Showing posts with label bkc festival. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bkc festival. Show all posts

Sunday, November 25, 2007

BKCFOC Theme: Ears or Whiskers

The theme for this weeks edition
of the Bad Kitty Cats Festival of Chaos
is ears or whiskers.
I thought that with a profile shot I could show off
my ears, whiskers and eyelashes too!
They particularly show up quite well
with the black kitty cat on the bag there
to highlight their whiteness!
Today's Festival is being hosted by Mog
over at Mind of Mog - visitors are always welcome!
The Carnival of Cats is also today
but in the process of being relocated
and right now I can't find out who the new host will be...
UPDATE: The Carnival was graciously hosted
at This, That and the Other Thing
by Mouse, Indigo, Kosmo and Amber!

Thanks to Astrid, Kashim & Othello for the new festival graphics!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

BKC: On Purpose or By Accident?

OK, if you want to know if I did this on purpose or on accident,
it was definitely on purpose!
My Lap Lady washed and dried the totally snuggly Rams b
before the game today and once it was in that laundry basket
I just did a huge leap right into it!
Who could possibly resist a fresh-out-of-the-dryer
furry fuzzy Rams blanket!?!?!?!?
And don't forget...

And don't forget,
Weekend Cat Blogging is at Paulchen's Food Blog,
the Bad Kitty Cats Festival of Chaos is being hosted
by Kashim & Othello at The Catboys Realm and
Carnival of the Cats is over at Pet's Garden Blog.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

BKC Theme: Clean or Dirty

The Bad Kitty Cats Festival of Chaos
is over at This, That & The Other Thing.
Poor Amber is having problems with her long fur
but she's still ready for the Festival.
The Theme this week is Clean or Dirty.

I am very good at cleaning.
I always make sure that after I clean myself,
I then clean Willow.
She is only 3 1/2 and I, being 11,
feel very maternal towards her.
```````` `````````` ````````````` OK, she is just as clean as I am now! Now we can nap, since we're both very clean! And don't forget to head over to Justin's Random Thoughts
for the 190th edition of Carnival of the Cats.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Stripes from Top to Tail

The theme for this weekend's Bad Kitty Cats Festival of Chaos
is Spots or Stripes.
I looked around but couldn't find any spots
but, boy do I have stripes.
I have stripes on my head and...
stripes all the way down to the end of my tail.
This was a really good theme for me!!!

Thank you to Kashim & Othello for hosting
at The Catboys Realm.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

BKC Theme: Pillows or Beds

Hey, it's time for the Bad Kitty Cat Festival of Chaos.
The Festival is being hosted
by the Bengal Brats over at Pet's Garden Blog.
The theme this week is pillows or beds.
I received two beds for my birthday last month.
Actually, I was supposed to share one of them with Willow.
She might not like the beds because she is bigger than I am.
I fit perfectly in each bed.
From the beginning, I have always chosen the green bed
to sleep in. But I am willing to try them both.
The green bed is still sitting on the chair shown below.
My Lap Lady moved the blue bed over by the fireplace.
I don't have any pictures yet
but I like the blue bed by the fireplace.
It's not cold enough to use the fireplace
but it should be very nice this winter! Not only is it time for the Bad Kitty Cat's Festival of Chaos
but it's time for the Carnival of Cats too!
The Carnival is being hosted
by Kosmo, Mousie, Indigo & Amber
over at This, That & The Other Thing.
Lots of cats to go visit today!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

BKC Theme: Fall or Roll

It's time for the Bad Kitty Cats Festival of Chaos
being hosted by Samantha Black at The Tuxedo Gang Hideout
and the Theme for the day is "Fall" or "Roll".
After considering the theme of the day,

I decided to "Roll" myself into my round cat bed.

As you can see, my bed is perched somewhat precariously
on the top of the couch.
Therefore I am holding my right paw out for leverage
while leaning back to avoid
"Fall"ing off the top of the couch!
You'll be happy to know that my plan worked
and I had a great nap!!!