Showing posts with label US Border. Show all posts
Showing posts with label US Border. Show all posts

May 5, 2016

Trump Could Never Get The Nomination. Oh Wait!

[From article]
A guy just won the Republican nomination for president by spending no money, hiring no pollsters, running virtually no TV ads, and just saying what he truly believed no matter how many times people told him he couldn’t say that.
I always hoped I’d see this once before I died. It’s like to going to Mecca, for Americans. Pay attention, because it’s the last time we’re going to see it in our lifetimes.
For those of you not yet on the Trump Train, I know you don’t want to vote for Hillary, but all the pundits have been trying to convince you that Trump’s a complete fraud. (That was between their smug assurances that he wouldn’t make it out of Iowa.)
It’s odd. When Trump launched his campaign by talking about Mexican rapists and the wall, his critics hysterically denounced him, rushing to TV to say he did NOT represent the Republican Party! Only after it became resoundingly clear that large majorities of Americans agreed with Trump did his critics try a new tack: He doesn’t believe it!
That’s what my friend Andy McCarthy at the now-defunct National Review wrote recently. I had to spend the weekend figuring out how to attack a friend without saying, “This is the most retarded argument I’ve ever read.”
[. . .]
Trump told Newsmax that Mitt Romney “had a crazy policy of self-deportation which was maniacal,” adding, “He lost all of the Latino vote … he lost everybody who is inspired to come into this country.”
It is strange that Trump would denounce “self-deportation,” which is like a chocolate sundae compared to his own plans for illegals.
[. . .]

So is Trump lying about his signature issue, immigration? The countervailing evidence to that 2012 pop-off is:
— Nine months of Trump soaring to the top of the polls and slaying all comers by talking about how he’s going to build a wall and make Mexico pay for it;
— His never, ever, ever backing down on the wall, sanctuary cities, anchor babies, suspending Muslim immigration, etc., etc., despite unprecedented attacks from both the liberal and “conservative” media;
— The fact that he talks about immigration at every single one of his massive rallies and always gets the biggest, most sustained standing ovations when he mentions the wall;
— The blizzard of tweets he sent out in 2013 denouncing Rubio’s amnesty bill as it was sailing through the Senate, supported by the entire liberal media, Rupert Murdoch, Fox News, most of talk radio, and every other GOP candidate for president this year, including, for a while, Ted Cruz (whose job was to know about bills being voted on in the Senate, unlike a Manhattan developer);
— Trump’s one and only policy guy is the magnificent Stephen Miller, who was Sen. Jeff Sessions’ main immigration guy.
[. . .]
Maybe 50 years of Trump’s talking about the working class was all a clever ruse leading to this one shining moment when he would trick Americans into voting for him, so he could sell us out, like any other candidate would.
On the other hand, maybe he’s changed his mind about that 2012 remark.
I’m bitter and cynical enough on immigration that I don’t trust anyone not to betray us. But if there was ever a candidate we could believe will build a wall and stop the mass importation of the Third World, it’s Trump.

And Then There Was The One

Wednesday May 4, 2016 2:21 PM

April 24, 2016

UN Commissioner Broadcasts Propaganda At Harvard University, Participates in Domestic Politics, Ignores History

This high commissioner on human  rights speaks about fantasy land, and enters into domestic politics. Isn't that a part of the globalist agenda to destroy nation states? The international business community demolished the United States' manufacturing industry moving plants to third world countries. The same global interests including but not limited to George Soros and the current White House, work to destroy national cultures in the name of globalism. The European Union  was one effort to destroy national boundaries.  Another was the proposal to eliminate borders between the United States, Canada and Mexico. Former Massachusetts Governor and Harvard University graduate William Weld was a co-author. The open southern border of the United States is one method of implementing that proposal without any knowledge or consent from taxpayers, voters or even their representatives who stand by and let it continue. Feckless journalists lament the growing abuse of overdose deaths  by heroin. It flows freely into the country across the southern border with no controls. The same business interests are stealing taxpayer funds billing for treatment of addicts who have not yet died from heroin. It is a good business model almost as self perpetuating as the psychiatric industry. To suggest that countries are not overrun by invading cultures indicates he has no knowledge of history, or ignores history of the exact abuses he denies. 

[From article]
At the Institute of Politics, Zeid Ra’ad Al-Hussein, the United Nations’ high commissioner for human rights, called for more accountability for UN peacekeepers, a number of whom face accusations of sexual exploitation and assault, and emphasized the enormous threat that such behavior poses to the organization’s reputation.
The John F. Kennedy Jr. Forum event, co-sponsored Friday by the Kennedy School’s Carr Center for Human Rights Policy, comes a month after the UN Security Council adopted a resolution expressing “deep concern” about allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse by UN peacekeepers.
[. . .]

