Showing posts with label church photo in lieu of attendance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label church photo in lieu of attendance. Show all posts

19 January 2020

Church Photo in Lieu of Attendance: St. Matthew's Lutheran

St. Matthew's Lutheran Church, King St., Charleston, SC 
We've featured this church scene before but the camelias in bloom caught my eye yesterday. This is St. Matthew's Lutheran on King St.

St. Matthew's Lutheran Church, founded in 1840 by a group of Germans who wished to worship in their native language, quickly outgrew its original building at Hasell and Anson Streets in Charleston. 

The congregation moved into its current building in 1872.  The small congregation could never have envisioned its growth to become South Carolina's largest Lutheran church at the beginning of the 21st century. 

From the beginning until today, St. Matthew's has reached out to meet and serve the needs of others in our local community and throughout the world, as ordained by God.

The congregation moved into its current building in 1872.  The small congregation could never have envisioned its growth to become South Carolina's largest Lutheran church at the beginning of the 21st century. From the beginning until today, St. Matthew's has reached out to meet and serve the needs of others in our local community and throughout the world, as ordained by God.

11 August 2019

Church Photo in Lieu of Attendance - St. Michael's

St. Michael's Church, Meeting & Broad St., Charleston, SC
St. Michael’s Church is the oldest church edifice in the City of Charleston, standing on the site of the first Anglican Church built south of Virginia. In the 1680’s a small wooden church, the first in the new town of Charles Town, was built on this spot for the families of the Church of England, and named St. Philip’s. By 1727, the town had grown too large for the small church and a more spacious one was built of brick on Church Street, later destroyed by fire in 1835.By 1751, St. Philip’s had again proved too small for the increasing population, and another church was authorized by the General Assembly of the Province, to be built on the old site and to be known as St. Michael’s. The cornerstone was laid in 1752 and in 1761 the church was opened for services. Except for the addition of the sacristy in 1883 on the southeast corner, the structure of the building has been little changed.
It is simply too hot in Charleston. I need another weekend. Hope y'all have had a good one!

29 April 2019

Church Photo in Lieu of Attendance - Gemstone Prayer Center

Gemstone Prayer Center, Locust Grover
Tricked ya. There is no Locust Grove in Charleston. If you look closely you can see that it was the former entrance to Sears department store at Citadel Mall. The abandoned shop is being used as a movie set for the HBO series The Righteous Gemstones

12 August 2018

Church Photo in Lieu of Attendance - St. Paul's Lutheran

St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Mt. Pleasant, SC  
I haven't posted a Church Photo in Lieu of Attendance for a while but spotted this pretty scene as I was walking in the old village of Mt. Pleasant yesterday morning.

This is St. Paul's Lutheran Church, established in 1884. Visit their website here. This message is borrowed from the Pastor's newsletter message:
We can get into rhythm with God. We can do this by going somewhere and being alone. Lie on the grass; listen to the God’s creation, the earth. This is difficult to do in traffic, with all the congestion. Nature has a definite tempo. It is more about being plenty of time, plenty of time. Sped up people are always tired. Get alone and listen. Can’t find a place; go to church. Listen to the word of God. Sing hymns. This will help you get in the right tempo. 

30 June 2018

Church Photo in Lieu of Attendance - St. Mark's, Chester, S.C.

St. Mark's Episcopal Church, Chester, SC
This is a first - I am featuring a guest submission for the Church Photo in Lieu of Attendance series! I am not in Chester, SC but my long time blogger friend Lindsay moved there recently and forwarded  this lovely shot of St. Mark's Episcopal church my way. He knows my fondness for these historic chapels. I can't find much history on it but this site has a mini video tour and states that it originated as a Presbyterian Church and was constructed in 1878. Thanks Lindsay!

The morning rain disrupted my walk and it's too hot to do much outside so it's been a chores and puttering day so far. Stay cool, kids!

20 May 2018

Church Photo in Lieu of Attendance - Yemassee Junction

Yemassee, SC    
If I am ever driving through Yemassee, SC I must stop to check on the Yemassee Junction/Holy Temple Church mural. According to Google images I am not the only person who does that. We could each chip in a buck as we pass by towards mural maintenance.

These pictures were from a day trip from last weekend aiming to head to lunch at Fletcher's Finds, where you eat lunch inside an actual antique shop but arrived after it had closed for the afternoon. A drive takes longer when you stop to admire every quirky scene along the way. I didn't go to church and I missed lunch but a drive in the country at spring time in the lowcountry is always a successful day.

05 April 2018

Morning sun

St. Philip's Church. Church St., Charleston, SC   
This was to be my jury duty week but I was released on the first day. Lucky me! Spring break week I suspect. Assigned to the courthouse on Broad St. I walked to the top of the Cumberland St. garage and caught this view of St. Philip's church in the morning sun. Not bad for a cell phone shot. 

19 November 2017

Church Photo in Lieu of Attendance - Stono Baptist Church

Stono Baptist Church, Ravenel, SC    
I am captive at home with the sniffles this weekend so dipping into my back road photo albums for this morning's Church Photo in Lieu of Attendance.

