Showing posts with label Medical Research. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Medical Research. Show all posts

June 14, 2016

Japanese Researchers Discover Use of Electronics To Lower Blood Pressure

The ultrasound waves interfere with signalling from a nerve in the forearm that also travels to the heart and is involved in regulating blood pressure, researchers said.

[From article]
Stimulating the forearm with a handheld ultrasound device may be a new way to treat high blood pressure, or hypertension.
A recent study involving 250 people showed that using the device for just 20 minutes significantly reduced patients’ blood pressure.
The theory is that the ultrasound waves interfere with signalling from a nerve in the forearm that also travels to the heart and is involved in regulating blood pressure.
The Japanese researchers say the ultrasound treatment may be so effective that some patients won’t need to take hypertension medication.
Most people with hypertension — defined as a blood pressure reading of 140/90mmHg — need pills such as ACE inhibitors or calcium channel blockers to control their condition, but it’s estimated that in more than half of patients their high blood pressure remains hard to control.
In recent years, scientists have been investigating new ways to tackle the problem.
For example, using radiowaves to destroy the renal nerves in the kidney — these help to regulate blood pressure by transmitting information between the kidneys and the brain.
Another advance has been in ultrasound (sound waves above the range of human hearing).
Its use has been researched widely in medicine, for example in scans and as a treatment for lower back pain, depression and in boosting bone healing after fractures.
Ultrasound has the advantage of being cheap and non-invasive.
Now it has been applied to blood pressure after researchers noticed that using ultrasound devices on the forearm for other applications also appeared to have an effect on people’s blood pressure.
The treatment involves having a handheld ultrasound device — much like the device used for ultrasound scans — placed against the forearm for 20 minutes (the treatment is painless).
A recent study of more than 200 patients with hypertension at Tohoku University Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering, Japan, found that a single session reduced systolic blood pressure (the upper number — the pressure after the heart contracts) by ten to 23 points on average compared with patients given a placebo.
Just how the ultrasound therapy works in reducing blood pressure is unclear.
But the researchers — who also measured the amount of blood being pumped out by the heart and the pulse rate — found that these, too, were significantly lower after ultrasound treatment, reports the International Journal of Cardiology.
[. . .]

A recent study involving 250 people showed that using an ultrasound device on patients' forearms just 20 minutes significantly reduced their blood pressure.

Commenting on the research, Dr Richard Perry, clinical lead for hyperacute stroke research at University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, said: ‘The studies from Tohoku University make a very interesting observation — that blood pressure can be lowered quite substantially within about 20 minutes using ultrasound to the forearm.
‘Whether the blood pressure could be kept lower for months or years using this technique, as would be needed to have any impact on preventing stroke and heart disease, is entirely unknown.’
However, he says the technique may have a place in A&E in patients who have had strokes where it is common to try to reduce blood pressure quickly, either to allow clot-busting medications to be given or to reduce life-threatening bleeding in the brain.
‘Rapid blood pressure reduction using this technique could be a very fruitful direction for future research,’ he told Good Health.

Could a blast of sound waves treat high blood pressure? Stimulating arm with an ultrasound device is 'so effective patients won't need drugs'
High blood pressure is estimated to cause 7.5 million deaths worldwide
Experts: Stimulating arm with ultrasound device reduces blood pressure
ultrasound waves interfere with signalling from a nerve in the forearm that also travels to the heart and is involved in regulating blood pressure
The technique may prove useful in stroke cases, which require rapid action
PUBLISHED: 19:35 EST, 13 June 2016 | UPDATED: 21:28 EST, 13 June 2016

May 24, 2016

Swedish Researchers Find Test For Predicting Alzheimer's

[From article]
simple blood test to identify if men have lost crucial genetic material in later life could finally close the gap in life expectancy between men and women, scientists believe.
New research shows that when men lose their Y sex chromosome they are hundreds of times more likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease.
Previous research has shown that smoking hugely increases the risk of losing the Y chromosome, suggesting that the missing genetic material may also be linked to cancer.
It is thought that Y chromosome is crucial for the normal function of the immune system and without it the body struggles to eliminate cancerous cells, and amyloid plaques in the brain which cause Alzheimer’s disease.
Now scientists at Uppsala University in Sweden have found it is possible to test for loss of the chromosome in a breakthrough which could lead to widespread screening which could pick up which men are at risk so that early health interventions could be made.
"The addition of testing in the general population could give medical practitioners the possibility of using preventive strategies in men at risk,” said lead author Prof Lars Forsberg of Uppsala University.
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Although there are presently no cures for Alzhiemer’s disease it is known that lifestyle changes such as eating well, exercising, and brain training can ward off early symptoms if spotted early.
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The findings were published in the American Journal of Human Genetics.

