Showing posts with label wacky. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wacky. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Wacky Widebody Wednesday

Today my picture will show my widebody from above.OK, it's not really, really wide
like the widebody of my Cousin Alice.
But this is pretty wacky that My Lap Lady
would put these vishus reindeer horns on me.
She was just supposed to be putting away the Christmas stuff.
I was just unlucky enough to be slower than Willow,
which is how I became the unwilling participant.
Can you see how pleased I am?!?!?

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Wacky Mission: Orange Day

Today is the day for
ASPCA's Mission Orange
according to the Cat Blogosphere,
where I always go for my news.

I found Willow talking about orange boxes.
Over at her blog she shows off
in another orange box.
Willow is always in boxes
when she finds them.
I thought that I would jump up
to see if she found anything in the box.
She, of course, ran to look for more boxes!
Sometimes you can find
something interes
ting in a box. It nevers hurts to check it out.
But there was nothing in the box.
So I am not going to stay here -
I'm going to hopefully find some ham.
Now that would be something good
to find in a box!

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Wacky Wednesday

I was just minding my own business looking out the front window.
Suddenly my Lap Lady decides that she needs to photograph me.
I was kind of busy at the time.
So to hurry things up, I quickly jumped right in front of the camera.
I really don't think that this was the picture she was hoping to get!