Every photographer I know has stopped to take a picture of this sweet chapel on a hill in Ravenel. Because of that we can track the deterioration through the captured images. The piano used to be upright in place but now is flat on it's back. This time I also spotted the typo in the word "cemetery" in the sign :). Ooops.

22 October 2017

Church Photo in Lieu of Attendance - Cummings Chapel

Cummings Chapel, Dorchester County, SC   
Sometime a flash of color down a back road leads to a wonderful find and this morning's addition to our Church Photo in Lieu of Attendance series. This is Cummings Chapel built in 1875 in Dorchester County. The church and cemetery appear to be meticulously maintained. I took the interior shot through the window.

04 October 2017

Church Photo in Lieu of Attendance - Pawleys Island

Pawleys Island Chapel, Pawleys Island, SC   
I had taken a similar picture of this sweet chapel on Pawley's Island a few years ago and seem to remember having to try to position myself not to get hanging electrical wires in the shot. This time the view was clear. On backtracking I discovered that that was indeed true - the wires are gone but I learned something else, they are going to completely move the chapel off it's foundation for structural repairs. Someone has a big project on their hands!
South Strand News: Pawleys Chapel, an iconic structure that sits on an island that’s home to the oldest resort town in America, will be on the move this winter.The Chapel will be lifted up and rolled across the street – likely in January – so that repairs and upgrades can be made to the foundation.Once the work is completed over the following months, the Chapel will be put back in place in its same location.“The Pawleys Island House of Worship” owns the Chapel building.Board member Jimmy McCants told South Strand News the board received construction authorization for the work in late June.Since the Pawleys Chapel serves tourists as a place for Sunday worship, McCants said the group will hold off on the work for several more months.“The last Sunday service was the end of August,” McCants said, but the Chapel is booked for a number of weddings through December.

17 September 2017

She Made Good Gravy

She Made Good Gravy, All Saint, Pawley's Island, SC    
I had been to All Saint's Church near Pawley's Island before but learned later I had missed this tombstone and had to go back. My friend Rosie and I each started at opposite ends of the cemetery and although I spotted a few other interesting ones, she hit the jackpot. This lady was clearly well known for her gravy!

03 September 2017

Church Photo in Lieu of Attendance - St. Mary Catholic Church, Summerton

St. Mary Catholic Church, Summerton, SC   
Our featured church this Sunday is the oldest Catholic Church in Clarendon County and was built in 1914 to serve Lebanese immigrants. I learn something new every day! In 2014 it was relegated to a be mission of St. Mary, Our Lady of Hope, Manning but mass is still held twice a week. What a lovely historic chapel. I did get extra brownie point for finding a Catholic church since my sidekick traveling companion for the day was Sr. Rosie :). 
St. Mary Catholic Church -  In 1913, the Catholic Diocese of Charleston purchased the property where the church was to be located. The Lebanese people from Georgetown, Camden, Kingstree and Greeleyville, along with the Catholic Extension Society, helped the Catholics in Summerton. In 1914, the church was completed and dedicated. Over time, the columned front porch was enclosed to form the vestibule, a stained glass window was added, the sacristy was enlarged, and a rectory was built on the property behind the church. In 1993, the house next door was purchased and renovated as a recreational center with classrooms. It is the only Catholic Church in Clarendon county and provides Mass for travelers.

20 August 2017

Church Photo in Lieu of Attendance - Jekyll Island, GA

Faith Chapel, Jekyll Island, GA
I was on the road this weekend and a bit worried about it considering all the ominous traffic warnings as folks head to eclipse viewing territory. We aimed for Brunswick, St. Simon's and Jekyll Island on the coast of Georgia. It was all new territory for me so I was in my glory. I never tire of seeing new sights.

This Sunday's Church Photo in Lieu of Attendance is the sweet Faith Chapel on Jekyll Island.
Jekyll Island is a small barrier island on the southeast coast of Georgia. It was purchased in 1886 by a group of wealthy industrialists (including J.P. Morgan, William K. Vanderbilt, William Rockefeller, and Marshall Field) and developed into the Jekyll Island Club, a private winter retreat. A clubhouse was completed in 1888, and members built 'cottages' the size of mansions nearby. 
With all the growth on the island, the members needed a place to worship. A chapel was built, but quickly outgrown; Faith Chapel was completed in time for the 1904 resort season.
The chapel's Gothic-influenced design, exterior gargoyles, luxurious carpeting, and rich stained wood interior are enough to impress. But the west wall, on the chapel's front, features a rare treasure. The stained glass window on this wall was designed, installed, and signed by Louis Comfort Tiffany, reportedly one of only five such pieces known to exist.
Luckily we found smooth sailing all the way with no traffic issues at all. We met with friends, had lunch on Jekyll Island, dinner on Brunswick Island and had a lovely water front walk along St. Simon's.