Simple dementia test to warn men they are at risk of developing disease discovered by Swedish university
Sarah Knapton, Science Editor
24 May 2016 • 11:10am

January 15, 2016

Israeli Scientists Testing Prostate Cancer Cure, With No Side Effects

[From article]
One in six American men will develop prostate cancer. It is the most common cancer after skin cancer, and the second biggest cancer killer for men. Two Israeli scientists at the Weizmann Institute in Israel promise an almost miraculous cure, now in clinical trials at New York’s Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.
[. . .]

The treatment, called vascular-targeted photodynamic therapy or VTP, is a one-time 20- to 30-minute procedure. There have been no side effects in urination or sexual function.
The Israeli team foresees applications for breast, ovary, lung, and pancreas tumors. The latter has no effective treatment to date and has been a tragic death sentence.
As I read about these medical breakthroughs from Israel, my mind goes to Germany today, and yesteryear. The Nazis killed off their Jewish citizens, their best and their brightest, out of envy, greed, and spite.
Attracted by Nazi Jew-hatred, the Palestinian Muslim Brotherhood allied with Hitler. The Arabs’ price for their allegiance, valuable because of the promise of sabotaging the British in the oil fields of the Middle East, was to deny Europe’s 6 million Jews refuge in Palestine, their only lifeline. Germany, Britain, and America under FDR had the same policy in this regard – do not upset the Muslim Brothers, it being preferable to let Europe’s Jews be wiped out by Hitler by forbidding Jews refuge in their own Palestinian Jewish homeland. Divine justice has brought that evil decision back to haunt us.

The jihadi movement is Hitler’s enduring gift to us. The Third Reich sent Eichmann to Egypt to train the Muslim Brothers in anti-Semitic propaganda, bomb-making, and other sabotage techniques, giving birth to the modern jihadi movement. The Nazis built the Muslim Brothers up from ten thousand to a million members. Ayatollah Khomeini listened to Nazi-Arab broadcasts from Berlin every day of the war years.
We are all suffering the consequences today. We had a second chance. If the world had stood behind Israel in the face of the post-war 60-year anti-Semitic Islamic onslaught seeking to destroy them, we would have marginalized and starved the jihadi movement long ago. But Europe chose to indulge the Arabs in their Jew-hatred, only partly to kowtow to the oil-rich Arabs. It was also Europeans’ pleasure, and the pleasure of European and American leftists in particular, to pretend the Jews were the bad guys.

Now Germany is inviting the jihadis out of their Middle Eastern hellhole and into their midst. In her misguided invitation for the Muslim invasion of Europe, German chancellor Merkel is driving out the rest of Europe’s Jews, who are targeted by Europe’s hate-filled Arabs, and consigning Germany and Europe to cultural and demographic suicide.
[. . .]
Jews undoubtedly have genetic gifts, but much of their cultural flowering is from Judaism itself, a religion that fosters reading, thinking, and debating – in other words, individualism and freedom.

January 13, 2016
Another miracle from Israel? Prostate cancer cure in 20 minutes
By Karin McQuillan

December 14, 2015

Review of Protections of Human Subjects Used For Research

Current laughable procedure of the Office for Human Research Protection at HHS requires human subjects without consent, to provide evidence of wrongdoing, and to identify the lead researcher. How is the human subject without consent to know and do that? Within a university setting the IRB can withhold funding without informed consent. But if funding is non institutional and researchers do not obtain consent there are no protections from egregious abuse by miscreant researchers. 

Even if performed on university property which violates the Common Rule (Title 45 CFR Section 46). There are no penalties for non compliance with the Common Rule. Psychiatrists are readily available to cover-up illegal abuses designating the victim insane. Then there is the lack of oversight by state authorities when deaths occur in research. MA law requires notice to the Medical Examiner or the District Attorney. But police conveniently allow researchers to investigate deaths occurring under their procedures. Thus negligence becomes pre-existing conditions.

