Showing posts with label Tom Britt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tom Britt. Show all posts

Friday, September 1, 2017

BOOK : Thomas Britt

About This Book

This first book on the famed designer, renowned for rooms with bold color palettes, strongly graphic style contrasts, multicultural allusions, and stylish innovations, is a sweeping survey of his fifty-year career. Ever since Tom Britt opened his New York-based firm in 1964, he has been creating dramatic environments for his high-profile clients on multiple continents. His masterful design palette, with a wonderfully exotic slant, includes plush upholstered furniture, boldly patterned carpets, seductive lighting, and an elegantly theatrical use of mirrors. The resulting spaces are perfect for luxuriating and entertaining. From a chic pied-a-terre in San Francisco and tantalizing rooms at New York's famed Dakota apartment building to suburban manses in America's Midwest and a palace apartment in Jaipur, Britt's inimitable style merges saturated colors with an easy luxury. This book is necessary reading for anyone interested in the modern masters of interior design.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

STYLE: Pauline and The Pink Door

 The Baroness Pauline de Rothschild

So, my very kind friend, Ted Glasgow, the super talented interior designer- sent this image to me recently.  It reminded me of how I've always been inspired in my imagination by this icon of style, Pauline de Rothschild . 

Ted works with The Pink Door in Greensboro, NC and is a decorator who is aware of past designers such as Otto Zenke, and later, The Zenkes.

Check out this amazing video of The Pink Door here !  I first discovered this chic emporium years ago while visiting my parents in Winston-Salem.

Our friend, the writer Mitch Owens, is working on a book about the Baroness, and just told me that the new very high style book on Thomas Britt that he's working on is now in the captions on images stage, so you know I just cannot wait for that one to come out!

I imagine that the Baroness would approve of Tom's new book.  I forgot to mention in my previous post, on Carleton Varney, that he'd made a point of reminding the HSN viewers of the importance of fantasy in our lives and in our homes, while selling very beautiful sheets and bedding.  I couldn't agree more!  "Mr. Color" promotes the use of bold palettes and has an international point of view.  He also has a new book out,  "Decorating On The Waterfront" Click here to view/order.  Enjoy!  DF *****

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Wednesday, March 22, 2017


Britt Main House
I was just thinking how it's Spring time again- and how glorious the pink tree blossoms will be at the Britt's in Watermill-  Billy and I had the great pleasure of visiting a couple Summers ago- and I had seen the trees in full bloom on Julie's FB page- magnifico!

Britt estate, original main house, via Julie Britt

Julie with the late Eddie Zajac and Richard Callahan 
Look at how gorgeous and glamorous Julie looks here with her old pals from Parsons days!  Tom still has a Zajac and Callahan mirror in his bedroom in the country- plus an old huge one from dear Rose Cumming.

Tom's bed chamber, via Veranda

This is the fabulous bed Tom called me from when I was in my own bed down in the octagonal winged guest house- a place I had dreamt about for years- and finally got to see and to stay in!  He rang as I slept and I awoke as if still in a dream and he wanted me to come up to the house and help him get dressed for dinner- since Marcelo or Rodrigo must have been doing something else- anyway, I hurried up there like a good boy and left Billy behind to his own devices.  You can see the large arched mirror from Rose Cumming in the background of this image behind the bed.

Guest house, Britt estate, via Veranda

The room we stayed in (one night) is on the right- and oh how I loved it!  A magical atmosphere and the genius of Tom in full force!  (I jumped in the pool for about a minute) !!!

Guest house bedroom view, Britt estate

I was looking at a fuchsia and cobalt blue fabric this morning, and it for some reason reminded me of this room- this is the bed I was sleeping in when Tom called me from his tented tester bed- "DEAN - IT'S TOM- CAN YOU PLEEEZE COME UP HERE, I NEED YOU!!!!" (you can see the phone on the right)- and I really did feel so happy and in a dream state- so I guess I was all ready to have dinner with a former CHANEL model by the name of Jackie Rogers- whom I had heard about since the early 80's but never actually met.

