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Showing posts with label Letty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Letty. Show all posts

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Getting Stoned...

Well, not really.  Not the way you think!

I went back to adding stones to the outside of the trailer this morning.

It is a slow process.  One stone cut at a time and then trimmed to fit beside the next couple of stones.

I have news.  Letty has given notice.  She is going back to her crooked cottage and wants clothes to match... She is going to have to wear what she has on for now.

 Tessie told her on no uncertain terms, that she was not to ever change bodies with me if she didn't want to die!  

With that, both Letty and I decided that we were not ever going to switch.  Not safe to do so...

I am just going to plug along with my work on the trailer and Letty is going back to embroidery for a living.

I have to change saw blades before I can do the stairs. So, I figured that doing rock work would keep me busy for quite some time.
With Tessie back to her usual contrary self, I am going to keep working.

Zar is back since Letty left.  They didn't seem to get along too well.

At least, with Zar around, Tessie seems to stay calm and collected most of the time...

She has been amusing herself by sliding down the back end of the trailer, over and over.

She ended up in a heap on the floor a couple of times. Then she just zaps herself back to the starting position on the roof.

Zar talked her into just sitting and watching the building process. I think that things are kind of getting back to normal.  The two of them have had their heads together all afternoon...

The last I saw of them, they slid off of the end of the trailer and informed me that they were going to look for Spike. 

If the three of them get their heads together, I will be right back where I started before I started the trailer...

I do believe that I am in trouble again!  See you tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Two heads Are Better Than One...

I worked on the tower for a while this morning...

Tessie would have you believe that she painted the whole inside. 

She didn't. I did.
I took a photo of her masking off edges... OK.  She did about three inches of that. Then I took over and did the rest...

She is not doing her share.  If she wants the second floor done, she is going to do it herself. I am not doing a project where I have no idea what it is going to be when it is finished.

She hunted up Letty and told her what was happening.  I could have traded places, but I decided not to.  I am just going to tell Tessie that the second floor is her responsibility. 

I will keep plodding along on the stone work on the trailer and the two towers.  I need to start the stairs in the tower.  They are going to be wood.  I am sick of stones!

I told Tessie that I was going back to work and she could do whatever she wanted on the second floor. 

Let's see how long it takes her to beg for help when she gets herself into trouble.

I am going to go do some more stones.  See you tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Tessie Wins Again

Yes. You are seeing right. There is a new owner for the Castle Trailer... It is now Tessie's Trailer.

She has been working her little head off all day long!

It seems that she talked to Letty last night.... Most of the night.

She finally convinced Letty that the castle trailer was just not right for her...

Since early this morning, Tessie has been working rigorously!

She is measuring and cutting right along with me.  She is really excited about the ownership!

I am not sure what she told Letty, but it really stopped her in her tracks...

In case you can't decipher the note to the left, it says... "Tessie can have the trailer. I don't want a musty old castle"... And it is signed "Letty"

I don't think that I want to know what Tessie told her, but I am sure it was full of spiders and snakes and other scary things.

I think that it is best that we don't talk about what was said. Letty would probably be ready to leave town, instead of waiting for me to build her the next house. She went back to the embroiderer's cottage this morning.

Anyway, Tessie has already moved her favorite snake into his new home...

She is going to have to wait a little longer to get the trailer...

She is helping with everything now that she knows that it is going to be hers.

Back to work. See you tomorrow.

Monday, August 27, 2018

Let's Start at the Very Beginning....

We went to the new Muppet Movie this morning.

Definitely  not for Kids, but really cute!

Anyway, that's my excuse for not getting much done on the trailer.  I will get more done tomorrow.

Letty and I got the edge around the property covered in stone. 

Tessie refused to help.... The trailer is not hers.

I am sure that later on she will try to claim it, but for the time being, she is just waiting us out. 

She doesn't want to get involved in the basics.
The only thing that she did was to try to talk Letty into some fancy trim.  There wasn't enough to go around the whole edge, so we didn't have to worry about it.

