Showing posts with label watch out for my laser eyes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label watch out for my laser eyes. Show all posts

Monday, February 11, 2008

Three New Things Meme

I was tagged by that Gorgeous Ginger, Pumpkin,
for Tigmut'heps 3 New Things about Me Meme!
It's nice and simple, all you need to do is tell everyone 3 things that are new with you! Link it back to me and the purrson who gave it to you and pass it on to 3 more kitties you'd like to know more about! :)
Here are my 3 New Things:


First, today it is ONLY 18 degrees here and we are getting sleet, snow and freezing drizzle - burrrrrrr! However I found out that if I sleep ON the heating vents, then I don't get cold. So, every morning after breakfast I go and lay down on the vent under my Lap Lady's desk. Sometimes, Willow joins me and then it's very wonderfully warm!
Secondly, I got to have some orange roughy fish on Friday and I really loved it! I hope that I can have some more because it is delicious!!!
Last Thing was a new thing but it wasn't a good new thing. Something happened in my basement and some men came and put up plastic on the walls and white cloth on the stairs. Willow hid under the bed as soon as they arrived. I didn't mind that much and I just went to take a nap on the bed, like I always do. But then, there was a huge noise and it kept going and going. My Lap Lady came to check on me and I was hiding under the bed with Willow. She kept the bedroom door closed so that we would be safe. Maybe we were safe but it was very scary and noisy! I heard her mention the words "jack hammer" so that must have been what was making all that noise.
After a while (that seemed like forever) my Lap Lady told us it was safe to come out and she wanted us to maybe use our litter boxes, if necessary! We snuck down the stairs and were so surprised at the mess. Then the men came back from lunch and Willow and I ran back into the bedroom.
I hope that nasty jack hammers don't EVER
have to come in my house again.
I think my laser eyes scared them away!
Now, just like Pumpkin, I am going to tag some Gorgeous Gingers too - so I am tagging Gypsy and Tasha and Kitikata-san.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008