Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Wordless Wednesday Watching

Monday, May 12, 2008

Monday Doodle

Today is the 5th day of Doodle Week.
And guess what??? For Manic Monday Not The Mama is going to donate Fifty Cents for everyone who posts a doodle of a cat today and leaves their linky on his post to help with Cat Friends Helping Friends! I am so glad to participate in this event! We are so proud of you, Not The Mama!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

I want to wish all of the Moms out there a Very Happy Mother's Day!
Today our weather turned cold and extremely windy so Willow and I will be snuggling in the house with my Lap Lady. I think that would be a very good present for me to give my Lap Lady - I will lay on her lap and purr very loudly while she helps me visit my friends!
No, really, she will like doing that for Mother's Day! I'm sure of it!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

It's time for CCSI III - The Missing Mummy Caper

Airing now at Sassy's Blog
is the newest CCSI Thriller - The Missing Mummy Caper!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Wordless Wednesday Wheeeee

~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Tea Party in my Porch

Willow and I had a great time last Thursday
at Gretchen's Tea Party.
In fact, we were talking about it so much
that my Lap Lady said that she had a surprise for us.
She surprised us
with a Tea Party of our very own!
My Lap Lady drinks tea every day and she has lots of teapots and teacups. For our Tea Party, she brought out the teapot, creamer and sugar bowl with cats all over them. She put a lace tablecloth on the table in the screened-in porch so everything would look pretty. My Lap Lady drank some Irish Breakfast Tea in her teacup and she put our crunchy food in two teacups for us! I was glad that I didn't have to drink some tea, but crunchies in a teacup....
That's a terrific idea!
Willow and I started tasting our teacup crunchies and they were delicious! But then, just like always, Willow came over to look into my teacup. She always has to check and see what I'm eating even though we always have the same food. Well, I don't eat very much at any one sitting so I let her taste my crunchies and I went to relax in the sunshine. What a great day!
After a nice catnap in the sunshine, I'll be off visiting...
Look at all the Weekend Cat Events!!!
There is Weekend Cat Blogging which is being hosted by Kashim & Othello.
Bad Kitty Cats Festival of Chaos is being hosted by Luna at Catsynth, with an optional theme of music, art or technology.
Submissions should be sent to festivalofchaos AT gmail DOT com.
Carnival of the Cats is being hosted by Momma Grace & Company.
Carnival submissions should be sent to carnivalofthecats AT gmail DOT com.
Friday Ark is over at The Modulator.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Knock Knocks, Birthday Parties & Willow's Gotcha Day!

Camie's Kitties are having a fundraiser today. For everyone who posts a Knock Knock Joke on their blog with a picture today, they will donate $0.50 to Mu Shue, Lilly Lu and Iris. They were the kitties that were lost in the apartment fire but then they were all found.
Mu Shue was even a hero taking care of the girls.
So here is my knock knock joke: ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ Today is Willow's Gotcha Day so I thought everyone would like to see how little she was four years ago today. She sure has grown - she is way bigger than me now! But she still is the sweetest kitten to me! And I still think that she ate my Temptations!Now, I must be off teleporting over to
Gretchen's Birthday Tea Party and
Auntie Skinkie's Sweet 16 Birthday Party!
Also, today it is Jake's Birthday, Plus Gandalf & Grayson have a Birthday today, Plus Tiger Lily & Ruckus have a Birthday today, Plus it is Chase's Birthday too. Wow, I had better get going!!!