Showing posts with label Springtime. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Springtime. Show all posts

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Sunday Sleeping Late...

I was just so comfy and cozy
that I did not want to get out of bed.
My Lap Lady gave me
this blue sleeping bag which I love...
So, I'm staying in...

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Easter was Fun!

Happy Easter Everyone!
We had such fun today.
I found this Easter Basket in the family room.
It was full of plastic eggs and plastic carrots.
It also had a burlap catnip toy - in fact, the whole basket
smelled like catnip.
I found some feathery bunny ears
but no bunnies!
My Lap Lady was talking to me
while I was sniffing the feathery bunny ears.
Willow heard us and rushed over to see what we were doing.
You may recall that Willow is a huge fan of feathers.
After she sniffed the bunny ears for a while
she looked in the basket.
That was it for the basket.
In the basket Willow saw a purple feather pen
with a bunny
on top of it that lit up bright red.
Willow ever so quickly went around
to the other side of that basket.
Then she knocked the basket over
and all of the eggs and toys fell out of it.
She was really happy to find
that purple feather bunny pen.
I was afraid that there would be trouble
since she was making such a mess in the family room.
I was playing with one of the eggs
and you can see Willow's purple feather bunny pen
on the floor while she played with a carrot.
Then she remembered
that the purple feather bunny pen was waiting for her.
She started running around with it
and licking the feathers.
At that point, I decided to get out of the way...
So I just laid down on the rug
and watched her go crazy...

It was a very good day!
Oh, and we even got some ham!

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Springtime on the Porch

Willow and I are so happy that Springtime is here.
Well, at least today it is very Spring-like.
We were just completely enjoying our porch.
I am so happy to be out where it is warm
and I have my cat grass.
Willow doesn't understand how good it is to eat.... chomp chomp chomp... So it is all mine!
See my tongue is out,
trying to get more cat grass in my mouth...
Time for water - cat grass makes me thirsty...And now it's definitely time for a nap!

Head on over to Scribblings
for the 157th edition

of The Carnival of Cats.