Al-Hussein lamented that legislation reforming the disciplinary process for peacekeepers has been stalled for the last decade. One proposed measure he supported was mandatory DNA testing of all peacekeepers to both deter illicit conduct and investigate allegations of sexual misconduct.
He also emphasized that only individual governments—not the United Nations—could subject peacekeepers to criminal investigation and punishment.
[. . .]
“The UN can dismiss them from service, in violation of some administrative regulation, but if you can engage in sexual abuse of the worst kind—and we’ve seen this over many years—it’s simply not good enough that the UN can send you back home,” Al-Hussein said. “It’s so frustrating, of course, for us to continuously receive the most appalling accusations.”
Al-Hussein also decried the extremist and nationalist rhetoric of the political right in Europe and United States at Friday’s event, pointing especially to the “incendiary” speech in the ongoing U.S. presidential race.
[. . .]

He also called on Americans to resist “disgraceful” rhetoric that places blame on immigrant communities, and asked Europeans to adopt a more “humane” attitude when discussing the refugee crisis.
“Humanity has a way of self-adjusting and you don’t have to fear that you’re going to all be swamped by people from other countries and lose your identity, it doesn’t really work like that,” Al-Hussein said.

UN Human Rights Chief Calls for Peacekeeper Accountability
April 24, 2016

March 15, 2016

Unaccompanied Children Immigrants, May Become Human Trafficking Subjects

[From article]
(“But what about the children? What about the children? What about the children?” said Cokie Roberts three times, talking with Trump about waves and waves of illegal and hostile Obamaesque immigrants, including Sinaloa gang killers who recently took 30,000 lives in Northern Mexico, using long guns and ammo from Obama’s Federales.
My respect for Roberts instantly dropped way below the Rio Grande, heading south. What about our children, Cokie? The real goal of bringing in vast numbers of illegals is to manufacture more lifelong Leftists, guided by La Raza, in collusion with MS-13 and Sinaloa (the biggest drug gang in Chicago). But Cokie only “cares” about the children… While in fact ensuring horrors for those very same children.
Well, do you really think those teenage thugs massing at the border, along their much younger would-be victims, are heading for a better life?
[. . .]
Nobody seems to know where the incoming flood have ended up going. In the world of the Charlie Chaplin’s Great Dictator we understand why the media are not interested in telling us. Or do you really think that most of those children will be adopted by nice, wealthy moms in DC, like Cokie Roberts? Have you ever heard of child slavery in the Third World, which we are importing en masse at this very moment?
Which brings me to Trump and Islam.
I don’t know how many individual Muslims hate us, but we know that from day one, 14 centuries ago, Islam has preached Holy War (Jihad) against those who don’t bow to its primitive dictates. From ISIS’ point of view, they are agents of Allah’s compassion. They will cheerfully kill, abuse, exploit, enslave, torture, threaten, beat and terrorize children, women and men with real pride in a job well done.
[. . .]

On the Shi’ite side of the Gulf, the mullahs follow exactly the same war theology. They don’t mind killing the wrong person, because in Heaven or Hell Allah will know his own. It doesn’t really matter whom you kill.
This is elementary information about Jihad, the kind of thing Western children used to learn in their history lessons. Cokie Roberts, propaganda peddler for the Left, has never bothered to learn the truth.
So Trump was right that Islamic doctrine is all about killing us, and by telling the truth Trump freaks out all the good liberals who are actually colluding with a genocidal war theology.
[. . .]
Jihad theology preaches the destruction of high, creative, and tolerant civilizations; it has always done so, and the Jihadist destruction of Persian, Egyptian, Byzantine, Indian, and other admirable pre-Muslim civilizations is well-known, even in Muslim countries.
The Taliban’s theological decision to blow up world-renowned Buddha statues in Afghanistan is the norm in Jihad warfare, not the exception. The Saudis have also blown up precious archeological artifacts from pre-Muslim times in Arabia, because, like the Soviets, they must erase history at all costs.
[. . .]
Because orthodox Islam threatens all Muslims with death for apostasy, many have learned to live double lives, one for the local imam and his enforcers, and one for their private truths. That is important, because it means that every Muslim country also has a Fifth Column -- all those who secretly reject the warmongering priesthood.
Iranians take justified pride in the high civilization of the Persian Empire, before Jihad stomped out the intellectual diversity that fuels innovation. Fanatical ideologies kill off the freedom to think.
In Northern India, where Buddhism first emerged, the monasteries and their peaceful monks were murdered en masse in 1200 by the Ghurid Jihadis. The Buddhist genocide was much celebrated by Muslim historians. After Jihad conquered the Byzantine Empire -- the Christian Roman Empire of North Africa and Anatolia -- another civilization was frozen into silence.
Much of the nominally Muslim world lives a double life. That is a basic strategic fact in the Jihad War. It means that millions of people secretly yearn for better lives.
[. . .]

