Showing posts with label Julie Britt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Julie Britt. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 22, 2017


Britt Main House
I was just thinking how it's Spring time again- and how glorious the pink tree blossoms will be at the Britt's in Watermill-  Billy and I had the great pleasure of visiting a couple Summers ago- and I had seen the trees in full bloom on Julie's FB page- magnifico!

Britt estate, original main house, via Julie Britt

Julie with the late Eddie Zajac and Richard Callahan 
Look at how gorgeous and glamorous Julie looks here with her old pals from Parsons days!  Tom still has a Zajac and Callahan mirror in his bedroom in the country- plus an old huge one from dear Rose Cumming.

Tom's bed chamber, via Veranda

This is the fabulous bed Tom called me from when I was in my own bed down in the octagonal winged guest house- a place I had dreamt about for years- and finally got to see and to stay in!  He rang as I slept and I awoke as if still in a dream and he wanted me to come up to the house and help him get dressed for dinner- since Marcelo or Rodrigo must have been doing something else- anyway, I hurried up there like a good boy and left Billy behind to his own devices.  You can see the large arched mirror from Rose Cumming in the background of this image behind the bed.

Guest house, Britt estate, via Veranda

The room we stayed in (one night) is on the right- and oh how I loved it!  A magical atmosphere and the genius of Tom in full force!  (I jumped in the pool for about a minute) !!!

Guest house bedroom view, Britt estate

I was looking at a fuchsia and cobalt blue fabric this morning, and it for some reason reminded me of this room- this is the bed I was sleeping in when Tom called me from his tented tester bed- "DEAN - IT'S TOM- CAN YOU PLEEEZE COME UP HERE, I NEED YOU!!!!" (you can see the phone on the right)- and I really did feel so happy and in a dream state- so I guess I was all ready to have dinner with a former CHANEL model by the name of Jackie Rogers- whom I had heard about since the early 80's but never actually met.

Jackie in Chanel

Sometimes things just happen for a reason- and I do think that this all had a beautiful dream like quality- and I loved how Jackie was so animated all through dinner, which started with a fabulous ceviche- Rodrigo is so talented, and Marcelo was serving the apps and drinks before in a way that let you know he'd done it many times before- so charming and warm, so family like and friendly- just the nicest people imaginable.  More like family than anything.

close up of foo dogs in guest house, via my phone

Hoping you enjoyed this fond trip down memory lane of mine- we did that trip in a New York fast whirlwind- probably for the best, since there's nothing worse than a houseguest who doesn't know when to leave!  Thanks again Julie, Tom, Marcelo, and Rodrigo!  DF ***** (see my earlier posts on this subject)

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Thursday, March 3, 2016

Vintage Tom Britt !

Thomas B. Britt (via Arts by Karena)
Exciting news!  Tom Britt, my one time mentor, and forever friend, is coming out with a monograph on his life's' work, the creation of the most amazing, high style rooms ever.  Mitch Owens will work on this project, in conjunction with Rizzoli ~ !  DF *****

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Friday, January 1, 2016

2016 Inspiration: Coco Chanel

My very sweet and kind and talented friend, Julie Britt, sent this video to me to kick off 2016...funny too, that Jackie Rogers was at dinner with us the night we were in Watermill visiting Tom and Julie, as Jackie had modeled for Madame Coco in her younger days living abroad.  Fabulous!  DF *****

Here I am channeling the spirit of Coco

Monday, December 7, 2015

Recalling the Anglo Indian Rage, Robert Lighton

Robert Lighton, New York
My dear friend, Tice, often spoke of Robert Lighton - which back in the gilded 1980's we called "RobertLightonBritishKhaki..." The Anglo Indian style was all the rage in early 80's New York.  And I do believe, it's come back in a big way.  (if it ever left us at all) - click here to see the full RL website and his ongoing HUGE 50% SALE prices! 
My darling friend, Julie Britt, a former stylist for Harper's Bazaar, sleeps in a silver-leafed bed by Robert, when she is residing at her pied a terre in NYC...Fabulous!  Beyond!  Enjoy!  DF *****
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Tuesday, October 27, 2015

A Fond Summer Memory

Britt estate, Seashells, I-fone photo: Dean Farris

There was something very sweet and quite special about visiting Tom and Julie Britt after all those if we had just seen each other last week, when in reality, it was more than 20 years since we last met! 
I had taken some random shots of the original house, (where Tom stays), and found this one in my files, and thought of sharing this charming one with you~this table was in the dining room, or Salle A Manger as my late friend Lord Jeremy Fry might have called it.   The simplicity of just those shells, arranged so casually, struck me as nothing short of pure genius.  After all, the sea is not too far away from this house, and so, it's quite suitable.  DF *****

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Thursday, October 1, 2015

Richard Giglio, R.I.P.