Harvard Will Submit Comments on Changes to Research Approval Process
December 13, 2015

December 12, 2015

Eliminating Hate, A Human Emotion

The only way to eliminate hate is to eliminate humans. Each one comes with hate. It is an essential element of human nature, an emotion. Psychiatrists define experiencing an emotion as illness. It is part of the effort to implement the feminist therapeutic state. Along with the Frankfort School is where the divisive diversity campaign derives.

[From article]
Carter has for some time been suffering from melanoma, and four cancerous lesions on his brain. On December 6, 2015, Carter announced that his cancer has now been beaten by his use of Keytruda, a drug that was researched and tested in Israel.
The person mainly responsible for research on Keytruda, one of the new “immunotherapy” drugs, was Jacob Schachter, at the Sheba Medical Center in Ramat Gan, Israel. The new drug is an advance on chemotherapy that destroys cancerous cells but also destroys healthy cells. The Sheba Medical Center is presumably one of the academic institutions that the American Anthropological Association on November 20, 2015 decided to boycott. Apparently, no American anthropologist must be contaminated with Keytruda.
[. . .]
What a contrast between this evidence of Israeli contributions to science and humanity with the published statements in December 2015 of the Palestinian Authority. Among the various Palestinian contributions to science and humanity were support for the terrorist knife-wielding individuals in Jerusalem and other places in Israel, the call to remember “the souls of the heroic martyrs” who had stabbed innocent Jews, and continuing “lawfare” against Israel in the international arena. Absent from these statements were any word of peace, let alone any condemnation of the continuing acts of terrorism.
[. . .]
This organization claims it condemns any form of racism or anti-Semitism, [. . .] One peace-loving teacher at the UNRWA Beit Hanoun school in Gaza informed his students that “the Zionists and the Jews are sons of monkeys and pigs.”

December 12, 2015
Condemning the Islamist Attack on Democratic Values
By Michael Curtis

October 12, 2015

Deleting Genes Can Lengthen Life

Switching off parts of the genetic code could help people live longer, scientists believe Photo: Alamy

One potential problem is that the human body is extremely complex. Scientists may think they know everything but there is much still to learn. As with any huge complex system there may be connections between parts that remain unknown until that part is altered or removed. In the 1960s IBM's OS computer operating system was large. They stopped making fixes, when they learned that every time they fixed one problem another one popped up somewhere else. The human body is more complex and the relationship of the parts remain unknown. The same situation exists with psychiatric drugs. Though they are taken widely by an unsuspecting public there are no medical professionals or scientists who know all of the effects of one of the drugs on the body, no less when these prognosticators prescribe a cocktail of these chemicals. The potential to create unintended problems remains.

[From article]
The secret of extending life by decades may lie in switching off certain genes, scientists believe, after showing that small genetic tweaks can make organisms live 60 per cent longer.
Ten years of research by the Buck Institute for Research on Ageing and the University of Washington has identified 238 genes that, when silenced, increase the lifespan of yeast cells.
Many of the genes are present in mammals, including humans, suggesting that switching them off could dramatically increase lifespan.
“This study looks at aging in the context of the whole genome and gives us a more complete picture of what aging is,” said lead author Dr Brian Kennedy.
"Almost half of the genes we found that affect aging are conserved in mammals.
[. . .]
Earlier this year academics from the University of Southern California found that a five day diet which mimics fasting can slow down ageing, add years to life, boost the immune system and cut the risk of heart disease and cancer.
The plan restricts calories to between one third and a half of normal intake.
Last year the same team discovered that fasting can regenerate the entire immune system, bringing a host of long-term health benefits.
When humans tested out the regimen, within three months they had reduced biomarkers linked to ageing, diabetes, cancer and heart disease as well as cutting overall body fat.

Deleting genes could boost lifespan by 60 per cent, say scientists
Scientists have discovered more than 200 genes linked to ageing and have found switching them off extends life
By Sarah Knapton, Science Editor
2:26PM BST 11 Oct 2015

August 27, 2015

Researchers Implant Baby Body Parts Into Rodents

[From article]
planting dead human baby organs into rodents, a practice that stands to gain greater scrutiny in light of undercover videos exposing what appears to be Planned Parenthood affiliates selling aborted baby parts to medical procurement companies like StemExpress.
In a fourth video released from the Center for Medical Progress (CMP), Planned Parenthood personnel can be seen sifting through aborted baby parts allegedly to show what parts can be salvaged and sold.
These mice or rats are created by removing a human organ such as a kidney from a dead human baby and implanting it into a mouse or rat for the purpose of medical research.
[. . .]
fetal kidneys were transplanted into rats that lacked immune systems in order to keep the organs from being rejected, according to Live Science. Researchers have also attempted transplanting fetal hearts.

