Showing posts with label Signs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Signs. Show all posts

08 March 2018

Just a moment

Every moment is a little bit later, Charleston, SC   
I try not to glorify vandalism but this stenciled message has been on this wall for so long I decided the owners must like it. 

25 February 2018

Would you like it?

Bonneau Beach, SC   
How would you like it? Not very much, thank you. They have some straight talking residents living at Bonneau beach. 

01 January 2018

Literary Neighborhood

Shelley & Browning intersection, Charleston, SC   
Write on!  Walking through my literary neighborhood makes me 
hope we have a few aspiring writers!

06 August 2017

21 January 2017

Signs & Messages

1st Class Hair Design, Line St., Charleston, SC   
Here are a few of the hand painted signs and quirky messages that caught my eye on a recent walk. Make of them what you will!

I watched yesterday's inauguration exactly where I've watched every important event in the last 40ish years - on a hospital television. These moments are imprinted in my brain, who I was with, what hospital, what waiting room. Yesterday's was one of the most awkward since if you don't know everyone you are with you can't read how a comment will be taken. Feelings are strong and raw. Healthcare is in a very uncertain time and that is one of my top concerns. All the best to us all.

King Market, King St., Charleston, SC 

10 November 2016

Teeny, tiny houses of Charleston

Stoll's Alley, Charleston, SC   
This may not be a genuine tiny house since on second glance it appears to be attached to the main building but it is close enough to count today. Truthfully with everything that has been going I haven't felt inclined to post so I'll stick to a sweet little house image and a sign that I spotted shortly after taking this shot.

Meanwhile, be nice to each other, kids.

23 February 2016

What ship?

Don't give up the ship, Charleston, SC    
What ship? Where is it? What's on it? Has my ship come in? I'll hang on!

31 January 2016

Live out of your Imagination

Gateway Walk, King St., Charleston, SC   
I always pause to read the featured quote on the gate to the Unitarian Universalist Church entrance to the Gateway Walk on King St. This was struck me a funny for Charleston where we treasure history so.

Here is a complete map to the Gateway Walk which includes some of my favorite spots and more details about the Garden Club's early project.
The Garden Club’s first civic project was the dream of Mrs. C. P. McGowan, president from 1928 to 1930. The Gateway walk, after visiting a peaceful garden in Paris.   Landscape architect Loutrel Briggs designed the original walk which is named for the ten wrought iron gates along its course through the city. Entrance to the Gateway Walk. The walk begins at the gates of St. John’s Lutheran Church on Archdale Street, crosses King Street and Meeting Street, and concludes at St. Philip’s Episcopal Church. It opened in 1930 to coincide with the 250th anniversary of the founding of Charleston. The club maintains the walk with proceeds from its fundraising projects.

16 November 2015

Work hard and be nice

Work hard and be nice
Would that be so hard, really? I need a sign like that to carry around with me. 

27 September 2015

Thoughtful messages

Everything Has Beauty, Charleston, SC  
Whew. I had a myself a busy week. I only had one day in the office squeezed between a conference in Orlando and a trip to Columbia and came back to a pile of envelopes under my door, things hanging from my doorknob, phone messages and notes taped up for me to deal with. I had work events both evenings I was home and hours of photo uploading to do after that. I needed a Joan clone.

Other than doing wash and getting a short walk in I pretty much crashed yesterday, me and George Gently snuggling on the couch catching up. I did wander a bit downtown to stretch my legs after so much sitting and these fun signs perked me up.

Have a good Sunday, kids!

27 August 2015

I used to love my Garden

Brookgreen Garden, SC

Rain foiled my evening walk so I had to row myself across the living room again on my rowing machine. It isn't quite the same as marching around outside, is it?

I had a plan for the evening but the entire plot was cancelled because of the recent daily thunderstorms. We meant to catch the watertaxi across the harbor and have dinner at the Fish House restaurant at Patriot's Point and then boat back. I had it all planned out and then wondered what happened if the boat stopped running in bad weather and we were stranded over there without a vehicle. Never-mind. We enjoyed an early and delicious dinner at Red Orchid instead. 

This evening's photo is a bit of fun from Brookgreen Garden. 

29 June 2015

Stop! She has ruined me

She has Ruined Me, Charleston, SC  
Don't deface public property. You know that.

But if you do, write an entire book on a street sign.

I can't be everywhere but luckily I have spies roaming the lowcountry saying to themselves, "Joan would like this!" Thanks Dr. G!

29 October 2014


Boo! Francis Beidler Forest, Harleyville, S.C
This good lookin' fella was posing in the park ranger office window at the Francis Beidler Forest.

In other news, the Post & Courier invited readers to submit their favorite cemetery photos to this album.

Charleston Area Convention And Visitors Bureau invited a group of blogging women to experience Charleston. Photos from their visit to Charleston here.

This sign near Francis Beidler Forest could drive a person around the bend!

08 August 2014

The only ones that matter!

Beware of Biting Dogs, Magnolia Rd., Charleston, S.C.
Don't worry about the fluffy little pups wanting to lick your hand but beware of the biting ones! Good advice.

05 April 2014

Walking & chewing gum

Wentworth St., Charleston, S.C.

I never said I could watch where I was going and chew gum at the same time....har, har.

There is so much going on in Charleston today I am going to need to plan very carefully to skirt the crowds.

03 April 2014

Mini Farms!

Small Farm Lane

I used to pass a countryside sign advertising Mini Farms for sale and I'd smile to myself in my car imagining mini everything - pygmy goats, miniature ponies, teacup pigs, dwarf fruit trees, grape tomatoes, fairy eggplant. Last weekend I spotted this sign and my mini farm obsession has started again.  Mini Farms!

19 March 2014

Steal Back Your Life

Steal Back Your Life, Charleston, S.C.
Oooooh, I try so hard not to glorify vandalism but you know how much I like this kind of thing. Shame on them. They shouldn't do it on private property but I've had two glasses of wine with dinner and I'm letting this one slip by.

Now, here is one I featured on Facebook but not here.....I thought it was very nice of them/him to leave such a thoughtful message for me. I drove extra carefully on the way home. 

04 February 2014

Someone loves their dog

Country Roads, S.C.
It seems like one of the benefits of living in the country should be that your dog can roam free but it could be dangerous if the pup happened to be hard of hearing and didn't hear a car also enjoying the roads less traveled. These folks loved their dog enough to put up a warning sign. Keep an eye out!

17 January 2014

Live out of your imagination

King St., Charleston, S.C.
The Unitarian Church changes this sign on King St. often enough to keep me entertained. Thank you folks.

It's Friday kids! Hurrah!  It has felt like a long week but let's put that behind us and make plans for the weekend. What shall we do?

26 September 2013

Please Don't Sit on the Flowers

North Market St., Charleston, S.C.
Someone is trying to give their flowers a chance in a seat level window box on North Market St. Don't sit on them!