Showing posts with label joggling board. Show all posts
Showing posts with label joggling board. Show all posts

15 January 2019

On the Joggling Board trail

Parcel 32, King St., Charleston, SC 
I used to document all the joggling boards I came across in my wanderings but haven't posted one for awhile. This one is in front of the recently opened Parcel 32 restaurant on King St. They always tempt me to sit and joggle a bit!

24 January 2018

Get your joggle on!

Joggling board, Charleston, SC 
I introduced a young lady from Minnesota to a joggling board this evening and she started laughing with joy as we bounced. It wasn't this one. We had enjoyed dinner at HUSK restaurant and they have two fine joggling boards on the piazza. Isn't this a lovely one, though, in green that matches the shutters?

Flu count - everyone still healthy I hope?! Every day we wake up without the flu is a good day. 

28 January 2017

Day tripping - Hopsewee Plantation

Hopsewee Plantation, SC   
A perfect day trip up the coast from Charleston, the historic rice plantation property of Hopsewee Plantation has a tea room serving a tasty lunch or afternoon tea. I'd enjoyed the tea room before but for the first time paid the fee and took the house tour.

The owners live in the home so it has a warm and friendlier feeling than most historic home tours. The owners are active participants in the running of the property and restaurant. We had an informative tour and were allowed to explore the basement and attic although I wasn't able to take pictures inside the building.
Hopsewee Plantation: Built circa 1740, some 40 years before the American Revolutionary War, Hopsewee Plantation was one of the South's major rice plantations and the birthplace of Thomas Lynch, Jr., one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence.

28 June 2015

Jiggety Joggety

Joggling Board, Hopsewee Plantation, SC 
I haven't added to my joggling board sightings recently so here are a couple of shots to start the morning. This joggling board is on the grounds of Hopsewee Plantation up the coast from Charleston on the way to Georgetown.

A joggling or jostling board is a long, pliable board that is supported on each end by wooden stands. The board is springy and a person sitting on it can easily bounce up and down. Sources differ on the origination; its usage in the Lowcountry of South Carolina around Charleston in the early 19th century is however rather well-documented. Traditionally, it is painted Charleston green. The joggling board's popularity has slowly been coming back, mostly as decorations on lawns and front porches.

27 March 2015

Rainy days in Charleston

Vanderhorst St., Charleston, S.C. 
It is a rainy day in the lowcountry and we are being invaded by thousands of visitors for the Cooper River Bridge run in the morning. Traffic has been a nightmare in almost every direction and I was happy to come straight home this evening and gobble up leftovers. I usually go to town early in the morning to take pictures of the wheelchair racers speeding down King St. but I just don't know if I am going to make it this year. It's been a busy week. Good luck to all the runners and walkers!

Here is a bit of fun. Five favorite South Carolina foods taste tested by Californians. The boiled peanuts don't go over so well but the shrimp and grits dish is a big hit! 

26 June 2013

Joggling in the rain

Joggling Board - mine!
I still take pictures of joggling boards but I have my own now. These are the pretty blue glazed containers that I bought with my Mother's Day gift certificate to Hyam's Garden center. Lucky me!

Rain, rain. Tornado warnings and hail. My yard is a pond again and we may have more on the way. Stay safe out there kids. I am going to get fat and soft if it keeps raining during my walking time.

11 December 2012

Have a Joggly Holiday

Joggling Board, Charleston, S.C.

I found a couple more Joggling Boards for my collection. Soon I'll have tracked them all down!

Psssst....if you are looking for one, I found Island Time Joggling Boards to have the best prices.

22 September 2012

Joggling Board - old style

Joggling Board, Aiken Rhett House, Charleston, S.C.
Since we have been on a Joggling Board track lately I am happy to share an original. Isn't this lovely? I bought a ticket to the Museum Mile weekend and hopped between museums, historic houses and art galleries this morning. I found this sweetie on the piazza of the Aiken Rhett House on Elizabeth St. Photos aren't allowed in the interior but I grabbed the chance to get a photo of this old joggling board.

It was a nice way to spend the day. I got in some places I haven't been to since I first moved to Charleston and some I'd never been in. After the Aiken Rhett House I did a quick run through the Charleston Museum, the Confederate Museum, the Old Slave Mart Museum, lunch at Bull St. Gourmet and finished off at the Gibbes Art Museum for the Willard Hirsch sculptures and the Rock & Roll Photography show.

19 September 2012

Joggling board sighting - mine!

Joggling Board, Charleston, S.C.

