Thursday, November 27, 2008

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Tummy Toesday Today with Purrs

I like to lay under the table here sometimes. It's right in front of the cabinet where the treats are stored. And this makes a pretty good tummy picture today. I don't usually show my tummy because I'm usually curled up. But today it's Tummy Time! What was that noise?
Is someone coming in here to give me treats???
OK, it's not time yet...
But I have time, I can wait...
While I'm waiting for treats,
I will do some purring for some of my friends
that aren't feeling well.
Some others that need purrs and prayers can be found here.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Fierce Fighter Friday

It's Fierce Fighter Friday today, which is sponsored by Whiskers and Purrs. They asked "everyone to remember all of the Ones That Came Before and have bravely fought battles with cancer, FIP, diabetes, or any other struggle, and have now gone on to watch over us." The One Who Came Before Me was Samantha. She lived with my family from 1990 until 2004. Samantha loved my Lap Lady and my Big Janitor very much. She did not like anyone else except my two-legged sister and her husband. Everyone else she hissed at and then ran away. My Lap Lady found me at her office when I was about 6 months old in February of 1997. Samantha was used to being an only cat and I always wanted her to love me. She was not very friendly to me most of the time but I kept trying to get close to her. In 2004 Samantha kept getting thinner and my Lap Lady and Big Janitor were very worried about her. This picture was taken on the last day that she was at home and she was with her very favorite mousie toy. When she went to the Bridge I was about 8 years old and my Big Janitor kept saying that I needed a kitten. Willow came to live with us when my Lap Lady went to the Humane Society to get Samantha's ashes and found Willow there. She was only 6 week's old then. I was so happy to finally have a cat who loved me and I have always loved her as my very own kitten.
This picture is of me when I was only 8 years old,
four years ago. I still like snuggly blankets!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Toesday Today!

I finally got some time for blogging today!
Since no one has been helping me blog,
and the weather has gotten colder,
I have spent a lot of time curled up.
However, I did stretch my toes out as it's Toesday!

Monday, November 10, 2008

My Monday Morning

Monday Morning and it's the coldest it has been so far this Autumn.
This couch is my current favorite napping place.
I was happy that Willow found me and snuggled in!
Now we're both warm and cozy!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Dona Nobis Pacem

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

It's Halloween
and I plan on going trick-or-treating for some Temptations!
I hope that everyone has a Happy Halloween and if you scroll down to the previous post you can see what my squillion, Charlie is doing for Halloween!