Angelo Donghia, sitting under one of his Richard Giglio works, via AD

I've written here before about the time I was taken to the Manhattan residence of the late, legendary interior designer, Angelo Donghia.  What I may not have mentioned was the impact his collection of works on paper by the late artist, Richard Giglio made on me~ dynamite !

Richard Giglio, via Facebook, Raymond Diskin Black

Angelo Donghia

Richard Giglio, studio, via Facebook, Raymond Diskin Black

Angelo Donghia, 1976

You see, there was the most wonderful atmosphere of glamour, artistry, excitement, and freshness, in the house of Donghia~ it was sensational!  These pictures don't fully capture the ethereal and New York-in-the-seventies vibe that was going on, but as I've said before, the combination of satin, bleached floors, lacquered walls, and silver tea papered ceilings is enough to send anybody over the moon! 

Thanks to dear friend Julie Britt for introducing me to her friend Raymond Diskin Black and the world of Giglio...!  I'm hoping to perhaps acquire a Giglio of my very own one day.  Hoping this post inspires you too!  DF *****

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Thursday, September 3, 2015

Beautiful Britthampton (Part III)

All photos, Dean Farris, courtesy Julie and Tom Britt, Britt estate, Watermill

Imagine the beauty of gardens that have had over fifty years to mature~ the exquisite grounds of the Thomas Britt estate, on Long Island, are well established, with the patina of age and a mellow glow, as Julie herself said, this place could be anywhere in the world!  Geraniums are a trademark of Tom's garden designs, and his adjoining property has a magnificent reflecting pool, down below the swimming pool.  To see that property, please refer to Veranda magazine~ an homage to certain grand houses and gardens of Europe. 

The overall ambience of the Britt estate gardens is very Russell Page, and I thought of Mrs. Brown's place and also of the Manhasset estate of Bill and Babe Paley.  Looking forward to returning in the Spring, when the allee' of cherry trees blooms in all of it's natural grandeur!  Oh, the pleasure of making some arrangements from those branches for the house!  Divine!  Enjoy!  DF *****

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Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Beautiful Britthampton, Interior Designer Tom Britt

Entrance, Main House, Britt estate, Watermill, NY
I-fone photo by Dean
I never imagined that, what I thought was "The Barn" could have been entered via an elegant neo classic David Adler looking portal, complete with a stately broken pediment overdoor, above which was hanging a distressed white pierced metal Moroccan lantern!  Or that, before that vision of classical beauty, I'd find myself in a kind of outdoor room/courtyard~ surrounded by the tallest of tall hedges, and teetering on white quartz gravel.  The shock of the classical!

Britt estate, Main House Living Room, rock quartz under Jean Michel Frank style table from the Michael Taylor estate
I-fone photo by Dean
Then, upon entering the house through the classical entryway, one was faced with the drama of a half-timbered, white washed "barn" such as Billy Baldwin had on Nantucket!  Tom told the story of Billy sending him a beautiful letter, praising this house, after having seen pictures of it.  Tom was only 26 years old when he built his house, in a former circa 1600's potato field.  He and his lovely companion, Julie, had seen a similar place belonging to old friends who were in the antiques business.  Over fifty years later, "Britthampton" is now sitting in a posh area of mini-estates, each with their own high hedges, reminding one of Palm Beach.
Photo: DK Holland

Britt estate, low table from the Helena Rubenstein sale
I-fone photo by Dean

Tall, tall fig trees are growing in the barn~and one especially huge one hangs over a bar set-up on a side table.  These gorgeous trees read as sculpture in the room.  The front door and entry is on an axis with the living room fireplace, which is low and modern, a la Frank, and topped with a tall undivided glass window!  The flue is vented off to the side.  The floors are a wonderful and strange kind of poured concrete with a wavy texture, which seem to have been painted with many thick coats of black, murky, waxed looking paint.  Very dramatic with the plain flat white walls, which have some sand in them for texture.  In true Tom Britt style, all upholstered pieces are classic Parsons style models in a Chanel- like quilted white vinyl.  Big pillows are made of vintage looking textiles, and the low table facing the fireplace is from the estate of the late Madame Helena Rubenstein.  While enjoying evening cocktails, served up by handsome Marcelo, I did notice that the glow from the fireplace was coming through the frosted resin Greek key legs of this ultra-chic table. 

