Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Toesday Today

I was trying to have my post-breakfast morning nap
but my Lap Lady insisted that it was time for some
Toesday pictures.
As she kept trying to get me to show my toes,
I kept tucking them under.
Well, this is all she is going to get today!

For Suzanne...

In memory of Sweet Suzanne.
She will be dearly missed. Thank you to Dragonheart for sharing this picture.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Sleepy on Sunday

I just thought that I would lay down on top of the blue recliner and enjoy the nice weather.


The porch door is open and there is a nice little breeze. So, I'm just laying here, looking around and dozing off.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Two Tired on Tuesday

Willow and I were all tired out
and we fell asleep with our toes together.
You can tell that I woke up when the flash occurred!

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Squillion Saturday...

Last Saturday my Squillion Charlie was invited to go to New York to visit with Jeter's Squillion Laffin an Laffin.
I thought that it was a great idea and I knew he would certainly enjoy an adventure with Laffin an Laffin.
Well, he sure did enjoy himself.
First he met the wooden cats and then they had a snack. So now Charlie keeps asking me when we can have some Friskies - he really liked them.
Then they played at the track. Charlie thinks that Laffin an Laffin is the greatest friend ever! He showed me a picture of Laffin an Laffin who was all dressed up for their adventure.
We looked around the house and found a baseball cap
and a red & white boa and Charlie put them on.
We went out to the front porch to take a picture of him.
He even found a little Cardinal to go with his outfit. Since he had been so busy, he went back into the house,
put the boa in his cap, climbed in and took a little nap.
He's hoping that maybe sometime Laffin an Laffin
can come visit him here for another Squillion playdate.
Thanks for a "grate" day!