Jackie in Chanel

Sometimes things just happen for a reason- and I do think that this all had a beautiful dream like quality- and I loved how Jackie was so animated all through dinner, which started with a fabulous ceviche- Rodrigo is so talented, and Marcelo was serving the apps and drinks before in a way that let you know he'd done it many times before- so charming and warm, so family like and friendly- just the nicest people imaginable.  More like family than anything.

close up of foo dogs in guest house, via my phone

Hoping you enjoyed this fond trip down memory lane of mine- we did that trip in a New York fast whirlwind- probably for the best, since there's nothing worse than a houseguest who doesn't know when to leave!  Thanks again Julie, Tom, Marcelo, and Rodrigo!  DF ***** (see my earlier posts on this subject)

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Thursday, March 2, 2017

ROSE CUMMING: 100 Years of Elegance and Style

Thomas Britt, via Architectural Digest

Kudos must go to Chuck Comeau, of Dessin Fournir , for saving one of the most iconic and fabulous fabric houses of all time- ROSE CUMMING ! 

One hundred years ago , Miss Rose came to the United States, from her native Australia- and the interior design world has never been quite the same since!  Above, you can see my friend and mentor Thomas Britt's work- using the iconic and beautiful pattern known as "banana leaves".   Tom also used this (metallic) gold over taupe colorway in his own New York apartment- where I was first exposed to the grandeur and high style of his work- and the beauty of Rose Cumming's legacy to him, as he had been a personal friend of hers. 

Actually, I had first purchased yardage of banana leaves myself, in 1976, in the taupe colorway (sans the gold) for my Mother's home in Winston-Salem, NC.  She still has some of the pillows we made and loves them!

"Photograph courtesy of Dessin Fournir Companies" 

Ashley Comeau of Dessin Fournir, was kind enough to send these high resolution images of some of the most popular designs from Rose Cumming- and you may be interested in reading some of my previous posts on Miss Rose as well.  This is such a dynamic pattern, and it's been used by many top designers over the years. 

I had also installed the wallpaper version in my design studio bath in Winston-Salem, in the camel on black colorway, which was so striking and dramatic.

Rose Cumming "Photograph courtesy of Dessin Fournir Companies" 

Here's another very chic pattern, called "Sabu" - animal prints being something we never tire of!

Sabu by Rose Cumming, "Photograph courtesy of Dessin Fournir Companies"

Sabu in green, image via google

And here is "Zebrine"- another very popular and exotic but modern and current design, demonstrating how ahead of the times Miss Rose was.

Zebrine by Rose Cumming, "Photograph courtesy of Dessin Fournir Companies"

Zebrine wallcovering, Rose Cumming, via House Beautiful

I want to thank Ashley Comeau for her assistance with providing information for this post.  As you can see, we barely touched on this subject- one can read more about it in the beautiful book on Rose Cumming and Dessin Fournir here !  DF *****

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via Amazon books
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Thursday, May 19, 2016


Image via Bo-Ty florist, Winston-Salem, NC

Detail of a vintage chandelier in the residence of my client Charles Fleck, Naples, FL

One of my favorite rooms by mentor Thomas Britt, Napa, CA

An Andrew Martin fabric, Fitzroy, I favor

One of my pet projects, Fair Play, SC (c) DFID
While we all have endless things that resonate with us, as designers, we must always remember that people are more important than the rooms they occupy.   Am I known for stating the obvious? Yes.  Was Albert Einstein considered a genius? Yes. 

Sometimes the simple things in life are the most profound...but we do love to be mesmerized by an unusual arrangement of objects on a table, or a fabulously eclectic interior, exhibiting taste, a high level of imagination, and a wonderful sense of fantasy.  These are my thoughts for the day. Enjoy! DF *****

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Monday, March 14, 2016

Ready for the Beach? New Book benefits the Naples Historical Society

Available through MP Interiors (239) 498-9074
Robert and Carole Leher did a fantastic job of researching and photographing some of the iconic estates along the Gulf of México, here in sunny Naples...proceeds from sales benefit the Naples Historical Society...

Former Swanson estate, Naples
You may recall I had posted about this house (above) which is included in the new book.  I sent a copy of the book to old friend Thomas Britt, since he had decorated the Swanson house...

From Naples Beach Homes
Artist Paul Arsenault was commissioned to render beautiful images, one of which was used on the cover of the book.  Enjoy!  DF *****

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Vintage Tom Britt !