The dining area off of the "barn room" is a simple, white space, furnished very Spartan like with a plain, probably English table, white Parsons chairs by Tom, and a plain white console with shells and coral.  Candles are burning everywhere, but the chandelier is conspicuously absent.  Creating a very calm, artist in the studio mood.  One looks out to a white quartz gravel garden with pergolas shading towering stacks of potted geraniums in pinks and reds.  I had the pleasure of meeting the iconic fashion designer, Jackie Rogers, in this very room.  Her tales of past adventures were enchanting, she's a very interesting lady.

Britt estate, Guest House
I-fone photo by Dean
After saying our good nights, Billy and I wandered back to the very decorative and charming guest house, a pavilion of two octagons flanking a square~ to our magical, octagonal bedroom, but that's coming up in the next part of this post on Thomas and Julie Britt, and their magnificent Hamptons compound.  Until then, I'm yours, sincerely, DEAN 

Monday, July 13, 2015

Valentino Haute Couture 2015

Valentino 2006
My sweet friend, Julie Britt, sent me the link here for the recent Valentino Haute Couture show in Rome...enjoy!  DF

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Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Thomas B. Britt

Tom Britt, New York salon, via Love Is Speed

Another of the fabulous New York designers I was most fortunate to be mentored by was Tom Britt.  Originally from Kansas City, Tom is a dynamo of a designer, and a true man of the world.  One summer, I worked in his office, making drawings, and going on trips to the job sites- it was a bit of a shock to see how those apartments were totally demolished, and the furniture in them would be piled in the middle of the rooms and covered with tarps...the reality of what decorators do was beginning to register! 

In order to fully appreciate the immersive experience I had, under Tom's guidance, you need to know, as I did, that Tom and Angelo (Donghia) attended Parsons together.  They even shared an apartment!  So, it was so interesting to me, having already seen Angelo's very glam east side duplex, with its two drawing rooms, one up and one down- and both in satin and then be overwhelmed by the high drama of Tom's two drawing rooms - both in boiserie~ and the upstairs one entirely in a Rose Cumming shade of blue satin...  with the famous Rose Cumming "banana leaves" fabric in the metallic gold colorway in the downstairs drawing room.  Now, add to all of this the maestro (Tom) with his booming, unique baritone voice being broadcast throughout.  Oh, and the Baron Nicholas de Gunzberg had also kept a place in Tom's building, on East 63rd Street. 

I was fascinated and a little intimidated by Tom's powerful and exotic personality, although he was a good friend to me and always treated me with great kindness.  After all, the eminence grise himself, Prof. Stanley Barrows, had said of me that I reminded him of Tom, when he taught Tom at Parsons!  (Stanley Barrows also taught me at FIT).  And now, Julie Britt (Tom's wife) and I are friends on Facebook!  Who knew?  I had only met her briefly when I worked for Tom, as they were no longer together.  A very nice lady.

What happened to sort of derail what I think would have been a brilliant career (for me) was that almost all of my friends and colleagues succumbed to the AIDS crisis.  I was left with Tom and Albert for a while, but this was all after I had moved out of NY and settled for good, in affluent and conservative Naples.  Los Angeles had called out to me, like a siren, and I did almost go out there- but strangely ended up in a town known as the Palm Beach of the west coast!  I call Naples a little town with a big ego.  Armistead Maupin mentioned it in one of his later works, and not in a kind way.  I wrote about it in my sketchy little potboiler called "Diamonds In The Sun" (available on Amazon books)...and so, here I am, after all these years, I'm still here.  DF ***** click here for a great Plum TV video on Tom, and his Hamptons estate....

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