Anyway, we got the basic edge on the board.  I think that I will wait until tomorrow to start the serious stuff.

I did one of my, wake up at three in the morning and decide what to do, kind of things. I decided to do the same thing for this trailer that I did for Zar's. It is much more fun to go with whatever pops in my head than planning things to the letter. I am going to fly by the seat of my pants on this one... I am in the mood for some fun... Want to come along for the ride?

See you tomorrow.

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Friendly... And Friendlier...

These two read about what Giac said a few days ago about time share... They are liking the idea. 

Me. Not so much.  I will have to be referee if they get into it over sharing the buildings.

I do not want to get in the middle of this, if they start fighting over who's turn it is.
I am moving right along on getting the trailer put together.  I mounted it on a base, installed the roof and got the tower pretty much put together this morning. 

I still have to figure out what to do with the bathroom... Maybe an out house?
I did remember to put an entrance in the foundation.   I know that the rattle snake will fit in... Not sure what else will.

I hate to say it, but Tessie is teaching Letty some witching lessons.  That's all I need.  Two witches telling me what to do...

Maybe I will have to start an argument or two, just to see if I can separate them.

I don't know if I can stand fighting two of them at once. I keep catching them with their heads together and whispering... This could get serious.

I am going away now to do something completely different.  They are getting on my nerves.

Back to work. See you tomorrow.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Stones to Work With!

There are still seventeen trays left to cut apart.  I have seven done... I think that took about an hour. Now that I have figured out what parts I am using and where to cut them apart, the rest should go pretty fast... I hope...
Letty pulled out this part of the cup holder and told me that it would it would make some  interesting  decorative stone work...  I think that she is going to have to draw me a picture. I am not sure what she has in mind.

So far, I have only gotten to the part where I cover most of the trailer and the tower with stone. The fancy stuff will come later.

She has been keeping me company and putting the parts in piles of each kind...
Tessie just showed up a little while ago and grabbed onto the pieces that she has on her lap. It's a good thing that they aren't really stone! I would be digging her out and mending bones!

I think I probably have enough to cover the trailer and then some... I may go as far as ten. Then I am going to start building. 

I am trying to decide whether I want a slate roof or a shingle.  I may have to try a little of each and see which one looks best with the stone. 

Letty will have the final say, but I am leaning towards the slate.

Back to work! See you tomorrow.

Friday, August 24, 2018

A little of This and That...

Tessie and Letty waited until I got my craft room cleaned up. I even oiled the floors.  Then they pounced.  They have been in there for the past three hours... Mostly snacking and talking.

They claim to be working on craft projects... So far I haven't seen any finished items.  As I said... Mostly eating and talking...
I got the two orange flowered plants put into the bird feeding area after I got back from the grocery store this morning.

I did some other planting too, but not anything spectacular...

As soon as I came back in the house the birds invaded the area.  They had the scattered birdseed gone in no time.

I did get the floor for the second story of the tower cut out this morning.  I think that it is going to work.

I still have to work on the steps up to the rooftop. Maybe by tomorrow I will have those done.

Tessie is starting to get that gleam in her eye... I do believe that she is going to try to talk Letty out of this build. She has wanted a trailer ever since Zar moved into his.

She probably thinks that, since I clean Zar's place, I will probably clean this one too.... Take a step back Tessie. Zar is now cleaning his own trailer and whomever gets this one will be doing the same.  I am out of the cleaning business... Except for my own room boxes and the castle.

Back to work. See you tomorrow.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

The Planning Department...

The Terrific Trio have been sitting all day and planning what to do next.  I cut the door in the tower to get to the second floor... That was about all I did.

They kept changing their minds on what to do next.  I am not going to start anything else unless it is something that I am going to do or something that they have all three agreed to.  I am NOT getting in the middle with something that I like and they don't.

For some reason, the three of them are in 
agreement on everything today... That's good for them, but I am not sure that it is good for me.

We all agree that the door to the second floor should be a bit taller.  Zar keeps bumping his head when he goes up there.

