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Showing posts with label Friskie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Friskie. Show all posts

Monday, February 19, 2018

You Did It Before and...

You can do it again! That was Tessie, when I told her to get out of the way so that I could work on her new potting shed...

I think that she was referring to the first project that I did after she moved in.

She sat in her favorite chair, with her alligator, on her lap and I painted the whole bottom floor of her cottage around her and Friskie.

For those of you that don't know, I know that Friskie is spelled wrong.  I had to name him that. It was the name on his bowl when I got him.

The new potting shed is a different matter. It is a much smaller building and if she is in the middle, I am NOT going to be able to paint around her.

I am lucky if I can get a paintbrush inside.  Especially if it has wet paint on it.
I did manage to get a base coat of gesso and one coat of light cream inside and out, before she moved in...

She is holding one of the wire bonsai trees that she intends to put on shelves on at least two walls of the shed.
She put that outside... Then she settled in with a good astrology book.  She can't possibly expect me to paint around her if she is sitting in the corner like that! No way! No how!

I may just have to lock her in the workroom and do the painting in the bedroom if she keeps up. Maybe, I can talk her into perching on the roof and watching. She has done that a few times. It gives her a better view of what is going on and keeps her out of the paint.

I am thinking "brick floor". If I do that, she will have to move out completely!

Wish me luck. I am going to need it!

See you tomorrow.

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Bribery Sometimes Works Best...

We got the kits from HBS this morning. Tessie was the first to open the boxes... She has no fingernails left.  Ripping and Tearing are her main means of opening mail.  Boxes are the roughest.

She is delighted with the trailer.  She wants it done up as a Gypsy caravan...

She already has a list a mile long.  She wants her rooftop garden covered for the whole length of the trailer... Err... I mean caravan.

It is not to be called a house trailer, like they did in the old days...

So... The first thing to do is close in the roof. 
She took one look at the room box and said simply " another colonial room, please".  She seems to like those.  If she keeps it up, she will have a whole colonial house in the book case. 

It may be kind of weird if I let her have her way.  All the rooms will be exactly the same size and shape.

I may have to put a stop to the colonial thing.
I told her that I couldn't start the trailer until after I finished doing the Christmas presents...

And then I got a brilliant idea.  I told her, "And by the way.  We won't be starting any of those until your cottage is spit and polished!"

Amazing... It took about an hour, but she has everything spitted and polished and back where it belongs. Zar is on the first floor with the animals and the pizza.

She is on the second, where she has a better view of the TV.  And Friskie, the alligator, has moved back in.  He refused to stay there while it was a mess... He has been living in the colonial bedroom...

Now it is all up to me.  I have to get the Christmas presents finished and then I can go to work on the caravan. 

Back to work.

See you tomorrow.