In Lebanon, ordinary people remember better days, before Hizb’allah took over on behalf of its Iranian masters. Pakistanis celebrate Urdu love poetry, with its ancient pre-Muslim roots. Iraqis take pride in centuries of high Mesopotamian civilizations. Egyptians remember three thousand years of pharaonic Egypt, long before Jihad made free thinking punishable by death. In Turkey, people in the cities remember half a century of modernist politics, before Obama’s good friend Recip Erdogan brought back Ottoman corruption and misrule.
It is only sane for the civilized world to defeat aggressive Jihad, the deadliest threat in the world today. Trump may not be your cup of tea, but he has just broken decades of PC taboo against telling the truth about Jihad.
[. . .]
In a time of war, you may have to pick Ulysses S. Grant for president, even if he is a drunkard. Sometimes, in the face of worse, you have to make tough choices.
That is where we are today. This election could be a turning point for the better, but only if millions of Americans follow their honest convictions. PC is a Leftist intimidation game, and we have to have the courage of our convictions.
[. . .]
Donald Trump keeps challenging the fear of PC. He is therapeutic for millions of Americans who have been silenced for decades; he has beaten the mind games of the One Party media. So far, he has the cult of the Islamo-Left on the run, which is a very good thing. But they see politics as war, and it ain’t over ‘till it’s over. Expect a vicious election season, and if we win this one, expect more years of Islamo-Lefto-fascist struggle. They are an absolutist cult, and any means are acceptable for their goals
[. . .]

The Saudis just promised to double the number of mosques in Europe, with the obvious goal of controlling millions of Muslim “refugees” wherever they may end up living. This is all standard Jihadist tactics. Mass infiltration by “peaceful” Jihad is called Hejira, after Mohammed’s journey to Mecca with the secret intention of committing genocide against the infidels.
None of that war strategy could happen in the West without the active collusion of the Left. We see the same corrupt bargain in Europe and over here.
[. . .]
Hillary and Obama have knowingly blundered into Nuremberg Trial territory. It certainly seems that she has no conscience, and Bernie’s unrepentant Stalinist past shows he has none either. If Bernie had a Nazi past, he would never have been elected, even in New Hampshire.
Like it or not, those are the choices we face today.
Jihad is a strategic threat, and it demands a strategic response. A GOP president could lead that response. The Democrats are far too corrupt and brainwashed to do it.
[. . .]
The EU is a political hierarchy, like the Soviet nomenklatura. Bureaucrats are taught to obey orders. EU governing committees are another version of the old Soviets (councils), which ultimately brought down the Soviet Empire.
[. . .]
Oddly enough, under Putin the Russians have switched sides, because of the greater threat posed by Jihad. Vladimir Putin is not our friend, but he thinks rationally.
Around the world our rejected allies must be thinking about a renewed alliance, to push a chaotic world back from the brink. Putin has suggested making common cause against Jihad, on the model of Soviet-American resistance to the Nazis. With real leadership, the civilized world could come together and beat oil-fed Jihad.
[. . .]
Jihad is a global threat, and a worldwide defensive alliance has worked well since World War II. India, Japan, the UK, Australia, the saner half of Europe, and many others share our strategic interests.
We know it can be done. What’s missing is leadership.
An entente cordiale with Russia can work, because Putin rose to power in response to Jihadist terror attacks in Moscow and Beslan. Like it or not, Putin wiped out the Chechnyan Jihadist rebellion in his usual ruthless way. Russia has a long, long history of coping with Jihad. But now Russia is the only major nation that is prepared to fight for strategic goals. Fantasy pacifism has gripped Europe, which is why Angela Merkel surrendered to the rape Jihad that is still victimizing women and children in Europe.
[. . .]
This is not hard. It takes common sense, something Americans have always been blessed with.
At least until now.
The election will show if we still have what it takes.

March 13, 2016
Trump and Jihad
By James Lewis

February 22, 2016

Establishment Republicans Unable To Understand Trump's Popularity

[From article]
Donald Trump’s latest bombshell, claiming the Bush administration lied about weapons of mass destruction to get us into the Iraq War, is just him doing wheelies on the way to the nomination. He’s apparently decided it would be fun to taunt the entire GOP by demonstrating that he can say anything and his voters won’t care.
I wish he’d stop showing off, the little scamp, but maybe the GOP establishment will finally get the message that voters have been waiting a really long time for a candidate who would put Americans first. Not donors, not plutocrats, not foreigners, and certainly not foreign plutocrats (i.e., Fox News).
[. . .]

Trump is the first presidential candidate in 50 years who might conceivably: (1) deport illegal aliens, (2) build a wall, (3) block Muslim immigration, (4) flout political correctness, (5) bring manufacturing home, and (6) end the GOP’s neurotic compulsion to start wars in some godforsaken part of the world.
That’s all that matters! Are you listening yet, RNC?
There is not another candidate who agrees with Trump on all these positions. Maybe one issue, but not all of them — and if it’s immigration, they would be lying.
[. . .]
Trump is like a greatest-hits album. The two political parties are the record companies, refusing to put all the hits on one album
[. . .]