I think that Letty likes the day bed from my craft cottage.  She can't have it! I will be making her another one.
She also has been trying to talk me out of this bed.  Somehow, I don't think that this bed goes with a trailer.  I will make her something else.

The other item of contention is Spike... Everybody wants to claim him.... He is his own dog.  He tends to stay with the person with the most dog food... And the one that pays attention to him the most.

Anyway, we have a long way to go... I had better get back to it.  Their planning kind of was a step backwards for me.  I didn't get a lot done today.

That just means that I will have to do twice the work tomorrow to catch up.

See you then.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Strange Day....

 I looked out the back door this morning and saw this... I ran for the camera! Not a great photo, but It gives you some idea of the size!

It was a new hawk! Sitting on the back of one of the patio chairs! He was watching the birds by the bird block closely... Picking from the breakfast menu...

I let him look for a few minutes while I got the camera and took photos. Then I told him to go elsewhere for breakfast!
I have gotten as far as cutting a bottom hole for the door in the tower that I am using.  It is going to have stairs going up to the rooftop and a door in the other side to get into it, down at the bottom.  There will be a door above the one that you see for getting to the roof.

The layout of the inside is going to be pretty much like Zar's. 

It will have a lot of different stuff that Zar's doesn't have.

I got this far and then had to leave for witches...    

Letty is making all kinds of lists of things that she wants installed in this one. It may take a while, but I think that she is going to be pleased when it is done... If she can keep it away from Terrible Tessie.

Tessie is breathing over our shoulders.  I think that she is having second thoughts about giving it up.

I am just going to keep plugging along and let the two of them decide on ownership.

Wish me luck.  See you tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Red Is Best!!!

OK.  First of all, I put a new foundation under the whole of the trailer...

The others couldn't handle that part. I had it done in no time at all... Mostly it was securing the pieces with tape in all the right places.

It will now sit on this foundation on any surface that we decide to use.  I am looking at tables now.

I am going to have to cut a hole in the foundation so that the critters can get under it. 

I also need to start drawing up plans for the interior and exterior.

The Wrecking Crew are already quiting for the day.  The did help some, but not a lot.  They have mostly been inside the trailer drinking bug beer and eating cookies, since I turned it upright.

Yes.... The usual things that they do... everyday.

Now about the red hair... I told you that the blond wouldn't last long.

Tessie came to me this morning begging for her red hair back...

She tells me that it isn't true. Blonds don't have more fun.  They(In fact) have less fun.  They can't fight back! The first thing that she did after the dye job was stomp on Zar's left foot! Then she kicked him in the shins!

I do believe that she is jealous of the attention that he is paying to Letty. 

I am staying out of this.  Let her find out for herself that redheads have the most fun of all.

I am going to ignore all of them and go back to work.  Even if it is only sketching ideas.  Back to the drawing board. See you tomorrow.

Monday, August 20, 2018

Re-nameing Them "The Terrific Trio"

Walter and I went to a movie this morning.  When we got back, Tessie, Zar and Letty were working on Letty's trailer. 

They were talking about turning it into a taco stand... Letty was not having any of that!

I think that between the two of us, we talked the other two out of that idea.  Letty doesn't want to spend all of her time making and selling tacos!
They got the ends put on it. Now all I have to do is find the piece that goes on top or cut a new one.  I can't seem to find it anywhere.

I looked in the bedroom and the work room and couldn't find it anywhere...

All we have to do is wait for the glue to dry on the ends. Then I can turn it over and put on the foundation.  It will set about a foot and a half off of the ground.

I don't think that Letty will be any more anxious to go on road trips than Zar is. He has had his for several years now and it has never moved an inch in any direction...

So far Letty has only one suggestion... "Make it a strong foundation, so that I can have stomping good parties!!! "

Remind me not to locate this one in the bedroom... Maybe even outdoors would be better...

I wonder if it could be made soundproof?

Anyway, we are well on the way for a place for Letty. 

See you tomorrow.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Starting To Work.....

