Showing posts with label backroads. Show all posts
Showing posts with label backroads. Show all posts

28 May 2019

On the road - Poinsett Bridge

Poinsett Bridge, Greenville, SC 
The Poinsett Bridge has been on my list for awhile and it was a worthwhile detour on the last day in the Greenville area. It was about half an hour from Greenville. What a sweet and cool spot on a record breaking hot day. There is a lively creek flowing under the bridge and we took our shoes off to soak our tootsies in the cool water. 
Poinsett Bridge is the oldest bridge in South Carolina and perhaps in the entire southeastern United States. Named for Joel Roberts Poinsett, it was built in 1820 as part of a road from Columbia, South Carolina to Saluda Mountain. The stone bridge, which includes a 14-foot Gothic arch and stretches 130 feet over Little Gap Creek, may have been designed by Robert Mills, architect of the Washington Monument. Though no longer in use, the bridge remains largely intact and is part of the 120-acre Poinsett Bridge Heritage Preserve. There is a nature trail a few hundred yards from the bridge.The bridge was named to the National Register of Historic Places in 1970.

24 February 2019

Backroads, SC

Adidas Rd. SC
This cottage always catches my eye. Until recently there has often been a gentleman on the porch who waved to a honk on the horn. He's been absent lately so I didn't feel like I was invading his space to pull up and grab a shot. Hope he is okay.

Happy weekend, kids!

14 October 2018

Southern version of snowy white fields

Dawson Rd, Eutawville, SC 
I've already started seeing posts of snow so thought I'd share our southern version.
It looks like a good cotton crop this year! 

29 September 2018

Happy weekend from Muffler Man!

Backroads, SC 
Muffler man always make me smile. G'morning kids! What is everyone up to on this drizzly Saturday morning? I've allowed the rain to give me permission to be supremely lazy so far but I'll kick into action eventually. 

09 June 2018

Riding the rails in St. George, SC

Train mural, St. George, SC  
St. George has a lot of murals. I had taken pictures of this particular one years ago and on a recent drive was happy to see it looking bright and refreshed on the main corner next to the gas/convenience station.

Something was missing though. In my earlier version of the mural, the train engineer had been painted in and was the image of the gas station owner. As it changed hands through the years he was painted out of the engineer role. Below are the earlier shots:

02 June 2018

Bottle Tree

Bottle Tree, Hwy 15, SC   
I've featured bottle trees before but this is a show (car) stopper! Wowza! When you have a display like this I don't imagine you mind people pulling up to take a picture. I had to enlarge my shot to figure out that the statues on guard at the door appear to be Chinese warriors. These folks are enjoying their property.

It's been a bright and sunny day but I hit the door as a thunderstorm hit. Thunder and lightening, oh my! Stay dry, kids.

31 March 2018

History by the lake

Rock's Pond Rd., Eutawville, SC
I've noted these buildings in passing along the road to Rock's Pond Campground and finally stopped to take a closer look. My understanding is they are outbuildings from the original Rocks Plantation that is now submerged under Lake Marion. More history of the plantation can be found on this site:
South Carolina Plantations. They are sadly falling into disrepair.

24 February 2018

Daffodil Heaven

Salters, SC   
My friend Brandon captured our imagination by posting a picture of this beautiful abandoned farmhouse sitting in a field of daffodils. Wow. Who could resist a drive in the county to tiny little Salters, SC to find it just out of town on Highway 521?

I did not go inside but he contacted the owner and discovered it is for sale for $100,000 on two acres of land. I don't need to buy it but someone will. I hope they leave the yard full of daffodils.

22 October 2017

Church Photo in Lieu of Attendance - Cummings Chapel

Cummings Chapel, Dorchester County, SC   
Sometime a flash of color down a back road leads to a wonderful find and this morning's addition to our Church Photo in Lieu of Attendance series. This is Cummings Chapel built in 1875 in Dorchester County. The church and cemetery appear to be meticulously maintained. I took the interior shot through the window.

07 October 2017

Teeny, tiny buildings - St. George

Elba's Puppy Love Pet Grooming, St. George, SC   
I trust no one in St. George, SC has a big dog since this is Elba's Puppy Love Pet Grooming business. Cute, I tell ya. Cute.

06 October 2017

If you miss the train I'm on, you will know that I am gone...

Salters, SC   
Some time ago I happened to mention on social media the direction we were driving on country roads and suggestions started flowing in of places to see. It was quite wonderful. My friend Brandon suggested a quick detour to the old train depot station of Salters, SC. Thanks Brandon!