After taking pictures of joggling boards all over the lowcounty I finally have my own! My home renovation time table might be a little off kilter but I have the important things taken care of - a swing hanging from an oak tree in the front yard and a joggling board in the back yard.

Thanks to Island Time Joggling Boards for getting me set up and delivering my baby. When they realized what a fan I was they delivered it for free!

21 May 2012

If the shoe fits, fix it

Peter & Sons Shoe Repair, South Windermere, Charleston, S.C.

It surprises and makes me happy that we still have shoe repair shops. It reminds me that we don't throw everything out as soon as it is worn. Also, I really like hand painted signs and shoe repair shops seem to specialize in them. To find this one I walked all the way to South Windermere Plaza on Saturday morning to see how long it would take. I am finding all the places that are within reasonable walking distance of my new house. This would make more sense on a bike but I'll figure that out in good time.

Peter must have quite a few sons because there is a Peter & Sons Luggage Repair Shop next door.  Googling the company for the link I came across a Yelp website with a few good reviews and it made my blood boil yet again at the article I read recently about Yelp calling to pressure business owners into paying for them to remove negative ads. I do hope that isn't true. I've always enjoyed Yelp reviews.

Near by I also spotted a mini me joggling board for Waldo! Cute.  Soon I will be able to provide him with a map of every joggling board in the lowcountry and he can coordinate official tours.

26 March 2012

Joggling Board sighting

Joggling Board, Middleton Place, Charleston, S.C.
A joggling board sighting for Waldo who has fond memories of them.

I lead so many people to the Old Charleston Joggling Board site that I should get a cut!  Check out this link with more joggling board history and this grand old photo:


04 November 2011

Windy Friday

Joggling Board, Charleston, S.C.
I missed the recent Design Sponge book tour evening in Charleston. I had downloaded tickets but was double booked that night so was happy to see the posted photos of Asheville, Durham, Charleston and Savannah. I am fascinated by what catches a visitor's eye in a familiar place.

I am going to bed with a car parked directly in front of my driveway. It doesn't need to be. There is space in front of and behind it. Hopefully it is a visitor who will slip away in the night because I am supposed to be up and out early to get to the AIDS Walk at Hampton Park. Should leave a wake up call with a tow truck?

Wow, it is wild and windy out this evening. I am glad to be snug and warm in my home. G'night kids!

26 April 2011

Joggling Board on the Beach

Patriots Point, Mt. Pleasant, S.C.

I spotted another joggling board a couple of weeks ago when I attended a wedding on the Mt. Pleasant side of the harbor. What a perfect spot for a wedding. I knew the hotel was there but discovered lovely little cottages that people can rent and have a wedding right on the beach. It was beautiful.

Maybe I should get married!

Harhar. ;)

Now, with all the links I direct for information on joggling boards isn't it surprising that I don't even have one? I am the single biggest promoter of these fun lowcountry seats.

04 April 2011

A glimpse of the rare caged joggling board

Joggling Board, Charleston, S.C.

The rare caged joggling board.

For Waldo who is fond of joggling boards. Soon we will have them all photographed and tagged.

Here is the history of this lowcountry tradition: Joggling Board.

01 August 2010

Adding to the Joggling Board collection

Joggling Board, Charleston, S.C.

Another joggling board find for Waldo. I should be earning points towards a free joggling board with all the publicity I give them.

Anyone else watching Mad Men with me?

07 May 2010

Adding to the J-Board album

Tradd St., Charleston, S.C.

For Waldo. I am building him the complete collection of joggling board locations in the lowcountry. I am now the Official Joggling Board Spotter. Let me know if I have missed one. It looks like I may need to repost a few that were included in my earlier blog.
It's been a chaotic day in the stock market: Helium was up. Feathers were down. Beef steered into a bull market. Paper was stationary. Fluorescent tubing was dimmed in light trading. Pencils lost a few points. Hiking equipment was trailing. Elevators rose. Escalators continued their slow decline. Weights were up in heavy trading. Light switches were off.

Mining equipment hit rock bottom. Shipping lines stayed at an even keel. The market for raisins dried up. Coca Cola fizzled. Caterpillar stock inched up a bit. Balloon prices were inflated. Scott Tissue touched a new bottom. Knives were up sharply. Sun stocks peaked at midday. Diapers remain unchanged.

Too much going on lately. Be proactive. Pencil in a weekend nap right now.

23 April 2010

Joggling Boards cont...

Vanderhorst St., Charleston, S.C.

For Waldo. I think of him whenever I see a Joggling Board.

No chit chat tonight kids. I've had a couple of glasses of wine and lost the ability to spell. Typing very carefully here. People let their friends blog drunk. They laugh at them but they let them.