OK Tessie is still yammering about wanting new hair.  Not so formal for working.  She still likes her white dress and aprons though.

Zar got second place in the draw and Tessie got third.

They all immediately wanted to start unpacking the trailer.  That's what Letty picked.

I can do Tessie's hair anytime that we have a few minutes to spare, so they decided to start unpacking the trailer right away...  The three of them managed to get the box back on the table bribing me.  That was easier for me to carry than the three of them combined.  I did it in a matter of minutes.

I had visions of them hauling it through the house with a variety of ropes and other paraphernalia. It was just easier to do it myself.

I got it on the work table and they sent me away. I peaked in a few minutes later and found that their idea of unpacking was to take the pieces, one at a time and shove them off of the table...

Whatever works! Now all of the pieces are on the floor in a big pile. No pieces labeled. No pieces sorted.  Just a BIG pile!!!

I am going to leave it until tomorrow morning.  Then I will start sorting and making things right.

For tonight. they can stay where they are.

See you tomorrow.

Friday, August 17, 2018

Drawing Straws...

OK. We all got together for drawing straws this morning...

Being the nice people that they are, Tessie and Zar let Letty draw the first one...

She drew the LONGEST one...  Let me specify that she didn't cheat.  She just got lucky...

That's when the trouble started.... Tessie said, "I get that Letty drew the longest straw.  Now let's get something else straight before we go on...Zar and I have been talking.  We both want to do this the right way.  We will be helping, but we need something before we start... Both of us need new bones.  My right arm keeps slipping off the bone...

Then Zar chimed in. "My right foot keeps slipping off.  Before either one of us does any heavy lifting, we need some bone work done!"

I thought that was a reasonable request from both of them. Neither of them have had new bones for a long time... Maybe a couple of years...

So, before we start on which ever new house or trailer that Letty wants, I am going to sit down and do major surgery on both Tessie and Zar.  After all, I want a lot of help on these projects and the only way I am going to get it is if they are in the shape to do what they have to do.... They can draw their straws tomorrow.

I will be doing major surgery today... Back to work on whatever Letty chooses tomorrow. 

See you then!

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Drawing Straws...

I spent a lot of the day in the back yard... See the line of little red flowers along the walk? There are eighteen new plants there.  I am hoping that they will grow and make a little hedge of periwinkles...

Wish me luck!
I cleaned the bird feeding area and it is starting to attract all kinds of birds now.  It's fun to just sit at the table on the porch and watch them close up and personal.

Seth is out of town this week. Chile by way of Peru.  So April and Amare are coming over on Saturday.  We will have something to watch!
This is my latest freebee. I have a Palo Verde Tree starting to grow in the corner of the yard.

I am a bit allergic to them, but hey! They grow all over town. It's not like I can get away from them. and this one is going to be a nice one.

As for the Terrific Three.... Yes, I am changing my tune. They decided among themselves to draw straws.  The longest straw gets to go first. Middle sized will be second and the short straw will be last.

I am not going to argue.  They have all decided to help each other finish their respective abodes.

I may have too much help! The drawing is tomorrow morning.

See you then.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Sunset, Kota and a Meeting of the Minds...

Here's another one of our beautiful sunsets... I am late today and this was taken just before I started writing... It is almost like the sky is on fire!
Kota doesn't care.  He has two new boxes to sleep in.  I finally took the sheets out of the bottom of the box yesterday and he has been in the bottom most of the time since I emptied it. 

He does like any new cardboard boxes that come into the house.  Notice that he has several of his favorite toys in there with him.
Now for the important part... Is it possible to work on three buildings at once???

I think that I am in all kinds of trouble. 

These three think that it is a possibility, to work on all three at the same time.... I think NOT!

At the rate we are going, I may go back to square one and start the trailer... and let the best Man or Woman win!

Today was Witch's day, so I didn't get a lot done and all three of these people are mad that I wasn't home working on at least one of their buildings... I think that I would like to be excused now... I am going to bed early and sleep on this mess that I have gotten myself into!!! See you tomorrow.