Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Monday, July 9, 2007

I was nominated!

I had the honor of being nominated as a Rockin' Girl Blogger by Lucy over at Artsy Catsy! She said the reason she picked me is "because she looks enough like Fracas and Fred to be their sister." She is right - I do look like both Fracas and Fred!

First I would like to nominate Daphne and Chloe and Spooker at Purrchance to Dream. They have a terrific blog that is always interesting.
Oh, I like Jazper too but I'm supposed to nominate girls!
I am also nominating Ginger - one of the Spice Cats that looks most like me, but way floofier!
And I nominate Zoey at the Zoo Crew who really looks nothing like me but she is fun to read about!
So now that I picked my 5 Rockin' Girl Bloggers,
I hope that they all do too!

Sunday, July 8, 2007

I accepted that dare from Anastasia!

Wow, what a fun day!
Anastasia from The Cat Realm came to visit
and dared me to wear the pink wig
that she wore last Friday.
I didn't know if I could do it or not
but I'm not one to not accept a dare.
Here I am - I did my best and actually think
that I look very cute in the pink wig!

More Fun in the Porch...

These are some more pictures of me in my porch.
I found this little red ball to play with.
Ha Ha I got that ball - I was too quick for it to get away. It was such a lovely sunny day for rolling in the sun. So that's what I did... I couldn't stop rolling and purring.
What a great day!

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Toesday in the Porch...

I'm loving the porch today.
The sun is out after lots of rain.
I'm laying in the sunshine,
playing with a little berry type thing
that fell off of the centerpiece.
It really did fall off...
No, I did not remove it for my own pleasure!
Well, maybe I helped it off the centerpiece...
But now you can see my paw pads!

Monday, July 2, 2007

Monday Cubed...

Hey, look at this!!!
My Lap Lady brought home some cubes.
I thought it was a great place to get some privacy!
And there are holes on the sides to look out... And for now at least, it's all mine!