5 Aug 2015
San Diego, CA

June 5, 2015

Listening To Mozart Improves Memory

Listening to music by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, shown in the portrait above, caused changes in brain wave activity that are linked to intelligence, memory and having an open mind to problem solving, research from Sapienza University of Rome shows. The effects were most pronounced in young adults and elderly adults.

[From article]
The researchers, from Sapienza University of Rome, said: 'These results may be representative of the fact that Mozart's music is able to 'activate' neuronal cortical circuits (circuits of nerve cells in the brain) related to attentive and cognitive functions.'
The results were 'not just a consequence of listening to music in general', they added.
For the study, which was published in the journal Consciousness and Cognition, the researchers used EEG machines to record the electrical activity of the participants' brains.
Recordings were made before and after they listened to 'L'allegro con spirito' from the Sonata for Two Pianos in D Major K448 by Mozart, and before and after they listened to Fur Elise by Beethoven.The group was made up of 10 young healthy adults with an average age of 33 (referred as the Adults), 10 healthy elderly adults with an average age of 85 (known as the Elderly), and 10 elderly people with mild cognitive impairment with an average age of 77 (referred to as MCI).
'The results of our study show an increase in the alpha power and MF frequency index of background activity in both Adults and in the healthy elderly after listening to Mozart's K448, a pattern of brain wave activity linked to intelligent quotient (IQ), memory, cognition and (having an) open mind to problem solving.
[. . .]
'One of the distinctive features of Mozart's music is the frequent repetition of the melodic line; this determines the virtual lack of 'surprise' elements that may distract the listener's attention from rational listening, where each element of harmonic (and melodic) tension finds a resolution that confirms listeners' expectations,' they wrote.
A previous study, published in 1993, found that listening to K448 could also improve spatial reasoning skills for a short time afterwards.

Listening to Mozart can boost your memory: Classical composer's music increases brain wave activity - and it beats Beethoven
Researchers played classical music to young adults and elderly people
Listening to Mozart's L'allegro con spirito sparked changes in brain activity
It triggered brain activity linked to memory, cognition and problem solving
Beethoven's Fur Elise, however, failed to show any significant change
PUBLISHED: 08:40 EST, 5 June 2015 | UPDATED: 08:43 EST, 5 June 2015

May 27, 2015

National Science Foundation Funds Implantable Antenna To Monitor Patients

All it takes is for a doctor to designate anyone  a "patient" and they can be monitored 24/7 for their own good. Is it any more difficult for a psychiatrist to say "He needs treatment and an antenna?" 

[From article]
The National Science Foundation (NSF) is helping fund the creation of an implantable antenna for health care, which could be used for “long-term patient monitoring.”
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The project is being financed in collaboration with the National Research Foundation of Korea to create a high frequency antenna that can be permanently implanted under a person’s skin.
“Antennas operating near or inside the human body are important for a number of applications, including healthcare,” a grant for the project said. “Implantable medical devices such as cardiac pacemakers and retinal implants are a growing feature of modern healthcare, and implantable antennas for these devices are necessary to monitor battery level and device health, to upload and download data used in patient monitoring, and more.”
The grant said that an implantable device could be used for “long-term patient monitoring” and “biometric tracking,” or using technology to verify a person’s identity.

Feds Help Finance Creation of Implantable Body Antenna for ‘Long-term Patient Monitoring’
NSF provided $5,070 to test devices
BY: Elizabeth Harrington Follow @LizWFB
May 27, 2015 2:35 pm

May 22, 2014

Scientific Research May Cause Unnecessary Deaths

[From article]
Swine flu, or H1N1, had been dead for 20 years when it suddenly re-emerged in 1977 with a curious twist. The new strain was genetically similar to one from the 1950s, almost as though it had been sitting frozen in a lab since then. Indeed, it eventually became clear that the late-70s flu outbreak was likely the result of a lowly lab worker’s snafu.
Lab accidents like that are extremely rare. Still, two scientists are now arguing that it’s not worth continuing to create new, transmissible versions of deadly viruses in labs because the risk that the diseases will escape and infect the public is too great.

