Welcome ! Witajcie !

Welcome !  Witajcie !
Showing posts with label music- muzyka. Show all posts
Showing posts with label music- muzyka. Show all posts

Monday, January 25, 2016

Spiewajaca Zona Premiera Kanady - Sophie Gregoire Sings !

Od kilku miesiecy mamy u nas w Kanadzie nowego Premiera,
ktorym jest Pan Justin Trudeau.
Jest on najstarszym synem bylego Premiera 
Pierre'a  Elliot'a Trudeau i Pani Margaret Sinclair Trudeau.

Just recently  we have voted a new Prine Minister 
who is Mr. Justin Trudeau,
He is the oldest son of the late 
Mr Pierre Elliot Trudeau, who has been
Prime Minister of Canada as well.

Mr. Pierre Elliot Trudeau ( ojciec )

Pani Margaret Sinclair-Trudeau ( matka )

Premier Justine Trudeau z zona Sophie Gregoire i dziecmi

Zona obecnego Premiera Justina Trudeau jest
Sophie Gregoire, ktorej piosenke 
wlasnie tu prezentuje; 

Sophie Gregoire is the Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's wife
and it is her song we are about to hear....

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Надежда Кадышева - Виновата ли я ? - Czy to Moja Wina ? - Is This My Fault ?

Надежда Кадышева - Виновата ли я 

Nadejda's Kadysheva's song

 " Is this my fault?" 

 here is a question I used to ask myself:

Was it my fault that I loved him ?

let him kiss me and so on and so forth...

What do you think ?

Nadzka ! this song is for you

Friday, December 18, 2015



I absolutely adore Mr. VLADIMIR ALBATAYEV  heavenly angelic voice.
Being fluent in Russian as well I can play and sing many of his songs,
which were my later mother's and godmother's favorite.
I wish Mr.ALBATAYEV continuous success in his career
and best luck in his private life.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Congratulations Misiu !!!

Our Misiu,
has been working very. very hard  this Summer.
In order to speed up
as well as his degrees in Film and in Political Science,
he has taken 
 four  Summer Courses at his Carleton University.
The results of the above were fantastic ! 
We all are very proud of him
and full of admiration for his STRONG WILL....

I am extremely lucky mother 
to have not only one but two wonderful sons.

These are 2 my own baby-boys

 this year I was lucky again 
and have  received a daughter in law !

- my older son Irek's  wife.


Thursday, July 10, 2014

URODZINY IRKA - IREK"S BIRTHDAY - День рождения Ирка !

100  LAT  !
Czyli Wesolej  40 - stki !!!

Poland - February 1976 ( Luty 1976 )

Present Day -  Canada

Orkiestra Gornicza z regionu, w ktorym urodzil sie 
Nasz Ukochany Irek 

100 Lat  !!! 


Niech Mu  Gwiazda Pomyslnosci Nigdy nie Zagasnie !

Birthday songs played by the local

  40-ste Urodziny  Naszego  Irka tuz, tuz...

Our Irek's 40tieth Birthday is only a step away ! 

Irek  -  Pirat z Karaibow ze Swoja Piratka,
wiadomo, ze
 Pirat Piratke zawsze znajdzie..... 

above Irek,
 the Pirate with his Beloved Pirate Girl....

i jeszcze piosenka urodzinowa od 
INNYCH  PIRATOW , ale tez Karaibskich...

and here,
a birthday song from the group of different

do tego dolaczaja sie wszystkie koty na swiecie...

all cats of the planet join  all the singing 


and now,

 Birthday Wishes 
from Irek's most favorite  cinema  personality ...

a tutaj,

Zyczenia Urodzinowe sklada
Irkowi jego ulubiona postac kinomatografii....

na zakonczenie 

piosenka z filmu "Ostatni Mohikanin"...

and at the end.
 the song from 
"The Last of The Mohicans "

i niezapominajki,
 and forget-me-nots...

See you all at the party

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Misiu's 26th Birthday - Urodziny Misia - день рождения !

26 lat temu
 ( pod znakiem tygrysa )
w Noc Wielkanocna

 w Ottawie
 urodzil sie nasz Misiu

Happy Birthday Misiu !!!

Today is Misiu's 26th Birthday !

he was born on Easter Night 

( under the sign of the Tiger )

100 Lat Misiu !

Friday, March 28, 2014

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Spring's Coming to Ottawa - W Ottawie Nadchodzi Wiosna - Весна идет в Оттаву

Spring Song from Poland
recorded in 1975 in Opole festival.
Has many funny moments.....
and many imperfections as well.

Polska Piosenka o Wiosnie - Skaldowie
Opole 1975.
Mimo wielu mankamentow 
posiada sporo smiesznych momentow...

Ottawa Early Spring 2014

Thursday, February 13, 2014

GEORGE WASSOUF نجم سوريا Star Of Syria - Gwiazda Syrii - Звезда Сирии

Dawno temu w ciagu wielu lat sluchalismy  codziennie
muzki arabskiej.
Moimi ulubionymi wykonawcami byli min:
Abdel Halim Hafez, Enrico Macias, Dalida, 
Samira Ben Said, Cheb Khalid i Cheb Mami.
Wowczas to uslyszalam po raz pierwszy glos
George'a Wassouf'a i jego piosenke
Mama Ya Mama......( Mamo ! Mamo ! )
Ponizej sa dwa utwory z jego dziecinstwa.

Long time ago we have been listening 
a lots to Arabic Music.
My favorite singers were: 
Abdel Halim Hafez, Enrico Macias, 
Dalida, Samira Ben Said, Cheb Khalid and Cheb Mami.
Then for the first time  I have heard the voice 
of a small boy singing a song named - Mama Ya Mama !
It was THE STAR OF SYRIA - George Wassouf.
Below are 2 songs from his childhood.

Peace for the World

السلام للعالم