Od kilku miesiecy mamy u nas w Kanadzie nowego Premiera,
ktorym jest Pan Justin Trudeau.
Jest on najstarszym synem bylego Premiera
Pierre'a Elliot'a Trudeau i Pani Margaret Sinclair Trudeau.
Just recently we have voted a new Prine Minister
who is Mr. Justin Trudeau,
He is the oldest son of the late
Mr Pierre Elliot Trudeau, who has been
Prime Minister of Canada as well.
Mr. Pierre Elliot Trudeau ( ojciec )
Pani Margaret Sinclair-Trudeau ( matka )
Premier Justine Trudeau z zona Sophie Gregoire i dziecmi
Zona obecnego Premiera Justina Trudeau jest
Sophie Gregoire, ktorej piosenke
wlasnie tu prezentuje;
Sophie Gregoire is the Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's wife
and it is her song we are about to hear....