Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wordlessly Watching Rain

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Is Spring Really Here?

Some days it feels like Spring but then it goes and snows again...
Every day that it is nice outside I head out to the screened-in porch to enjoy the sun on my fur. The flowers are blooming and it smells wonderful and I really hope that Spring is here to stay!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wordy Wednesday Challenge 2011

It's time for the Wordy Wednesday Challenge 2011!
I am China Cat Sunflower and I am Snuggly!
I love to snuggle in my ginger tabby cat bed and in my green plaid cat bed
and in my pink cat bed...
I also love to snuggle in our Christmas Gizzy Quilt
and the crocheted Snuggly blankets...
If I don't feel like snuggling in any of those then I just go into my Big Janitor Dad and Lap Lady's room and jump up on their bed. That is the most excellent place for me to snuggle because my Lap Lady always covers me up with her very snuggly soft white blanket.
Oh, I almost forgot to mention my favorite place, when it's cold,
is to snuggle on my Lap Lady's Lap underneath a cozy blanket!
Now, you know why Snuggly is my Word!

And everyone knows I love to snuggle with Willow!
I want to thank Ann from Zoolatry and Judi from Sam, Andy and Shelly's Place for creating so many beautiful graphics for today! And everyone should head on over to the Cat Blogosphere for the links of all the participants! I'm heading over there now before beginning my mid-morning snuggling in bed!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Toesday Tailsday Today

When it's cold I love to snooze away under a nice warm blanket in bed. Anytime my Lap Lady finds me on the bed without a blanket, she covers me up. Sometimes part of me sticks out of the blanket when I rotate
and look... there's my toes and tail.
Hey, I didn't know you were out there!
Cover me up so I can go back to my lovely nap!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Willow is Better

Thank you to everyone for the Happy Gotcha Day wishes for me on Sunday!
And Huge Thanks for all of the purrs and prayers for Willow while she wasn't eating. She had to go to the v-e-t on Monday but last night the v-e-t called and had some good news. She does not have diabetes but he wants her to lose 3 pounds. You can read about it on her blog here. I'm just so happy that she is feeling better. She will always be my "kitten" and I love her! After she was at the v-e-t she went to bed. I went over and laid my paw on her so she would know that she was safe at home with me again!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Wednesday, February 2, 2011