play with the Wednesday Witches.

Unfortunately, I can't lug the Weaver's Workshop with me to the meeting.
I am having to contend with the first scene of Macbeth...One real witch and two others that are just acting the part.

Tessie is comparatively happy for a change.  I am working on her project.

Lettice is semi happy.  She is rearranging the bed and the other mock ups of furniture in the room that she is now occupying.

She keeps looking at the ceiling and whispering to herself about "coffered"....I don't think that she is happy with just plain old beams.

Of course, this could lead to paneled walls and paneled beds and coffered chests and fireplaces and ...and....
Meanwhile, Nellie just sits on the heavy quilt and pouts.  She is threatening to run away and find someone that will appreciate her skills. 

No....I still haven't set up her embroidery frame, so that she can get to work. 

Maybe I should do that later today.  That might appease her. 

I am glad that I am spending the afternoon elsewhere.  These three are really annoying after a while.  They all want to be first on my list of things to finish....

I am running away now, so that Nellie won't have to.

See you tomorrow.

Monday, July 9, 2012

I Think I Will Go Back to Bed(s).....

This morning I had to break up several battles...First Lettice wanted "her" bed back.  You know.  The one that I made when she was planning to live in the little crooked house....

When she left, she didn't really know if it was grand enough for what she had in mind for the room box that she was moving into.

It was....But Nellie wanted it.  I settled that argument by telling Nellie that I would make her a smaller one that would fit better in her loft.
She had been complaining since she moved in that there wasn't enough space to swing a cat in that room.

Now she has enough room....But no cat.  And no bed.

I did get an idea for the embroidery frame downstairs.  Remember the bed cover that I have had in the works for some years?  Since the drawing faded from it, I would have to see if I could remember how the original pattern that I drew long ago, looked....Hey!  At least it will be put to good use.  Maybe I can fold it before I attach it to the frame, instead of cutting it.  At least it would be displayed that way.

With that settled, we added Tessie to the mix.  It seems that she got wind of what was going on when Lettice enlisted her help to zap the bed from one room to the other.

Then the real trouble started...Tessie wants the floors in the weaver's cottage finished.  She can yell louder than anybody else.  Maybe I should say howl...No wait.  That was Spike.

With all three ladies arguing....I noticed that Zar was nowhere to be seen...

Being curious, I started looking for him.

I found him in his study.  He was holding the racing form and by then Spike, being a male, joined him. 

I asked why they had retreated.  Zar just grinned at me and said,  "What?  Do you think I am insane?  I have better things to do than get in the middle of a cat fight."

Sucker that I am, I bit.  I asked, "What better things?"

He snickered and said, "I am taking bets on who will win....Want to put down some cash?"

Knowing Zar, he is betting on his favorite. Well...  She's been here the longest and knows all of the tricks.  Why would anybody bet against Tessie?

And the going back to bed part...I have to get started on another bed for Nellie....Or maybe I will just go back to my own bed and pull the covers over my head until the storm passes...

See you tomorrow.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Whistle While You Work...

I have never been a very good whistler, so I have to find other things to do as I work.  

After I told you about the Internet Archives website , I found, through them, another even better website for my needs.

This one is strictly audio and has a huge number of older books to read. It is Librivox.
I am having a wonderful time working and listening.  Right now, I am listening to the first of the "John Carter" series by Edgar Rice Burroughs.  It's called "A Princess of Mars" and the first couple of chapters take place in Arizona....Right up my alley. No pun intended.  Very good so far.

I got as far as a couple of Tarzan books when I was a kid, but I didn't really know about the rest of his stuff except through a lot of cheesy movies.  I am finding that I really like his writing. 

Just about any classic that you want is on this site in audio form for free!  And they keep adding stuff all of the time. 

Did you ever wonder who the people are that read audio books to you?  Believe it or not, on here, you could even be one of the readers.  They are looking for people to volunteer to read all the time. 

OK, so now that I have set you up with something to listen to as you work, let's get back at it.