Thomas B. Britt (via Arts by Karena)
Exciting news!  Tom Britt, my one time mentor, and forever friend, is coming out with a monograph on his life's' work, the creation of the most amazing, high style rooms ever.  Mitch Owens will work on this project, in conjunction with Rizzoli ~ !  DF *****

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Monday, February 15, 2016

Decorator Scrapbook 2016

Michael Taylor
Outside Tom Britt's guest house, Watermill, NY
The Naples cottage of the late Albert Hadley, (via House Beautiful)
Arizona Biltmore
Michael Taylor
Tom Britt, Watermill, NY
Angelo Donghia, NY

Here's just a few images that inspire me, and hopefully you as well...enjoy!  DF *****

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Decorative Auction: Thomas Britt

Thomas Britt, New York

The fabulous, super decorator, Thomas Britt, is having some things auctioned off by here for more information and to browse the lots.  Enjoy!  DF *****

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

A Fond Summer Memory

Britt estate, Seashells, I-fone photo: Dean Farris

There was something very sweet and quite special about visiting Tom and Julie Britt after all those if we had just seen each other last week, when in reality, it was more than 20 years since we last met! 
I had taken some random shots of the original house, (where Tom stays), and found this one in my files, and thought of sharing this charming one with you~this table was in the dining room, or Salle A Manger as my late friend Lord Jeremy Fry might have called it.   The simplicity of just those shells, arranged so casually, struck me as nothing short of pure genius.  After all, the sea is not too far away from this house, and so, it's quite suitable.  DF *****

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Tuesday, October 6, 2015

The Mysterious Mr. Mont

A James Mont  case piece, Todd Merrill via NYSD

If you read my post about the late designer (and mentor of mine) George Clarkson, you may recall that I had a small black lacquer desk that was possibly a James Mont piece.  The dealer Todd Merrill, in New York, specializes in James Mont- and this Summer when I was visiting Tom Britt in Watermill, I learned that Todd had opened a Southampton branch of his eponymous gallery.  These images are from the NYSD article on Todd Merrill the dealer-and a gent who is working in his Southampton gallery was planning to join us for dinner when we were at the Britt estate, but had to cancel at the last minute.  Do read the Antiques magazine piece on James Mont, it's very interesting- here by Gregory Cerio.

James Mont table, Tommi Parzinger cabinet, Merrill collection, via NYSD

Screen behind stairs, James Mont, Merrill collection, via NYSD

Lamps, James Mont, chests, Tommi Parzinger, Merrill collection, via NYSD
So then, to make things even more bizarre ~ fitting, since the story of James Mont is so strange and wicked~ my good friend Linda, creator of Calling It Home (design blog), just gave me these fabulous small Asian looking (James Mont looking!) tables!  I think she said they had belonged to her husband's grandmother.  They have gold veined mirror inset into the tops, and are in perfect condition.  Crazy for these!  Thanks again dear Linda!

Small table, possibly a James Mont? One of a pair
I'd purchased my writing table which appeared to be a Mont, from the fabulous dealer Bobby Gingold, back in the roaring 1980's - it was missing it's drawer pulls- but otherwise was in pristine condition.  Then, due to renting a very old truck, I suffered a fire, which damaged the desk, and after bringing it down to Florida, I ended up giving it to my old friend Martin McMahon.  I assume he still has it.  DF *****

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Beautiful Britthampton (Part III)

All photos, Dean Farris, courtesy Julie and Tom Britt, Britt estate, Watermill

Imagine the beauty of gardens that have had over fifty years to mature~ the exquisite grounds of the Thomas Britt estate, on Long Island, are well established, with the patina of age and a mellow glow, as Julie herself said, this place could be anywhere in the world!  Geraniums are a trademark of Tom's garden designs, and his adjoining property has a magnificent reflecting pool, down below the swimming pool.  To see that property, please refer to Veranda magazine~ an homage to certain grand houses and gardens of Europe. 

The overall ambience of the Britt estate gardens is very Russell Page, and I thought of Mrs. Brown's place and also of the Manhasset estate of Bill and Babe Paley.  Looking forward to returning in the Spring, when the allee' of cherry trees blooms in all of it's natural grandeur!  Oh, the pleasure of making some arrangements from those branches for the house!  Divine!  Enjoy!  DF *****

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