Scientists Are Creating New, Incurable Diseases in Labs
Is that reasonable?
MAY 20 2014, 5:00 PM ET

November 17, 2013

Two Harvard University Drug Tests on Prisoners

Concord Prison Experiment
The Concord Prison Experiment was designed to evaluate whether the experiences produced by the psychoactive drug psilocybin, derived from psilocybin mushrooms, combined with psychotherapy, could inspire prisoners to leave their antisocial lifestyles behind once they were released. How well it worked was to be judged by comparing the recidivism rate of subjects who received psilocybin with the average for other Concord inmates.

* * *

Marsh Chapel Experiment
The round window above the altar at Boston University's Marsh Chapel
The Marsh Chapel Experiment (a.k.a. "the Good Friday Experiment") was a 1962 experiment conducted on Good Friday at Boston University's Marsh Chapel. Walter N. Pahnke, a graduate student in theology at Harvard Divinity School, designed the experiment under the supervision of Timothy Leary and the Harvard Psilocybin Project.[1] Pahnke's experiment investigated whether psilocybin (the active principle in psilocybin mushrooms) would act as a reliable entheogen in religiously predisposed subjects.[2]

October 9, 2013

Memoir of Living Survivor of High Tech Electromagnetic Weapons, Book Excerpt

Twelve Years in the Grave: Mind Control with Electromagnetic Spectrums, the Invisible Modern Concentration Camp.
By Soleilmavis Liu

Twelve Years in the Grave
Mind Control with Electromagnetic Spectrums,
the Invisible Modern Concentration Camp.

I would like to dedicate this book to those victims, who have suffered the horrible covert abuse and torture with voice-to-skull technologies, mind control technologies, and any kind of electromagnetic spectrums.

First edition
Copyright © 2013 By Soleilmavis Liu
All rights reserved.
ISBN:   978-1-304-48957-9
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit
or send a letter to:
Creative Commons
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No part of this book may be used or reproduced, stored or transmitted in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the copyright owner, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. Inquiries should be addressed to:
Soleilmavis Liu

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Purchase of this e-book entitles the buyer to keep one copy on his or her computer and to print out one copy only.
Printing out more than one copy – or distributing it electronically – is prohibited by international and USA copyright laws and treaties, and would subject the purchaser to penalties of up to $100,000 per copy distributed. 

“Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society.”

  Book Design: Soleilmavis Liu  Cover Design: Soleilmavis Liu

The Author and the Book

Soleilmavis Liu is a Chinese citizen, born and raised in China in a rural area.

She was first attacked in December, 2001 by remote voice to skull and electromagnetic mind control technologies when she was studying for a Master`s Degree in Australia. At the time, she was unfamiliar with mind control technologies. Eventually, she came to learn of these technologies that are being secretly used or covered up by governments worldwide to control and harass the populace.

This book tells the true story of Soleilmavis Liu, one of many private citizens to discover that they are test-subject victims for the study of electromagnetic radiation technologies and global surveillance equipment. During her horrible period in the grave, her soul was waylaid, but God answered her cries, and gave her love and support. Losing her life to find God was a true consolation and brought joy to her soul and gave her the strength to be a soldier rather than a victim. She worked hard to seek justice by exposing these horrible crimes to the public, which - if not exposed and publicized – in the future humanity would no longer know the meaning of physical inviolability and privacy.

I would like to thank the many mind control victims and supporters who have been helping me to expose the abuse and torture of voice to Skull technologies and mind control with electromagnetic spectrums to the public.

I would like to thank my family who loved me and gave their much needed moral support, and also assisted me financially during these past twelve years that I was not able to support myself due to these horrible abuses and accompanying electromagnetic spectrums.
I would like to thank the following people who have supported and encouraged me through the completion of "Twelve Years in the Grave": Curtis Baker in USA, John Finch, human rights activist in Australia, Cheryl Twyford in USA, and Cheryl Locke in Canada.

Chapter One
As mankind ventured further into the new millennium, the whole world was entering into a challenging new era. I also wished to improve myself by studying for a Master’s Degree, to adapt to the challenging world. It was at the turn of the new millennium, that I went to Melbourne, the southernmost city of Australia, the South Land, to study for a Master’s Degree in Business Information Technology. 

Many people all over the world had been celebrating the new millennium since December 2000, but in Melbourne, people were preparing to celebrate it at the end of 2001.

