Wednesday, June 26, 2013

We are Wordlessly Pink for Skeezix ♥

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Tummy Tuesday

Hi! It's me, Spike William.
China Cat said that it would be OK if I posted today for Tummy Tuesday. She doesn't usually lie down so that you can see her tummy.  She likes to sleep curled up, kind of like in a circle.

However, I love to lay on my side and show off my handsome spotted tummy!

Monday, June 17, 2013

First Mancat Monday

This will be the first Mancat Monday ever at my blog. 
The New Guy that you saw grinning here is my new little brother and his name is Spike William. I am considered a Mackerel Tabby because I have stripes all over but Spike is a Classic Tabby because he has swirls. He is already almost as big as I am even though he is only 4 1/2 months old. He loves going out on the porch as much as I do!
Spike William and China Cat in the screened-in porch.
Since he is still a kitten he is very playful. In fact, I think he jumps on me a bit too much and he tries to steal my cat food when I am still eating it! He will be sharing my blog with me now.
I still miss my sweet Willow so much but I think I did need another new kitten in my house. He's not the same as Willow but no one could be as sweet as she was - she really was like my kitten. Maybe Spike will be too..... someday when he calms down and stops jumping on me! I hope that everyone will enjoy seeing his kitten antics!
Spike is so cute peeking by the tent.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Photohunt: Grin

Today's Photohunt Theme is "Grin" 
and I have a picture of that New Guy 
grinning in my Lap Lady's hat!
I'm looking forward to telling everyone who he is..... 
maybe tomorrow!

Look here for more Photohunt Grins!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Wordless Wednesday with...

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

May 15, 2013 is National Straw Hat Day

 Today is National Straw Hat Day
so my Lap Lady put a straw hat on me!
Happily, it was a digital graphic and not a real hat!
This is what I looked like in my screened-in porch
before she stuck that hat on me!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day 
to all the moms out there in the world!