Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Veteran's Day 2020

 It's Veteran's Day 2020!

My Big Janitor Dad was in the Army

and my Food Lady's Dad was a Marine!

We are proud of both of them!

Sunday, September 27, 2020

My Sunday Selfie - hoping for Treats!

 Here is my Sunday Selfie!

I was looking at my Food Lady hoping that she knew that I really wanted some of the new Beef Temptations Treats. Luckily for me, she knows me so well and I did get my treats!!!

Happy Sunday to everycat and their person!!!

You can see more Sunday Selfies at The Cat On My Head Blog Hop:

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Happy Mardi Gras

Happy Mardi Gras!
Today is also called Fat Tuesday so we can eat lots of yummy food. I had the same food for breakfast that I always do but my mom gave me a special treat for dessert! And I will get some more treats tonight after dinner!
What a fun day! Especially since I didn't have to dress up in real life. My mom did put a Mardi Gras mask on me digitally and that is OK with me!

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Secret Paws was Wonderful!

I received a box before Christmas and wanted to open it right away.
It had my name on it but my Food Lady said that I had to wait for Christmas.
When I was finally able to open the box on Christmas morning I found that my Secret Paws were Spitty the Kitty and Mom Mary. You can go here to visit them at SpittySpeaks.
  I am sorry that it took us so long to post the Secret Paws pictures. My Food Lady wanted to make sure that they were all in order and arranged so they can go into a photo book.













Thanks so much to Mom Paula, Truffle, and Brulee at Sweet Purrfections for organizing Secret Paws 2019. 
We always look forward to Secret Paws every year!

Friday, February 14, 2020

Happy Valentine's Day

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Morse Code Day

My Food Lady Mom bought the cat bloggers calendar book
 and today it says that it is 
"Learn Your Name in Morse Code Day"
 so I did do that!!!

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Meowy Christmas and Happy Mew Year to Everyone!

Meowy Christmas and Happy Mew Year to Everyone!

I hope that there are TREATS for everycat!!!