It is apparently considered less controversial to send a million troops to the Middle East than to stop printing visas for would-be terrorists.
It’s not just George W. Bush’s open-borders policy that cries out for re-examination. During a debate with Al Gore one year before the 9/11 attack — committed by Arabs on U.S. commercial airlines — he pre-emptively denounced the racial profiling of Arabs by airport security.
[. . .]
The Marco Rubios, Nikki Haleys, Paul Ryans, Jeb!, Zeppo and Shemp Bushes of the GOP say: “Vote for me — we may have a terrorist attack, but at least we’ll know we did the right thing!” Trump says: “I’m going to protect you.”
That’s why it doesn’t matter when Trump pops off and says things that are not conservative orthodoxy — or even true!
[. . .]
This is our last chance. It’s similar to the “point of no return” global warming alarmists keep talking about, except our data isn’t fake.

GOP Baffled As Voters Rally to Popular Candidate

Wednesday Feb 17, 2016 6:59 PM

October 15, 2015

Feds Say Increased Arrests of IIlegal Alien Criminals

[From article]
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers arrested 314 criminal immigrants last month in an enforcement action targeting individuals who pose a threat to public safety. ICE
[. . .]
Sixteen of those detained are previously removed individuals who are being prosecuted by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for felony re-entry after deportation.

ICE arrests 314 criminals across Florida, four locally
Posted: Oct 08, 2015 12:23 PM EST Updated: Oct 08, 2015 1:31 PM EST

October 12, 2015

Customs Informant Dead in Mexico, $100,000 Missing, The Fish Rots From The Head

Downtown Los Algodones, where Immigration and Customs Enforcement informant Isaias Borquez Lizarraga was found executed on March 28, 2014. 
Photo: Google Maps

The criminal abuses never end under this White House. Homeland Security imitates FBI advancement rules, "Mess Up Move Up." Here's another Fast and Furious one of several dozen scandals that remain unaddressed due to spineless Republicans and the outrageous number of White House crimes.

[From article]
High-ranking US customs agents violated a treaty with Mexico by approving a covert drug-smuggling probe that took a disastrous turn — funneling at least $100,000 to Mexican dealers while getting an informant killed, The Post has learned.
An alleged coverup of the busted operation allowed two officials to score plum promotions,
[. . .]
Meanwhile, the Mexican government remains completely in the dark about the affair, the source said.
“It’s an unprecedented rogue operation in a foreign country,” the source said.
“You have so many points at which this activity should have been curtailed, and you just wonder who in leadership is actually watching what’s going on.”
The undercover operation was run out of the ICE office in San Diego, according to an email dossier compiled by a whistle-blower, who sparked the government investigations. The whistle-blower is one of several current and former agents with knowledge of the botched probe.
The ICE agents recruited a Mexican national, Isaias Borquez Lizarraga, 39, as an informant. He pretended to smuggle drugs into the United States so the “proceeds” could be traced back to traffickers in Mexico, a source said.
But the operation was conducted without approval from the Mexican government, a move that violated the 1999 Brownsville-Merida Agreement, which governs American law enforcement activity south of the border, the whistle-blower reported.
Lizarraga’s cover was blown, and he was among three people found shot to death, execution-style, on March 28, 2014, inside a dental lab in the Mexican border town of Los Algodones, just west of Yuma, Ariz.

Even after Lizarraga’s murder, ICE agents in San Diego used another informant to make a series of wire transfers totaling at least $100,000 to Mexican bank accounts controlled by the drug supplier, according to the dossier.
None of that money has been recovered, the whistle-blower wrote.
[. . .]

According to the whistle-blower’s report, Derek Benner, the special agent in charge of the San Diego ICE office at the time, and Nick Annan, who was his deputy, “directed and sanctioned” the operation that resulted in Lizarraga’s death and the loss of the taxpayer cash.[. . .]

Derek Benner
Photo: AP

Meanwhile, several ICE officials involved in the screw-up got promoted, with Benner transferred to ICE headquarters in Washington, DC, where he now holds the title of deputy executive associate director of Homeland Security Investigations.
That job makes him No. 2 in charge of more than 10,000 employees around the world.[. . .]

Nick Annan
Photo: U.S. Customs and Immigration Enforcement

Annan was named special agent in charge of ICE’s Homeland Security Investigations office in Atlanta, which oversees operations in three states and is “one of the most productive offices in the country,” according to ICE.
[. . .]
The Department of Homeland Security has estimated that 90 percent of all the cocaine consumed in the United States arrives via Mexico, with traffickers there raking in between $19 billion and $29 billion a year.
The drug trade has been blamed for up to half of Mexico’s 15,000-plus murders last year.