Following the warmest summer in Melbourne since 1855 the string of warm days far exceeded the previous record of 78 days, set between December 29, 2000, and March 16, 2001 [2]. This December of 2001 seemed a normal summer, and the police officers were wearing their short-sleeved uniforms. In contrast, I still wore a thick black jacket with a blue downy collar and lining.

In the classroom, I studiously and carefully continued writing notes on the details from the lesson while the teacher was assigning the homework. This was today’s last class, and at four o’clock in the afternoon, the classes were finished. Some classmates had already packed their schoolbags. As soon as the teacher finally said: “Goodbye everyone!”, my classmates said in unison, “Goodbye Mr. Julian”, the noises of moving tables and chairs and the buzz of conversation were heard. Some classmates left hastily and waved at me as they went out the door, saying, “Goodbye Liu”. 

I smiled at them from my chair. It was already 4PM, but I wanted to finish my homework, plus I was also waiting for my roommate, just like every day.

She was a very beautiful Malaysian Chinese girl of twenty one years of age, and her name was Ellen. We rented a small two bedroom apartment which was no more than forty square meters. Each of us owned a small but cozy bed room which was just able to accommodate a single bed and a small wardrobe. We had a small windowless parlor which was also the kitchen and where we squeezed in a refrigerator, a cupboard, a gas stove, an oven, a microwave oven, some tableware. A small dining table with four chairs was in the middle of the room. The door of a small bath room faced the middle of the parlor. 

Ellen and I enjoyed keeping the small apartment clean and tidy. The fact that she had learned to cook the western-style meal from her grandmother made my life with her extra delightful. We had both come alone to Australia, cooking and eating together, going to school and the library together, gave us the feeling of being a family.

I liked this girl as if she was my own sister, not only because she was good at cooking and housework, but also because of her attitudes towards school. She always said that she would study hard in school, and she tried to learn as much as she could. It was a pleasure to see that a girl who came from a wealthy family could take her studies seriously.

Almost all of my Asian schoolmates were from wealthy families, and I was a rarity among them. In China, I studied in one of the top primary schools and entered into one of the top secondary schools. I stayed away from the chaos in the university, during the 1989 movement in China. My father and mother had worked in rural areas for almost all their lives, and they could not earn enough money to support me overseas, so I worked in China and abroad for several years, earning and saving for my studies. Eventually, I applied to a university to studying for a Master’s Degree in Melbourne, Australia. I valued my time and money; I studied hard to be one of the most diligent students here.

At about 6PM, Ellen and I walked to our flat to have dinner. After dinner, we went to the library together and stayed there until 8:30PM, as usual.

Living with such a young intelligent, studious, happy girl, and being a student who was studying for a Master’s Degree, my life felt like a pure fairy tale, so free and unfettered, it seemed that I had never experienced pressures from working and life.

This was a very normal summer afternoon. Because it was so normal, I could not even remember the date. It was indeed a warm day. Feeling hot, I took off my thick black jacket, only wearing a pale yellowish green shirt before we went shopping. At 160cm in height, 48kg in weight, people said that I looked younger than Ellen.

Ellen and I bought some Chinese food and went back to our flat.

Our place was a three-story flat which was still under renovation, and construction workers were still working on the first floor. There used to be a window at the end of the corridor, but the builders had built a small room there with a washing machine inside, so the corridor was rather dark, even in the day time.

Ellen said that she feared the dark, so I always talked loudly when we walked in the corridor. Carrying two heavy bags and walking all that distance, we were both sweating and panting at this point. I leaned against the wall near the door, looking at Ellen intentionally with helpless adoration and affection. She let out a laugh. “Lazy girl”, she said, and put down her bags and took out the key.

I was about to rush into the room as soon as the door opened, but Ellen suddenly dragged me back, and said nervously “Wait! There is something wrong.”  

“Wrong? What’s wrong?” I looked at her puzzled. 

Ellen opened the door all the way and said: “Look at the floor.” 

I looked at the floor of our room in the dim light and saw several big, looming footprints. The thought of a thief flashed in my mind. I looked at Ellen, and we stepped back together. I told myself that we should not feel too scared since it was day time; there were others living in the nearby flats, and we could hear the reassuring sounds of the construction workers talking and their banging hammers.

There was no mistake - we had cleaned the floor before we went shopping. These footprints were big; they were obviously from tall men. I was often oblivious to my surroundings and the small details of life, but I knew that Ellen was meticulous, and I could trust her completely. If Ellen had not seen the footprints, I might not have noticed them.

