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Welcome !  Witajcie !
Showing posts with label computer problems. Show all posts
Showing posts with label computer problems. Show all posts

Friday, February 5, 2016

Zlosliwosc Rzeczy Martwych - Malice of Inanimate Objects !

Po dlugich i ciezkich cierpieniach udalo mi sie, tyle o ile,
uruchomic tymczasowy template na moim starym blogu.
Niestety nie jest to moj ulubiony template (specjanie skonstruowany )
lecz podrecznie zalatany z resztek znalezionych tu i tam.

Niestety wiadomosci dotyczace mojego nowego
(spititualnego)  bloga nie sa pomyslne.
Podobnie jak wczesniej, nie udaje mi sie
go  zastartowac.....
Skarga , ktora wyslalam do biura
Google/Blogger jak dotad jest bez odpowiedzi.....
Pragne zaznaczyc , ze nie zrezygnowalam z mojego planu
i czesto podejmuje coraz to nowsze proby ,tudziez 
nowe eksperymenty.

After very long and mentally painful suffering
I have managed to restart my old blog temporarily.
Unfortunately it is not my favorite template
( custom made ) but something I have put together using bits and pieces
I've found here and there.

The news concerning my new ,ready to be launched spiritual blog,
aren't positive either.
Just like earlier I am being prevented from launching
the new blog time and time again.
My complain written to Google/Blogger remains unanswered.
I wish to add that I'm not giving up on it just yet but
trying some new things and experiments. 
