Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Our Prayers are with you...

Caesar & Prinnie's college girl in Virginia made this
for remembrance
of all the students, faculty and families at Virginia Tech.
Our prayers are with all of you.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

I love my snuggly blanket!

Yes, here I am back on my favorite blanket.
OK, it is really my Lap Lady's Rams blanket
but I really love it.
So, I was happily sleeping here
and my Lap Lady was looking all around the room.
She asked my dad if he knew
where the remote was hiding.
Oops, I'm sorry but I didn't know
I was almost sleeping on the remote.
I won't even open my eyes so maybe
I can finish my nap!
Puddy is a first time WCB Host this weekend
so be sure to go visit at A Byootaful Life!
And, of course, Carnival of Cats - Edition #160 will be held also.
It's this Sunday by Tobias at Nina's Books for Israel.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Back in the sunshine again...

If I stay on this side of the tent, I get full sunshine.
So, even when it is colder out, if the sun is shining,
I am so happy!
My squillion, Charlie, is happy too!

Don't forget to go and check out
all the fun stuff at the
Friday Ark on Friday!

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Easter was Fun!

Happy Easter Everyone!
We had such fun today.
I found this Easter Basket in the family room.
It was full of plastic eggs and plastic carrots.
It also had a burlap catnip toy - in fact, the whole basket
smelled like catnip.
I found some feathery bunny ears
but no bunnies!
My Lap Lady was talking to me
while I was sniffing the feathery bunny ears.
Willow heard us and rushed over to see what we were doing.
You may recall that Willow is a huge fan of feathers.
After she sniffed the bunny ears for a while
she looked in the basket.
That was it for the basket.
In the basket Willow saw a purple feather pen
with a bunny
on top of it that lit up bright red.
Willow ever so quickly went around
to the other side of that basket.
Then she knocked the basket over
and all of the eggs and toys fell out of it.
She was really happy to find
that purple feather bunny pen.
I was afraid that there would be trouble
since she was making such a mess in the family room.
I was playing with one of the eggs
and you can see Willow's purple feather bunny pen
on the floor while she played with a carrot.
Then she remembered
that the purple feather bunny pen was waiting for her.
She started running around with it
and licking the feathers.
At that point, I decided to get out of the way...
So I just laid down on the rug
and watched her go crazy...

It was a very good day!
Oh, and we even got some ham!

Friday, April 6, 2007

Hooray for my Big Janitor...

Hooray for my Big Janitor!
It was his birthday last week
and the man in brown shorts brought
this big box to our door.
My Lap Lady thought it was very funny
when she read what was on the big box.
I didn't care what it said... I was just wondering if there was something
for me in the basket????
Nope, nothing for me...
But my dad was very happy!

I'm happy that I have my catnip cigar!!

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Tired Toesday Today

It's not here yet
but my weather is going to get a little cooler.
The sun is already gone from my porch.
I thought that I would plan ahead
and find my favorite blanket. I'll get all snuggly.
I love being snuggly in this blanket. Oops, I left my toes out. They're still sticking out.Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Monday, April 2, 2007

Contest for a Free Dyson Vaccum...

Thanks to Kimo and Sabi
for posting about this!
My Lap Lady entered!
It's for a chance to win a terrific DYSON VACUUM!

There's still time left to go over to 5 Minutes for Mom
where you can find out how to register and maybe even win!
I will probably not help with the vacuuming
but I think it would be excellent

for my springtime shedding of fur!