We stood listening in front of the door for at least three minutes, the room was quiet. 

“Even if a thief did enter our room, he has already left.” I said to Ellen and walked into the room in front of her. She rushed to her room and checked her new computer and belongs; I checked my stuff too. Neither of us noticed anything missing.

This little incident did not spoil our good mood for the rest of the day. Ellen prepared western food, tender roast beef, and I cooked rice. We had a good dinner. I also finished the leftover milk which we had put inside the refrigerator after breakfast. Ellen and I never wasted food.

After dinner, I lay on the bed and continued to read a computer book on HTML. After reading only a few pages, I was starting to feel terrible. My whole body became very hot as if I had a high fever, and then I felt extremely cold. Ellen did not notice anything similar. I turned on the electric heater, and tried to sleep. Next morning, I felt normal. I looked in the mirror and did not find anything unusual about my face. I was attentive in class as usual, but soon became a slight headache.

During the next week, the headache went worse and worse. I got a strange feeling that there were some eyes from a far corner glancing at me, but when I tried to look for those eyes, they disappeared.

The pain got worse in the following weeks. Because of the terrible pain, it felt like I was living in a dream, and I felt colder and colder. Walking along the street, I felt as I was plankton floating in the water, and the people around me looked like swimming fishes. I felt eyes flickering at me, which were like frozen fish eyes floating up from below the glacier of the South Pole. Sitting in the classroom, it seemed like the voices of teachers and classmates were coming from far distances. Sometime I saw their lips were moving, but I could not hear what they were talking about.

Occasionally, near midnight, I started hearing whispers in my ears in my dreams, but when I would wake up suddenly from the dream, it was silent. I could hear only the sound of a lone car passing through a far street in the cold night of Melbourne Summer.

One very cold summer night, I vaguely heard strange voices in my dream, saying, “She is ugly! She is dirty!” I suddenly woke up from the dream and heard a clear voice say, “Quiet!” Then, a few young voices shouted, “She is ugly!” One voice in Chinese said, “She is awake, don’t talk!” Another voice in Chinese said, “We will let other people know about her”.

Hearing such vivid talking, in the middle of such a quiet night, made me break out in a cold sweat. I held my breath and wanted to hear more, but it was quiet again. I could not sleep well that night. For the next few days after, I did not hear the “voices”. I started suspecting that it had been just a dream when I had heard those voices a few days earlier, but one week later, I heard them again, in the middle of the night. The voices were so clear; it sounded as they were from just downstairs. They made my flesh crawl. I held my breath, straining to hear, but most of the time, the voices were just whispering, and I could not clearly hear what they were talking about. 

One night, I heard them talking about what I had been doing in my room. I thought to myself, “Are these people watching me?” I suddenly remembered the big footprints and wondered if someone had fixed a secret camera in my room. I assumed that if I could hear their voices, they must be hiding in some place nearby to my room. 

I went to the third and first floors several times in the following few days, trying to find out who was living there, but I did not find anything strange. Yet those voices sounded as if they were coming from downstairs. I talked to Ellen about the voices I heard at midnight, but Ellen said she heard nothing.

The voices were like demons which had just come out from their dens. They kept sucking my spirit and consuming my energy. They were waylaying my harmless soul, and swallowing me alive, like the grave.

In some mythologies, there were poltergeists which could occupy human bodies, but I did not believe in poltergeists. I was 100% positive that they were human beings who were watching me with high technologies…………
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September 15, 2013

California Neurologists Kill Patient In Human Experiment, Medical Research Without Consent
Two doctors resign after they inject brain cancer sufferers with bowel bacteria without permission - killing two patients
Dr J Paul Muizelaar and Dr Rudolph J Schrot have stepped down from their positions as neurologists at the University of California, Davis
Their resignation comes after the two purposefully injected three brain cancers with a bowel bacteria in an attempt to elongate their lives
Two of the patients died within weeks of the experimental procedure
An internal investigation found that the two doctors didn't get the proper permission to carry out the procedure
Both doctors plan to continue practicing neurology
PUBLISHED: 11:50 EST, 26 August 2013 | UPDATED: 12:11 EST, 26 August 2013

August 12, 2013

Abused Animals Get More Sympathy Than Abused Humans

Northeastern University Professor Jack Levin

[From article]
Professor Levin told the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association: ‘The fact adult human crime victims receive less empathy than do child, puppy, and full-grown dog victims suggests adult dogs are regarded as dependent and vulnerable not unlike their younger canine counterparts and kids.
‘In addition, it appears that adult humans are viewed as capable of protecting themselves while full-grown dogs are just seen as larger puppies.’

