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Showing posts with label travel trailer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label travel trailer. Show all posts

Monday, October 2, 2017

Moving Right Along....

I didn't get a lot of mini-ing done today.  I had a follow up doctor's appointment this morning.  Nothing to worry about.  Just checking things.

I found this wheeled cart to put on the back porch yesterday.  It was probably a kitchen cart in a former life. It is now a potting bench.  Perfect size for the space I have.

I did get a lot of crocheting done.  I kept watching the situation in Vegas.  Not a good thing!

Tessie is still fretting about where she is going to put her trailer... No.  She may NOT move Zar's to make room for hers...

Zar gets to stay on that table.  No arguments!

The plans that she has for her trailer is going to need some room to grow...
She keeps looking at the forest fantasy cottage. 

I think that she wants that table and is hoping that she can talk me into putting that outdoors as a Fairy house... The only problem is... There is no place outside for it either.

I am not really attached to this house, so we will figure out a place for it... Somewhere.

She wants the table so that she can spread out all of the extras that she wants for her caravan...
The way she is going with the planning, I am not even sure if this table will be big enough... I told her no when she suggested the dinning room table. and I am sticking with that! Once in a while we need a place to eat... Anyway, everything is up in the air right now.  Wish me luck.

See you tomorrow.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

oving Right Along....

I have the first scarf that I am doing about half done.  I need to work faster...

I doesn't quite look like a rainbow.  The colors are laid out wrong. 

It is turning out to be a kind of mixed up rainbow.  It's still going to be pretty, but not a rainbow...
Tessie and Zar have been making plans for her trailer... She hates when I call it that, but it's fun to hear her complain about it.

She is going to have to think of an official name pretty soon or it is just going to have to be Tessie's trailer...

She has already said that she wants a bigger and better shower than Zar has... That could be difficult.  His is pretty fancy.

She also wants the awning over the roof garden to be the full length of the trailer...

Sorry Tessie.  It's a trailer until you come up with a name for it.
The way she is going so far, she is going to want it on 40 acres of prime land and with all of the amenities. I don't think that is going to happen, but that's what she wants... I repeat..."That's NOT going to happen.". 

I am going back to crocheting now.  With earplugs, so that I can't hear what she is planning.

Back to work.  See you tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

In So Much Trouble.....

Yes. Tessie went to Wednesday Witches mini meeting with me today. She rode in the Magic box.

When we arrived, everybody admired her new mode of transportation. My friend Ginnie peeked in through the window and Tessie immediately demanded that I put in privacy curtains before her next trip. How rude was that?!

Our hostess Sue, said that Tessie was free to wander around and look into the mini houses and room boxes. She kept looking and then running back to tell what she had seen.

After one trip, she told me that I wasn't the only one with unfinished houses in my collection. She found one that Sue brought back from England years ago. It is still unfurnished and no roof to boot. I had to laugh. Aren't we all guilty of that particular flaw? I don't know anybody that has every house in their collection finished.

Anyway, this is what got me into trouble. This one is finished.....

It's smaller than the kit that Kathi sent me, but it is finished....Yes. A travel trailer. Here we go again!

She ranted all the way home about how other people have finished trailers..."Why don't I have a finished travel trailer? Hey! I could be living in that while you finish the townhouse."

I knew that I should have called ahead and asked Sue to cover the trailer. Now I am going to have to listen to Tessie complain for the next week and a half.

I will not work on the trailer. I will not work on the trailer. I will not work on the trailer.....

I will hide the Magic Box. I will hide the Magic Box. Or maybe I will lock Tessie in the magic box and throw away the key.

That's the last traveling that Tessie is going to be doing for a while. It doesn't take much to teach me a lesson. Tomorrow I am going to go back to work on the Russian Cottage.

See you then.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Oh No! Not Again!!!

Remember the teeny tiny travel trailer? Tessie kept telling me that she should have one like it, in which to travel.....I told her that I didn't need another project and she couldn't have one.

Evidently, Kathy over at "Beautiful Mini Blessings" was eavesdropping on our debate.....and decided to come down on Tessie's side of the argument...

Yesterday afternoon, when Walter brought in the mail, he was carrying a long, flat box. It was from Kathi. I suspected what the contents were, even before I opened it.

It was a Greenleaf travel trailer kit. Kathi, being a good friend of Tessie's sent the kit. However, it was addressed to me. Not Tessie. So I opened it. The note inside read.....Casey, One less project for me. One MORE for you! Blessings, Kathi. Have Fun!

Fool that I am, I opened it whilst Tessie was in the room....

She jumped right in, without invitation or hesitation. And the first words out of her mouth were...."MINE!!! All Mine!!!" She was practically purring.

She found the directions and immediately started making plans.

I tried to reason with her. "But Tessie, we still have to finish the townhouse and the Russian cottage."

She glowered at me and said through her teeth. "What townhouse? That is going to take months." Then she followed with, "The Russian cottage doesn't belong to me. You said so yourself. I am not responsible if it isn't finished. Maybe you can work on that on Thursdays."

The next thing I knew, she was gloating at Zar. It's not nice to gloat when a friend's Clockwork Cottage is sitting high on a shelf in the workroom, waiting to be finished.

I pulled her aside and told her to knock it off.

She did....Then I heard her, in her sweetest voice, "Zar, I need help convincing Casey to build this for me as a temporary home. She turned my cottage into a hat shop and sewing nook.(as if that was my idea) You can stay in the part of the townhouse that is finished if I can get this built." And then I heard, "Pretty please, and I will throw in all of the cupcakes and tea that you can devour...."

Now all she has to do is convince me to change horses in the middle of the stream, as they say....

Thanks Kathi! It was a wonderful gift. I have the feeling that you won't be alone in taking a stand on Tessie's side....

So far, I am resisting the urge....Wish me luck...

See you tomorrow.