Showing posts with label Prada. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prada. Show all posts

Sunday, July 7, 2013

What Is Dean Reading?

Dean Farris 2010

Summer!  A great time to grab a few books and magazines, and READ!  Here's what I'm into right now...1.  REVENGE WEARS PRADA, Lauren Weisbergers new sequel to her #1 bestselling DEVIL WEARS PRADA... I also saw the film and loved it too..
2.  BARE BLASS, by Cathy Horyn, Harper Collins dear friend Mary gave this one to me, and I was thrilled, since Bill Blass was the commencement speaker at my graduation from famous F.I.T. (one of the top five fashion schools in the world).  The voice of BB in this book is heard as if he's in the room with you...and great photos too.  As Diana Vreeland said- "This is a big rich country, and Bill Blass looks it right in the face."
3.  BAG OF TOYS, by David France, Warner Books 1992...the titillating and scandal ridden tale of art dealer Andrew Crispo- the partner of the late Arthur Smith.  Hide this one from the children- for adults only!
4.  HOUSE BEAUTIFUL, July-August 2013...I'm in love with the Mimi McMakin project - in the Major Alley enclave of Palm Beach, a very charming place near Worth Avenue that I once discovered while visiting the island years ago.  Charm does not begin to describe the enchantment that Mimi has created here.  Her talent knows no bounds, she's a favorite decorator of mine, along with Leta Austin Foster, also of PB.  Enjoy!  DF*****