Nellie is awake...Does anybody know where I put the Sleepytime Tea?  She is driving us all insane.

She dumped Tessie's apron and stole her hand knitted shoulder scarf.  Then proceeded to berate me for not having her dress finished.  It would help if she would select some fabric for it.

Then she went in search for accessories for her home....Not even a thankyouverymuch for finishing the bed. 

She found a mini biscornu( French pincushion) that I made a couple of years ago and immediately confiscated it.  If you are interested in trying to make one, just put biscornu pattern in your search engine.  That's where I found the one that I did.  It was supposed to be about three times the size.  I simply did it on smaller cross stitch cloth.

While you are looking at the photo, please note.  The table that was made with the leftover saw horse is gone.  she simply could not abide a table that crude.  She grabbed the table that you see and immediately started going from room to room in other people's houses gathering things that she decided she needed.  She even stole Lettice's sampler!

Lettice just signed the petition to lock up the embroideress and throw away the key.  That's two people and two cats that have signed now.

Meanwhile, Zar and Tessie are looking over the damages in the Weaver's Cottage, caused by hurricane Casey.

OK.....It wasn't a hurricane.  It was just me piling stuff on the table where the cottage sits.

I am afraid that the Terrible Two are going to start a petition to get me locked up if I don't get this mess cleaned up so that I can go back to work on this cottage too....I am not so worried about the locked up part.  I am more worried that they will lock me in with the "Mad Embroideress"....

Hang in there whilst I clean up the area.  Then back to work.

See you tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Doctor Frankenstein, I Presume?

Yes, it is I.  I started out slowly.... I was on the back patio, refinishing the porch swing when I decided to re pot a few plants...

One thing just led to another. I was potting one of the euforbias from one semi large pot into three semi large pots when I got another one of those hare brained ideas. 

This particular plant sends out little baby plants from the roots.  This insures that all of them will survive. 

The pot was so crowded that I had to experiment. 

The big pot contains a third of the plant that was in the same pot originally. 

I remembered the plant that I had in the Southwestern room box about 20 years ago.  It was a miniature prickly pear.  It grew in there for a few years and then it got unhappy with being in the dark some of the time and committed plant-i-side...

Anyway, one of the Wednesday Witches gave us each a couple of little succulents that are in tiny pots, but they are growing fast.

I reasoned that, if those would grow, so would the euphorbia.  The difference is, these grow rather slowly. 

I put one in a Mexican jug.  Then I found a basket and put a couple more in there. 

See the tiny leaves beside those?  They are "Mother of Millions".  I have those springing up all over the back yard.  Those plants literally are mothers of millions.  They won't stay small as long as the euphorbia, but they are replaceable.  That's the experiment of the moment.

When I tired of that game and came back in to get something else done, I found Lettice in the room that used to hold the loom.

She had cleared everything out, with the exception of the small rug and  a sampler on the wall.

I was afraid to ask what was going on....I already knew.  I have been hearing rumors.

It seems that Lettice is not willing to become a working embroideress.  She is too good for that.

She announced, "The accommodations are rather small, but with a bit of fixing up, it will be adequate.

After reading the sampler, I understand.  She seems to have accepted the fact that Her Majesty will not forgive Lettice for stealing one of her men.

Lettice has given in and decided to not mind being kicked out of court life.

Soooo.....We have another job to do.

Fix the room to Lettice's liking.

Here we go again...

Meanwhile, back at the Crooked Cottage,  The coverlet is not quite finished....Sorry Lucille.  I will finish it today....Or...

Here comes the Doctor Frankenstein part....

See the bald head, sticking out from under the box decoration?  And the three chenille stems....?

Why didn't I think of this before?  Since Lettice refuses to embroider professionally and the Terrible Twosome are rebelling, (insert a picture of me rubbing my hands together and laughing maniacally)I will build myself an embroiderer!  Then she can finish the coverlet!

Would you care to assist?....I promise not to call you Igor...Not too often anyway....

See you tomorrow, with sculpting tools in hand.