Animals have better lobbyists, as indicated by state and US laws regarding protections of humans vs. protections of animals who are used as medical research subjects. The Animal Welfare Act of 1966 (US law) provides fines and prison penalties for using animals contrary to law in medical research. But there are NO penalties for using human subjects without consent for medical research (46 CFR 46). Though there are state laws which carry penalties (fines and prison) for abusing animals in research, few if any states have any laws regulating use of human  subject in medical research.

Why abused dogs are given more sympathy than battered humans: We see adult canines as more vulnerable than our own kind
Researchers say differences are down to a perception of vulnerability
Boston scientists examined opinions of people who read news articles
Northeastern University expert says findings would be similar for cats
PUBLISHED: 00:30 EST, 11 August 2013 | UPDATED: 20:15 EST, 11 August 2013

June 10, 2013

Harvard Med School Research Dean Leaves For Big Business Gig

"the Medical School [. . .] announced that due to financial constraints it would close its New England Primate Research Center, which has come under fire for what some have called negligent treatment of animals.";Why is there never any concern about illegal abuses of humans used for medical research without consent at the prestigious medical school? Why are complaints about grad students abusing vulnerable humans always ignored? Why is abuse of human subjects less important than abuse of animal subjects? Why are humans who complain about non consensual human experiments designated mentally ill by prominent medical school professors?

HMS Research Dean To Depart
William Chin leaves Harvard after three years
June 7, 2013

July 10, 2012

Harvard LSD Experiments Remembered

Harvard LSD Research Draws National Attention
May 21, 2012

March 13, 2012

Flawed Racism Study Tests Only White People

Showing extreme bias this study is flawed. Are the researchers saying that black people are incapable of racist thoughts and acts? That implies that black people have had their genes cleansed of mendacity greed and sadism. Hello? Are black people human as they claim?

[From article]
"Thirty-six white people were used in the study,"

Study Finds Heart Disease Drug Combats Racism
CBS News Washington DC

September 16, 2011

Protections Absent in Human Experiments

Lack of protections for serious injuries to human subjects in medical experiments should be enough to stop them in MA. There are no penalties for non compliance with the US laws (MA has no laws) protecting human subjects - 45 CFR 46. If researchers fail to report deaths of human subjects, police, the Medical Examiner and the District Attorney do not investigate. Researchers can say it was due to a pre-existing condition and that is the end of it. What prevents intentional deaths in the name of good? Researchers believe the benefit to society outweighs the harm to individuals - the defense used by Nazi doctors at the Nuremberg trials.

In sick economy, many taking part in medical trial$
By Dan O’Brien
Boston Herald
Friday, September 16, 2011

October 20, 2010

Medical Reserearch Abuses

The pattern of out of control medical researchers continues. 64 years after the fact US Officials admit their crimes against humanity in Guatemala. US Law on Human Experiments (Title 45 CFR 46), The Common Rule, carries no penalties for using human subjects without consent. From 1944 to 1974, MIT researchers funded by Quaker Oats conducted radiation experiments on young men at the Fernald School in MA. See State Boys Rebellion, by Michael D'Antonio. Civilians designated "retarded" were used without consent exposing them to radiated foods to see what the effects were. In 1993 the US Energy Secretary admitted those abuses of up to 16,000 humans. When victims complained to the US Department of Energy the bureaucrats called them "the crazies." Psychiatry is used to discredit victims of goverment and academic research crimes. The lack of accountability of academic government researchers allows current abuses which are allegedly ongoing even at Harvard. Today hundreds of civilians complain about testing of high tech military anti-personnel weapons which the government denies as they did with the radiation experiments. The US Agency whose mission is to protect humans from research abuses refuses to investigate complaints. They demand evidence of criminal abuses from the victims. Is the government covering up the abuses to protect the researchers, as the FBI protected the Bulger crime family?

Ethical Experiments
The U.S.’s syphilis experiment was hypocritical
By The Harvard Crimson Staff
Published: Tuesday, October 12, 2010

June 19, 2010

Human Heads Shipped for Research

60 human heads discovered at Arkansas airport
By Nick Allen in Los Angeles
Telegraph (UK)
Published: 12:25AM BST 18 Jun 2010