Informant dead, money missing in rogue agents’ illegal drug op
By Bruce Golding
New York Post
October 12, 2015 | 7:29am

September 27, 2015

Mission Of U.S. Army

[From article]
We give the Army, not the fumble fingered Homeland Security, responsibility for border integrity and security. After all, they are charged with protecting the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic and what could be more compelling than protecting the actual land of the United States in that mission instead of deploying a Ready Force to Yambol, Bulgaria, or Camp Bondsteel in Macedonia? Maybe Macedonia and Bulgaria need military help. Maybe we’re using them for missions best not discussed. But, the Army’s primary, core, fundamental mission is to protect the United States of America and that isn’t happening. Their goal must be to protect the home first, and then we’ll talk about all these other expenses and missions. Secure the home, or there’s no point to the rest of it.
[. . .]
Muslim terrorists are paying $50,000 per head to slip across our southern border. Texas officials warn of terrorism coming across our southern border. Border agents whom Obama has emasculated warn of criminal gangs crossing the border. Mexican cartels control American soil up to 70 miles inland from the border. How is any of this not an urgent matter of National Security? The US Amry’s mission is, after all, at Section 3062 of Title 10 US Code -
*Preserving the peace and security and providing for the defense of the United States, the Commonwealths and possessions and any areas occupied by the United States
*Supporting the national policies
*Implementing the national objectives
*Overcoming any nations responsible for aggressive acts that imperil the peace and security of the United States
[. . .]
How is this not the most urgent national security matter facing America? If people to the south of our border cannot control themselves and respect our rule of law, then it is up to America to force the issue. The US Army can do the job, with troops willing and eager to not be laid off like factory workers and who would, I do not doubt, love performing the Mission they signed up to do: protect the United States.

September 21, 2015
The Southern Border and Our Army
By Jesse Hand Conroy

August 20, 2015

Candidate Ben Carson Views Drug Cartels Operating In Arizona Controlling US Land

[From article]
Among other things that Babeu showed Carson and Breitbart News on this helicopter tour were how this far inside the border on high ground there are scores of scout sites where cartel operatives serve as lookouts for smugglers bringing drugs, people and other contraband into the country.
“If they can operate up to this degree, 70 miles north of the border, in law enforcement we call that a clue,” Babeu said in a brief exclusive interview outside the helicopter after landing back at the Pinal County Sheriff’s Office. The lack of United States sovereignty this deep into the country is highly concerning to Carson, who told Breitbart News that this shouldn’t be happening.

19 Aug 2015
Florence, AZ

August 19, 2015

Distorted Government Mission, Open Borders

[From article]
In other words, as every functioning society understood until two generations ago, immigration has to benefit the people who are already here. Government owes a duty to its own citizens before those of the rest of the planet - no matter how cuddly and loveable they might be. The fact that it is necessary to state the obvious and that no "viable" "mainstream" candidate from either party is willing to state it is testament to how deformed contemporary western politics is. Trump may not be a "real" Republican or a "real" conservative, but most of his rivals are not "real" - period, as Carly Fiorina would say.
[. . .]
The retort that Trump is not a "real" Republican or a "real" conservative would of course be a devastating criticism had "real" Republicans and "real" conservatives" in Washington managed actually to "conserve" anything during their time in office. Fiscal prudence? Constrained welfare? Private health care? Religious liberty? There's no point to a purity test for a party that folds more reliably than the White House valet. As I've said, for the Republican establishment the issue is Trump; for a large part of the base the issue is the Republican establishment.
[. . .]
Recent elections in Europe suggest there's no shortage of voters who like their welfare checks, free health care, state pension plans ...but don't see what any of that has to do with letting the country fill up with fanatical Muslims hot for sharia and female genital mutilation. Once upon a time the old left-wing parties represented that interest, but the British Labour Party and most European social democratic parties abandoned that market when they got hot for multiculturalism and diversity.
[. . .]
On immigration both parties are engaged in a conspiracy against the American people. One party gets cheap voters and Big Government dependents; the other gets cheap labor and a chocolate on its turned down coverlet in the junior suite. The Democrats made a smarter deal. The Republicans signed a demographic death warrant. Yet Jeb! and the other alleged non-buffoons in the race have to be dragged kicking and screaming to get beyond the most ludicrous sentimentalist pap on the subject. If a "real" Republican is someone who toes the party line on a suicide mission, why be surprised that voters seek reality elsewhere?
[. . .]
As Ann Coulter says, the quickest way to get rid of Trump is to steal his issue and run with it.

The Trumping of Party
by Mark Steyn
Steyn on America
August 17, 2015

August 13, 2015

Homeland Security Scrutinizes Videographer James O'Keefe At Border

[From article]
Conservative journalist James O’Keefe, known for targeting liberal groups and Democratic politicians, says he is now the one being targeted — by the Department of Homeland Security.
It all started in August 2014 when O’Keefe donned green fatigues and an Osama bin Laden costume and sneaked across the U.S. border to Mexico and then back into Texas, a stunt cited by Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) during congressional hearings. His point, O’Keefe said in an interview Wednesday, was to “show that our elected officials were lying to the American people” by saying the border is secure.
[. . .]
Ever since, O’Keefe says, he has been stopped and questioned at length by U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers each of the five times he has tried to reenter the United States. The questions, he says have been overly intrusive, covering everything from his business operations and what his next investigative project will be to his political views.
“It is our contention that this is retaliation for our journalism along the Mexican border,” O’Keefe said. “It’s troubling that they are doing this to a citizen reporter. … These questions have nothing to do with national security or border issues or smuggling narcotics into the country. They are questions that they would never ask a Washington Post reporter, that they would never ask NBC News.”
[. . .]

