Today is the last day of 2022 so it is time to share my Year In Review. I didn't manage to do a Year In Review post last year but I'm on top of it this year. I have put links to the original posts which provide more details of products used as well as links to any tutorials that I followed.
I had fun going through the projects that I have created this year and finding a favorite for each month. I did try to limit it to one per challenge so I had some variety.
January - entry for The Butterfly Challenge which can be found here.
February - Design Team Post for 12 Months of Christmas which can be found here
March - Design Team post for Incy Wincy which can be found here
April - Entry for the Craftlandia Challenge which can be found
May - Design Team post for Lil Patch of Crafty Friends which can be found here
June - entry for one of the challenges at Gecko Galz, which can be found here
July - Design Team post for CHNC which can be found here
August - Design Team post for Jan's Digis which can be found here.
September - entry for the Challenge at Pattie's Creations which can be found here
October - entry for the challenge at All Dressed Up which can be found here
November - entry for the Month of Holiday Cards Challenge at Beccy's Place which can be found here.
December - Design Team post for Scribbles Designs which can be found here.
It was hard choosing some of the months. I hope you enjoyed looking at my favorite cards for each month of 2022.
Happy New Year to all my followers (and anyone else reading this post).