Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Update on Spike William

First I must thank the Cat Blogosphere for all the purrs and prayers you sent my way. I'm afraid I need to ask for some more purrs and prayers.
I spent the night last Wednesday and Thursday at the V-E-T Hospital. Friday night the doctor said that my blockage had cleared somewhat so I was able to go home. I had two different kinds of medication which my Lady had to force down my throat. However, she said it was for me to feel better. I am still not using my litter box as much as I should so I hope that I am not getting blocked again. We cannot afford surgery to take care of this. 
Anyway, my Lady keeps telling me to eat my special food, drink lots of water, pee and poop appropriately and enjoy my naps. I have to go and visit my regular v-e-t this afternoon and I hope they will say I am better.

Please purr and pray for me!

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Purrs for Spike William

 I certainly need some purrs and prayers from my friends today. Yesterday my Lady had to take me to the v-e-t hospital. I seem to have a blockage and crystals. Today the Dr. told my Lady that I still have to stay there tonight and hopefully I will be able to be ready to go home tomorrow. But the Dr. is worried about me so I hope that some purrs and prayers from 
the Cat Blogosphere will help me.

Monday, July 4, 2016

Happy 4th of July

I want to wish all of my American friends 
a very Happy Independence Day today!
And also to all of my other non-American friends
I wish you a very Happy Day!


Sunday, July 3, 2016

Another Sunday Selfie

Today I remembered it was Sunday and I needed help getting my Sunday Selfie. I also had to finally get up a new post on my blog. 
Happily my Food Lady was home and she was happy to help me!
Blogging Time for me!

 You can see more Sunday Selfies at The Cat On My Head Blog Hop:

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Straw Hat Selfie

Today is the day for Sunday Selfies 
and it is also National Straw Hat Day!
 I combined them together to show off my Straw Hat Selfie!

I also wanted to show you how China Cat wore her Straw Hat in 2013.

 You can see more Sunday Selfies at The Cat On My Head Blog Hop:

Friday, April 1, 2016

April Fool's Day 2016

My Food Lady and I like looking at squirrels out the window. So I was excited when she said let's go look at squirrels. I thought we would go out to the porch. But she called me over to the laptop in the living room.

I jumped up on the coffee table and she showed me squirrels running around on the computer screen. I patted the screen and tried to catch that squirrel.

Then I realized that I couldn't smell any squirrel smells. Do you think that my Food Lady did an April Fool's Day prank on me??? I'm thinking maybe she did. But the squirrels were kind of fun for a few minutes.


Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Wordless Wednesday of a Handsome Boy

Just looking at birdies out the window...