The officer firmly denies it. “No, we’re not retaliating against you? Why would you say that?” he says.
At another point, however, a different Customs and Border Protection officer tells O’Keefe that agency officials had put a “hit on you” to avoid getting “egg on their face, basically.”
The video does show, however, officers asking O’Keefe a series of detailed questions about his business model, how his company makes money and his political views.
“What’s your next project?” one officer asks.
“I was so flabbergasted by the question, I couldn’t even form a coherent response,” O’Keefe says in the video.
[. . .]
The reason, O’Keefe said in the interview, is that he could only record audio because the agents searched his phone. Even to do that, he said he had to “manufacture a special type of device that was recording, where they would have no idea.” He declined to describe the device or where it was hidden.
[. . .]
Asked why he is now taking on a powerful federal agency, O’Keefe said he felt compelled to go public by what he views as the drastic nature of the harassment, combined with the political timing.
“My entire purpose is to shock the conscience of the American people by exposing reality,” he said, adding: “I think immigration is a very timely topic right now.

Conservative video-maker James O’Keefe: Homeland Security targeted me, asked intrusive questions
By Jerry Markon
August 13, 2015 at 6:00 AM

Conservative journalist James O'Keefe released a surreptitiously recorded video in an attempt to prove that he is being targeted by the Department of Homeland Security after he wore an Osama bin Laden costume and snuck across the U.S. border to Mexico and then back into Texas in August 2014. (Project Veritas)

July 28, 2015

Eight Illegal Alien Sex Offenders Arrested At Texas Border

AP File Photo
LM Otero
[From article]
The arrests took place in McAllen, Rio Grande City, and Kingsville, according information provided to Breitbart Texas by the U.S. Border Patrol.
”All eight men had previously been charged with sexual crimes to include lewd and lascivious acts with a child under 14, sexual assault, lewd and lascivious behavior against a child—fondling, and first degree sexual abuse by forcible compulsion,” the information provided by USBP revealed.
Four of the criminal aliens came from Mexico, two from El Salvador, and two from Honduras, the information revealed.

28 Jul 2015

June 9, 2015

Immigration Officials Demonstrate They Know How To Appear To Be Busy

This exhibition of ineptitude reminds me of Robert Wagner, Jr. when he was Mayor of New York City. When there was a hurricane, a blizzard or some major event in the city, as Johnny Carson would say, "Mayor Wagner leaped into action and suspended alternate side of the street parking regulations." Always got a laugh. Thousands of illegal aliens swarm across the border every week. Immigration officials have nothing to do but issue press releases, revealing they filled out forms. 

[From article]
The agency has placed an immigration detainer on Darron Delon Dennis Wint, who was arrested and charged with first-degree murder in last month’s killings of a D.C. couple, their 10-year-old child and the family’s housekeeper. ICE officials confirmed that Mr. Wint, who is a citizen of Guyana, could face deportation from the United States if he is convicted

Lone suspect in D.C. mansion murders flagged for deportation
By Andrea Noble
The Washington Times
Sunday, June 7, 2015

April 15, 2015

Middle East Terrorists Set Up Training Camps In Mexico Near US Border

[From article]
ISIS is operating a camp just a few miles from El Paso, Texas, according to Judicial Watch sources that include a Mexican Army field grade officer and a Mexican Federal Police Inspector.
The exact location where the terrorist group has established its base is around eight miles from the U.S. border in an area known as “Anapra” situated just west of Ciudad Juárez in the Mexican state of Chihuahua. Another ISIS cell to the west of Ciudad Juárez, in Puerto Palomas, targets the New Mexico towns of Columbus and Deming for easy access to the United States, the same knowledgeable sources confirm.
During the course of a joint operation last week, Mexican Army and federal law enforcement officials discovered documents in Arabic and Urdu, as well as “plans” of Fort Bliss – the sprawling military installation that houses the US Army’s 1st Armored Division. Muslim prayer rugs were recovered with the documents during the operation.
[. . .]

These specific areas were targeted for exploitation by ISIS because of their understaffed municipal and county police forces, and the relative safe-havens the areas provide for the unchecked large-scale drug smuggling that was already ongoing.
Mexican intelligence sources report that ISIS intends to exploit the railways and airport facilities in the vicinity of Santa Teresa, NM (a US port-of-entry). The sources also say that ISIS has “spotters” located in the East Potrillo Mountains of New Mexico (largely managed by the Bureau of Land Management) to assist with terrorist border crossing operations. ISIS is conducting reconnaissance of regional universities; the White Sands Missile Range; government facilities in Alamogordo, NM; Ft. Bliss; and the electrical power facilities near Anapra and Chaparral, NM.

ISIS Camp a Few Miles from Texas, Mexican Authorities Confirm
APRIL 14, 2015

March 31, 2015

Harassing Citizens, While Ignoring Illegal Aliens

This is typical of misguided White House policies. Law abiding American citizens are stopped, questioned, harassed and jailed for being in their own country. At the same time illegal aliens who entered the country contrary to law are not being stopped, not being questioned, and if they are found in violation of law are let free. It is obvious that criminals run the US government. Has a foreign power taken control to expel and imprison citizens? 

