Sunday, May 10, 2015

Happy Mother's Day Sunday Selfie

It's time for the Sunday Selfies blog hop. 
You can see all the participants at The Cat on my Head.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Hola and Happy Cinco de Mayo

Today is Cinco de Mayo 
and while I am an American kitty 
I certainly enjoy any holiday
 where I might possible receive a treat!
May I have one now?????

Sunday, April 19, 2015

My Easy E Sunday

Well, I looked out the window today and wouldn't you know that it was raining..... I usually love finding some nice sun puddles in my screened-in porch on Sundays. 

However, there were none to be found today. I looked around my house for something to do and found my feather wand toy in the living room, along with my green mousie and fun brown paper bag.

Maybe if I hold the feather wand toy by the stick 
my Food Lady will chase the feather?!?!?!?!? 
Who wants to play with me?????

Who wants to catch a feather?????

Sunday, April 12, 2015

My 3rd Sunday Selfie

I have been practicing my selfies and I truly believe that I am getting better! Of course, I always look terrific but I am really trying to be a good photographer, kind of like my Food Lady.

I thought it would be fun to get an action shot so I decided to wash my paw while taking my selfie! I hope that everyone is as impressed with me as I am!
Hmmmmm, it looks like I am snickering.....
Clean paws are important.
Lots of other cats, dogs, 
and even guinea pigs
 are taking selfies too
and here is where it started
 at The Cat on My Head.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Tummy Tail Toesday Today

In the afternoon I can often find a wonderful sunspot on my Food Lady's bed. She opens up the blinds so the sun can shine in and warm up the room. I love to stretch out on her lovely white furry blanket and snooze in the sunshine. I am becoming quite a big mancat with a floofy tummy and a very long tail!

I am beyond cozy here in my sun puddle!

And here is a close-up of my front paws with my ever-so-pink paw pads!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Monday, March 2, 2015

Mancat Monday and Dr.Seuss Day today!

It is Mancat Monday and Dr. Seuss's Birthday Day! 

Even my young boy kid who is in kindergarten celebrated
 the birthday today at his school!

So, I wish a very Happy Birthday to Dr. Seuss!