Showing posts with label Churches. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Churches. Show all posts

11 August 2019

Church Photo in Lieu of Attendance - St. Michael's

St. Michael's Church, Meeting & Broad St., Charleston, SC
St. Michael’s Church is the oldest church edifice in the City of Charleston, standing on the site of the first Anglican Church built south of Virginia. In the 1680’s a small wooden church, the first in the new town of Charles Town, was built on this spot for the families of the Church of England, and named St. Philip’s. By 1727, the town had grown too large for the small church and a more spacious one was built of brick on Church Street, later destroyed by fire in 1835.By 1751, St. Philip’s had again proved too small for the increasing population, and another church was authorized by the General Assembly of the Province, to be built on the old site and to be known as St. Michael’s. The cornerstone was laid in 1752 and in 1761 the church was opened for services. Except for the addition of the sacristy in 1883 on the southeast corner, the structure of the building has been little changed.
It is simply too hot in Charleston. I need another weekend. Hope y'all have had a good one!