[From article]
Some Americans are refusing to answer questions at Border Patrol checkpoints set up many miles away from U.S. borders, believing the questions posed by Border Patrol agents are unacceptable for law abiding citizens.
Many of these protestors are also using their dashboard cameras to record their encounters with agents, some of whom have resorted to breaking windows, dragging motorists from their vehicles and detaining them, according to The Houston Chronicle.
The newspaper reports “these travelers are among the latest to join what appears to be an informal alliance of people, possibly into the hundreds, recording their encounters at Border Patrol checkpoints,” and that “some of the travelers appear to be making a stand for what they say are their rights and contend that the government, which has long drawn support for doing whatever is needed to protect the nation's borders, is going too far.”
These checkpoints are not at international points of entry to the U.S. nor necessarily within close proximity to the U.S. border, but farther inland, within a 100-mile distance of U.S. borders and coasts. It has been estimated that between 34 and 170 such checkpoints exist inland from the U.S.-Mexico border.
Dash-cam footage showed agents smashing the car window of Navy veteran Thomas Sauer, 26, then forcibly yanking him from his car after he chose to “opt out” of discussing his citizenship. The agents read him his rights, including that he had the “right to remain silent,” which Sauer found ironic.
“I did it because I don't agree with the premise of questioning citizens without suspicion,” Sauer told the Chronicle. “Those type of interactions should be left at the border.”

Citizens’ Growing Protests against Border Patrol Checkpoints Inside the U.S.
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

December 10, 2014

Immigration Policies Allow Terrorists, Criminals To Travel Freely Across US Border

Adnan G. El Shukrijumah (also known as “Javier Robles”)
Photo: Courtesy of Federal Bureau of Investigation

[From article]
An Al Qaeda terrorist on the FBI’s most wanted list for years crossed back and forth into the United States from Mexico to meet fellow militant Islamists in Texas and piloted an aircraft into the Cielo Dorado airfield in Anthony, New Mexico, law enforcement sources tell Judicial Watch.
The same Al Qaeda operative helped plan the 2009 bombing of talk-show superstar Oprah Winfrey’s Chicago studios and the iconic Sears Tower (renamed Willis Tower), a story that Judicial Watch broke just last week. His name is Adnan G. El Shukrijumah (also known as “Javier Robles”) and over the weekend he was killed in Pakistan, according to military officials in the Islamic republic.
In 2010 Shukrijumah was indicted in the Eastern District of New York for his role in a terrorist plot to attack targets in the United States—including New York City’s subway system—and the United Kingdom, according the FBI. The plot against New York City’s subway system was directed by senior Al Qaeda leadership in Pakistan, the FBI says, and was also directly related to a scheme by Al Qaeda plotters in Pakistan to use Western operatives to attack a target in the United States.
[. . .]
The men form part of a sophisticated narco-terror ring, exposed by JW in October, with connections running from El Paso to Chicago to New York City. It includes an all-star lineup of logistics and transportation operatives for militant Islamists in the United State, drug and weapons smugglers for the Juarez drug cartel in Mexico, an FBI confidential informant gone rogue and two of the FBI’s most wanted terrorists. Shukrijumah is one of them.
[. . .]
Shukrijumah, 39, probably could have qualified for Obama’s amnesty. He was born in Saudi Arabia and moved to the U.S. with his family as a youngster in the mid-1990s. As a teenager he lived in South Florida’s Broward County and he attended the local community college where he took computer science and chemistry classes, according to the area’s newspaper. His mother, Zurah Adbu Ahmed, still lives in South Florida, the paper reports.

Al Qaeda Terrorist Wanted by FBI Crossed Back and Forth Into U.S. From Mexico
DECEMBER 08, 2014

* * *

A.J. Louderback, sheriff of Jackson County, Texas

[From article]
“It’s on the border now and it’s spreading into Texas and across the nation,” A.J. Louderback, sheriff of Jackson County, Texas, told National Review Online after a press conference in which he described a four-hour gun battle involving cartels just across the border on Sunday that left at least 50 people dead.
“The welcome sign is out,” he said. “It’s out. They’re coming.” Louderback attended the press conference with Senator Jeff Sessions (R., Ala.), Senator David Vitter (R., La.) and Representative Marsha Blackburn (R., Tenn.) and other sheriffs. He said that Obama’s orders make it easier for smugglers to tell prospective immigrants that they will receive amnesty once they’ve paid to get across the border — a deal in which cartels get a cut of the profits.