13 August 2017

Church Photo in Lieu of Attendance - Salt Spring Island

Paul's Church, Salt Spring Island, BC, Canada
This evening's Church Photo in Lieu of Attendance is a quick shot from my recent trip to Salt Spring Island off the coast of western Canada. Before I travel I always take a look at Google images for an area so I had my eye out for it. It was built around 1880 by Father Donckele, the first Roman Catholic missionary to the Gulf Islands and was built by Hawaiian laborers. The materials were brought in by canoe  and then ox drawn carts. 
Kanakas, men from Hawaii, came to British Columbia around the year 1850, mainly as labourers for the Hudson’s Bay Company at Fort Victoria. Some of these pioneers settled on Portland, Russell and Coal Islands but the largest group chose south Salt Spring where they farmed, fished and logged. Many married native women and their children attended Beaver Point and Isabella Point Schools. They held Hawaiian luaus on Fulford Harbour beaches. They helped build St. Paul’s Church and members of several Kanaka families were buried in the cemetery. Some descendants still live on Salt Spring.

I wish I had spent a little more time exploring the tombs because the cemetery website lists this interesting inscription: 

Papa Francis William Coffey, Born: Angels Cove, Newfoundland August 29, 1947 Died: Old Monks Farmhouse, Salt Spring Isles October 10, 1998. Mine. Better shop short than fill to the brim. Oversharpen the blade and the edge will soon blunt. Amass a store of gold and jade and no one can protect it. Claim wealth and titles and disaster will follow. Retire when the work is done. This is the way to heaven.

06 August 2017

20 July 2017

Church Photos in Lieu of Attendance - McClellanville, SC

McClellanville United Methodist Church
Not everyone goes to church on a Thursday afternoon but tag along with me as we admire the churches of McClellanville, SC. We had an official escort after meeting the new Methodist pastor Reverend Tim Saucy who had the keys to let us snoop around after enjoying a bowl of crab chowder at TW Graham & Co. restaurant.

We started with one of his new churches, the historic McClellanville United Methodist Church in the center of the little coastal village. A black cat welcomed us, the lady doing the cleaning knew the church history and the hurricane Hugo high water mark plaque on the wall was terrifying.

The children of McClellanville have had free use of all the churches for Vacation Bible School week so we also walked over to visit the beautiful Episcopal Chapel of Ease.

Our final stop was down Highway 45 to the tiny little Wrens Chapel another Methodist church. I believe my immediate family would fill it up. It was built in 1865 to replace an even older church burnt during the war between the states.

16 July 2017

Church Photo in Lieu of Attendance - Brick Church at Wambaw

Brick Church at Wambaw, St. James Santee Parish
The chapel is set in a peaceful pine tree forest. The last time I was there was in the evening with all the windows open, listening to the talented gentlemen from the Charlestones group sing to me. I had reminded myself then to come back in the daylight for pictures and was grateful for gentle light yesterday. It is a tricky spot to photograph in bright glaring sun. The church was built in 1768 and you feel immersed in history on the property.
About the Brick Church at WambawAlthough Wambaw Church stands alone on the old King’s Highway among the pines and oaks of the forest, it was once the center of a busy and prosperous community.  North and south along the Santee River were rice plantations whose Carolina rice became famous all over the world and the prosperity of the planters is reflected in the beauty and proportions of Wambaw Church.  The body of the church was built of brick imported from England, but the columns of   the portico were constructed of local wedge-shaped bricks.  The pews were made of hand-pegged cypress, the flagstone floor has withstood the  ravages of two wars and the vaulted ceiling still retains the original plaster work. 

09 July 2017

Church Photo in Lieu of Attendance - Prince Frederick's Chapel

Prince Frederick's Chapel, Plantersville, SC    
Not too far from Georgetown and well worth a detour on historic Plantersville Road is this dramatic chapel ruin. The gate was locked so I didn't go any further. I almost crawled through the hole in the fencing that has clearly been used before, but I didn't, okay. Happy now?
Prince Frederick’s Episcopal Church: Begun in 1859 and completed in 1876, Prince Frederick’s Chapel played a vital role in the religious life of the Pee Dee settlers in the latter half of the 19th century. With the decline of the rice economy, parishioners migrated to the more densely populated urban areas and the church suffered from lack of maintenance. The ruins of the chapel are all that remain of what once was a striking example of Gothic Revival architecture in South Carolina

Edited to add an older image showing the higher decorative pillars. 

02 July 2017

Church Photo in Lieu of Attendance - Edisto Presbyterian Church

Presbyterian Church on Edisto, Edisto Island, SC   
There are beautiful historic churches on Edisto Island and the Presbyterian Church with it's tiny Praise Chapel is always worth a pause and visit. The historic cemetery comes with it's own ghost story. The congregation was founded in 1685 and the current church building was constructed in 1831.  The church sanctuary and manse (where pastors have lived since the 18th century) are listed on the National Register of Historic Places. 

It is a beautiful but hot day in Charleston. I went by the Sunday Brunch Farmer's Market on Maybank Highway and now have a carrot cake in the oven and feel I should be able to laze around for the rest of the afternoon. Zzzzzzz. I hope everyone is having a great holiday weekend.