Showing posts with label Tommi Parzinger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tommi Parzinger. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

The Mysterious Mr. Mont

A James Mont  case piece, Todd Merrill via NYSD

If you read my post about the late designer (and mentor of mine) George Clarkson, you may recall that I had a small black lacquer desk that was possibly a James Mont piece.  The dealer Todd Merrill, in New York, specializes in James Mont- and this Summer when I was visiting Tom Britt in Watermill, I learned that Todd had opened a Southampton branch of his eponymous gallery.  These images are from the NYSD article on Todd Merrill the dealer-and a gent who is working in his Southampton gallery was planning to join us for dinner when we were at the Britt estate, but had to cancel at the last minute.  Do read the Antiques magazine piece on James Mont, it's very interesting- here by Gregory Cerio.

James Mont table, Tommi Parzinger cabinet, Merrill collection, via NYSD

Screen behind stairs, James Mont, Merrill collection, via NYSD

Lamps, James Mont, chests, Tommi Parzinger, Merrill collection, via NYSD
So then, to make things even more bizarre ~ fitting, since the story of James Mont is so strange and wicked~ my good friend Linda, creator of Calling It Home (design blog), just gave me these fabulous small Asian looking (James Mont looking!) tables!  I think she said they had belonged to her husband's grandmother.  They have gold veined mirror inset into the tops, and are in perfect condition.  Crazy for these!  Thanks again dear Linda!

Small table, possibly a James Mont? One of a pair
I'd purchased my writing table which appeared to be a Mont, from the fabulous dealer Bobby Gingold, back in the roaring 1980's - it was missing it's drawer pulls- but otherwise was in pristine condition.  Then, due to renting a very old truck, I suffered a fire, which damaged the desk, and after bringing it down to Florida, I ended up giving it to my old friend Martin McMahon.  I assume he still has it.  DF *****