Sheriff Warns of Violent Cartels: ‘They’re Coming’
By Joel Gehrke
December 10, 2014 4:02 PM

November 15, 2014

US Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) Outlines How To Stop White House Lawlessness

[From article]
Exit polls were unequivocal. More than 3 in 4 voters cited immigration as an important factor in their vote, believed that U.S. workers should get priority for jobs, and opposed the President’s plans for executive amnesty. These voters were right and just in their demands.
But President Obama made clear that he would attempt to void the election results—and our laws—by moving forward with his executive amnesty decree.
This decree would operate much like his unlawful “Deferred Action”: conferring work permits, photo IDs, and Social Security numbers to millions of individuals illegally present in the U.S.—allowing them to take jobs and benefits directly from struggling American workers. It is a scheme the Congress has explicitly refused to pass.
[. . .]
Congress has the power of the purse. The President cannot spend a dime unless Congress appropriates it.

No Surrender on Immigration
Who will protect the nation, if not us?
November 10, 2014

October 9, 2014

Homeland Security Denies Terrorists Crossed US Border

[From article]
Ther's (sic) an interesting bureaucratic dynamic at work. Agents with the US Customs and Border Protection service have been complaining for years about our porous southern border. Unlike the rest of DHS immigration agencies, they have been vocal about enforcing border security.
Perhaps the entry of these terrorists was the last straw. Knowing that DHS would sweep it under the rug, CBP leaked the info first to the congressman and then to JW. And the fact that they were willing to go on the record makes the DHS look like a bunch of liars.
It may be that we were keeping the apprehension of these terrorists secret until we could interrogate them to discover if they have any associates in the US and what was their plot. But once the information was out, DHS had no cause to lie anymore.

October 9, 2014
Confirmed: 4 ISIS terrorists apprehended at southern border in last 36 hours
By Rick Moran

October 6, 2014

Bringing Ebola To U.S., No Problem

[From article]
in his quest to survive, illegally infiltrated a nation carrying a highly contagious hemorrhagic virus.
But then again, it’s really not entirely Thomas Eric Duncan’s fault. After all, Barack Obama has been broadcasting the message to the world that even if our Border Agents contract bacterial pneumonia and our schoolchildren are paralyzed and placed on breathing tubes, granting sick illegals access to America takes precedence over the safety and well-being of the people he vowed to protect.
[. . .]
America may be on the precipice of a pandemic that could kill 50% of the world’s population and Barack Obama decides now is the time to announce that he’s clearing the way for refugee status visas for 70,000 more people, many of whom will undoubtedly be infected with viruses and pathogens foreign to American soil.
In Third World countries, rushing to America in time for amnesty is all the rage right now. If Time magazine is correct, Duncan was apparently planning to meet up with an illegal family already here.
[. . .]
clownish Obama administration representatives attempt to quell public fears by reassuring the nation that the same government that can’t find Lois Lerner’s emails is fully equipped to track down and corral anyone who came in contact with Thomas Eric Duncan.
[. . .]
questions remain as to how a poverty-stricken, unemployed war refugee obtained a visa so quickly, and what kind of visa he actually possessed.
[. . .]
Never mind the threat to 300 million people. If Thomas Eric Duncan somehow manages to survive, which looks iffy right now, despite his bringing Ebola into the U.S., Barack Obama has promised the Liberian refugee that ‘No Force On Earth’ will stop him from becoming an American citizen.

October 6, 2014
Amnesty for Ebola
By Jeannie DeAngelis

September 16, 2014

Patriots Travel To Texas To Prevent Terrorists and Disease From Entering USA

The Commander In Chief sent 3,000 US troops to Africa to fight the ebola virus. But he refuses to secure the southern border of the US where terrorists and the disease can be easily brought into the United States. The question of the bona fides of the current occupant of the White House is appropriate: is he really concerned for the national security of the nation? His policies have weakened the American economy, embarrassed allies and strengthened enemies. He engages American soldiers in wars he refuses to call wars, against terrorists he refuses to call terrorists. He is a walking talking propaganda machine. Some of these patriots traveling to the Texas border are acting according to the Declaration of Independence. 

[From article]
The border patrol says the growing number of militia members is an increasing concern for them. A new website called 'Patriots Information Hotline' says there are about 16 militias along the border in Texas and they are encouraging more to come.
Militias have flocked to the Rio Grande Valley to help secure the border and many plan to participate in the September 20th protest to shutdown ports of entry, but agents say militias complicate law enforcement efforts.
Right now, the National Guard, hundreds of state troopers and 3,600 border patrol agents are all patrolling the border in the valley and they say adding groups that are not connected could be dangerous

Safety concerns increasing at the Texas-Mexico border
Posted: Sep 16, 2014 7:18 AM EDT
Updated: Sep 16, 2014 1:25 PM EDT

September 5, 2014

Drug Trafficker Crossed Southern Border 7 Times

[From article]
A Mexican national who crossed into the country with various types of drugs, at least seven different times, pleaded guilty to federal drug trafficking charges.
[. . .]
Garza would go to an area near the Pharr- Reynosa International Bridge, pick up the vehicle, and drive it over to the U.S. side where he would leave the car parked outside of a shopping center and would return hours later to pick it up. For the frequent trips, the man was paid between $200 and $300 which was his only source of income, court records show.

5 Sep 2014, 5:39 AM PDT