Showing posts with label porch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label porch. Show all posts

Monday, January 15, 2007

No Porch Today!

After I enjoyed the porch on Friday
with my fleecy little lamb,

the ice storm arrived!

My Lap Lady was taken on a road trip
by my Big Janitor (aka "the Dad")
to see all of the icy trees.
Here are two of the pictures of the icy trees.
This one shows off the ice
and the poor cows
that don't have any nice blankets like me!
This one was taken at a wildlife area near where we live.I, on the other paw,
decided to stay in and stay warm!
I was very cozy and content!

Friday, January 12, 2007

Fun Furriday Friday

This is what i was doing
while waiting for
our approaching ice storm...
for a fun Friday picture.
It was actually 57 degrees on my porch
until the cold front started moving in.
As you may guess, I am no longer a "porch kitty"
until it warms up again!

Friday Ark is boarding today,
What Did You Eat? is hosting Weekend Cat Blogging,
and Carnival of Cats is at Pet's Garden Blog.
So, it's time to visit all those cats!