Thursday, September 18, 2008

Thursday Thoughts

Hooray - it stopped raining!
I like hanging around out here
but, I think, not so much when it rains...
Hope that everyone is enjoying their Thursday too!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

BKCFOC: Fall Theme

Time for the Bad Kitty Cat Festival of Chaos #62.
Mr. Tigger is hosting at The M-Cats Club and has suggested a Fall Theme and I looked outside this morning to see if it looked like Fall yet. Well, the remnants of Hurricane Ike arrived here and it was raining all night and it is still raining now. I went out to look around and it was only 60 degrees. I'd say it is very Fall-like here today. The leaves have just started to turn colors but I am a very lovely orange-ginger color which you see a lot of in Fall!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Ham-mick Day for me!

My Lap Lady put the ham-mick that I got for Christmas from Forty Paws for Secret Paws out in the screened-in porch. I really like to sit out here on my cozy ham-mick. I've been napping out here all morning and it's time to check out the back yard situation.Now I can see some bunnies out there on the lawn.
That's very interesting to watch them.
Oh, I have to go inside...
I hear lunch going into the food bowls!

Look at all the Weekend Cat Events:
The Friday Ark is at The Modulator

Weekend Cat Blogging is being hosted by Breadchick & LB at The Sour Dough
Bad Kitty Cat Festival of Chaos is at The M-Cats Club with Mr. Tigger as host with an optional theme of Kittycats and Fall
The Carnival of the Cats is being hosted by Rocky at Artsy Catsy
What a terrific weekend of events!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Finally Friday Fixing the Computer

I didn't realize what problems we could have with getting to use the computer but my dad aka my Big Janitor says he can usually fix it with stuff out of the Blue Bag! I wanted to play with the bag while my dad fixes our computer.
I want to go visiting...

Saturday, September 6, 2008

My Squiggle String

We haven't had a router for a few days, whatever that means,
so our internet didn't work and we couldn't visit anyone.
But now we have a new router...Hooray!
I know that this week's Photohunt is all about strings and here's my favorite string, my squiggle! I guess you can see that Willow was not really trying to get that squiggle
but I had my paw ready to strike if she tried to take it!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Just Chillaxin'

Monday, September 1, 2008

My Birthday Treats

I did get to have treats for my birthday! My Big Janitor Dad gave them to me and my Lap Lady always tries to get pictures of me standing up tall to reach the treats!
I even got to have some steak that was cooked outside in the Big Green Egg Grill. I have never seen the Big Green Egg Grill but I have tasted lots of delicious steak and chicken that came out of it!