In other news, it is the weekend. Celebrate!

01 October 2017

Colorful tales of the traveling buoy

Traveling Buoy Park, Port Royal, SC   
In 1970 this adventurous buoy broke free from it's mooring in Port Royal Sound and traveled 6,000 miles - to Scotland! A British ship towed it to port. They charged 1.5 cents per miles to return it to Charleston. It was eventually returned to Port Royal and now sits in the Fraternal Order of Police Memorial Park where its light is kept burning in dedication to all officers who’ve lost their lives in the line of duty.

Another buoy recently took a shorter trip with Hurricane Irma ending up on Hilton Head island. According to the Post & Courier this one just went eight miles and ended up on the beach.

04 September 2017

Mounds of History

Santee Indian Mound, Clarendon County, SC 
When we pulled into the park to see the Indian Mound at Fort Watson across the bridge from Santee, the first thing I noticed was a small mound of dirt piled to display the historical plaques and I was NOT impressed. What the heck? Happily beyond the trees and field I spotted actual stairs built to climb a very impressive mound over looking Lake Marion.

The interesting thing about this particular mound is that it was used for numerous burials over time and grew higher and higher with the burial of different chiefs of the Santee Indian tribe between 1200 - 1500.

During the Revolutionary War, the British took advantage of the elevation and built Fort Jackson on top adding 30 - 50 feet in height to the mound. Our hero Francis Marion captured the fort by building a tower even higher in the woods in the dead of night and dealing with them from above. It is a beautiful and historic spot, peaceful, lush and green now with no evidence of the Fort.
Santee Indian Mound was part of a mound village complex; it was probably a burial and/or temple mound, likely constructed in some cultural period between 1200-1500 AD. Santee Indian Mound and a probable low earthwork remain intact except for the superposition of eighteenth- century fortifications on top of the mound. The fortification, British Revolutionary War post Fort Watson, was built from 30 to 50 feet high atop the mound. In 1780, Francis Marion and Light Horse Harry Lee decided to capture the fort. Bombardment was out of the question, for the Americans were without artillery, but Colonel Maham, one of Marion’s officers, proposed building a log tower higher than Fort Watson. Hidden by trees, men hewed logs and the tower was erected in a single night. At dawn a shower of lead poured down into the enemy enclosure, effecting a quick victory. Fort Watson was the first fortified British military outpost in South Carolina recaptured by patriot forces after the British occupation of 1780. There are no remains of Fort Watson on the site. Listed in the National Register July 29, 1969.

02 September 2017

Swamp Fox Murals - Summerton, SC

Swamp Fox Mural, Summerton, SC    
After Friday night lazing at on the banks of Lake Marion, Summerton was an easy day trip. Summerton is one of the towns on the Swamp Fox mural trail and we spotted quite a few of them in town each telling a part of the American Revolution fought in South Carolina with our hero Francis Marion the Swamp Fox. Please do click on the link for more information and listen to the Swamp Fox song while you do!

Swamp Fox Murals Trail Society in Clarendon County, SCThe Swamp Fox, General Francis 
Marion and his engagements with the British in 1780-81 in St. Mark's Parish,  now Clarendon County,  depicting history on Historic murals in Manning, Paxville, Summerton & Turbeville.  
Every mural tells a story of the events of the American Revolution in South Carolina. 

16 August 2017

Mail call!

Salters, SC    
This is an original! Every once and a while I consider doing a series on fun mail boxes and then I forget about it. This one called for a quick turn around for a photo op. Send these folks a letter!

I can't help think of all the excited kids ready for the first day of school in Charleston County tomorrow. I'll be looking forward to all the first day at school photos on Facebook tomorrow. 

15 August 2017

On the road - Florence, SC

Julia Belle's, Florence, SC     
My weekend day trip was to Florence, SC and googling a place for lunch we drove directly to the Florence Farmer's Market and had lunch at Julia Belle's. I was amazed at the size of the Farmer's Market building. It was large enough for cars to drive right through the building and pull up to park under the shed.

Besides the usual produce in the building there was another huge structure with antiques and thrift items so big that it was divided into sections by rooms - living room goods, bedroom furniture and so on. Sadly for me, my house is tiny and if I bring home anything new, something old must go.

We made a stop in the historic area that is under renovation and admired the shops and Hotel Florence but not for long. The skies opened and rain put a stop to our downtown exploration. Thanks for a nice visit Florence!