Showing posts with label George Soros. Show all posts
Showing posts with label George Soros. Show all posts

May 20, 2016

Billionaire George Soros, Funds Democrats, Avoids Taxes With Off Shore Money Havens

[From article]
Billionaire George Soros, who has spent millions of dollars financing Democrats and left-wing causes, used a controversial Panamanian law firm to establish a web of offshore investment partnerships that operate around the world and out of the scrutiny of U.S. regulators, according to leaked documents.
The so-called Panama Papers, a trove of 11.5 million financial documents tracing the Mossack Fonseca law firm’s efforts to help politicians, celebrities and criminals shield their money from taxes, contain links to Soros, who funds the journalism group that is disseminating the information. So far, the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) has been silent on its benefactor’s ties to the law firm.

Three offshore investment vehicles controlled by Soros are catalogued in the Panama Papers. Soros Finance, Inc. was incorporated in Panama; Soros Holdings Limited was set up in the British Virgin Islands and a limited partnership called Soros Capital was created in Bermuda.
The laws of Panama, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands and a score of “tax havens” allow foreign firms to hide ownership of cash, real estate and other assets from securities regulators and tax collectors in the countries where they are physically headquartered.
On May 9, client data stolen from the Mossack Fonseca law firm in Panama was published online by the ICIJ as part of its Offshore Leaks database. The searchable database contains a portion of the offshore financial records given to the journalists by anonymous whistle-blowers since 2013; it does not include leaked emails and other explanatory data that ICIJ reporters use to write about the offshore financial holdings of newsworthy individuals.
News stories about offshore bank accounts revealed by the Panama Papers brought down Iceland’s prime minister last month. Heads of state, Hollywood stars, heiresses, arms dealers and drug lords who established secret offshore companies and bank accounts are outed almost daily by the ICIJ.
[. . .]

Soros, 86, is worth an estimated $25 billion. His Open Society Institute is one of ICIJ’s main funders, granting it $1.5 million last year. The Panama Papers data reveals only the tip of Soros' offshore iceberg, the Quantum Group of Funds. The ICIJ’s leader, journalist Gerard Ryle, said he had not noticed Soros’ companies in the Offshore Leaks database until called the matter to his attention.
[. . .]
Because it is based offshore, the Quantum Group of Funds is not normally subject to regulation by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. But in the mid-1990s, Soros Capital bought several SEC-regulated firms, an act which required it to disclose the basic design of the Quantum network of interlocking offshore companies and bank accounts that shield Soros’ billions.
Soros Capital set up an offshore company in the Cayman Islands for the purpose of investing private equity with the Carlyle Group, alongside members of Saudi Arabia’s Bin Laden family. Carlyle’s partners include ex-heads of state and former CIA officials. The private equity partnership specializes in buying and selling weapons manufacturing and intelligence gathering companies with government and military contracts and it also uses secret offshore companies to conduct business.
[. . .]

Soros is certainly newsworthy. In 1992, the self-styled philosopher-economist nearly bankrupted the Bank of England by manipulating the price of the pound. Five years later, he exacerbated a regional economic crisis by betting against Thai and Malaysian currencies. Billions of dollars in profits from Soros’ currency-pummeling moves flowed through the Quantum Group of Funds.
Soros is the sole proprietor of Manhattan-based Soros Fund Management LLC, which controls his offshore empire. In July 2011, Soros closed the multibillion-dollar fund to all but members of his immediate family, allowing him to escape the Dodd-Frank Act mandate for hedge funds to disclose investors and conflicts of interest. A few months later, Soros lost the final appeal of his 2002 convictionby a French court for insider trading. But he remains a potent political force.
In 2014, Soros donated $381 million of Quantum Group of Funds shares to his Open Society philanthropy. The New York-based charitable foundation supports hundreds of advocacy groups, academic research and investigative journalists that align with Soros’ oft-stated goal to promote globalized capitalism and democracy.

On the other hand, the Panama Papers’ leaker, known as John Doe, said that he had exposed the vast cluster of offshore firms and bank accounts, because “income inequality” and “massive, pervasive corruption” are “the defining issues of our time.”
Soros’ offshore companies may not pay U.S. taxes (his spokesperson, Michael Vachon, declined to answer that question), but the billionaire donates lots of money to Democrats who write and enforce the tax laws. In the 2004 presidential election, he contributed $24 million to George Bush’s opponents. He is the largest donor to Hillary Clinton’s campaign for the presidency, plunking down $8 million, so far. He has donated “up to $1 million” to the Clinton Foundation. And Secretary of State Clinton’s emails reveal that Soros has lobbied her on behalf of his interests, which encircle the globe, mostly in the dark.

Panama Papers reveal George Soros' deep money ties to secretive weapons, intel investment firm
By Peter Byrne Published May 16, 2016

April 24, 2016

UN Commissioner Broadcasts Propaganda At Harvard University, Participates in Domestic Politics, Ignores History

This high commissioner on human  rights speaks about fantasy land, and enters into domestic politics. Isn't that a part of the globalist agenda to destroy nation states? The international business community demolished the United States' manufacturing industry moving plants to third world countries. The same global interests including but not limited to George Soros and the current White House, work to destroy national cultures in the name of globalism. The European Union  was one effort to destroy national boundaries.  Another was the proposal to eliminate borders between the United States, Canada and Mexico. Former Massachusetts Governor and Harvard University graduate William Weld was a co-author. The open southern border of the United States is one method of implementing that proposal without any knowledge or consent from taxpayers, voters or even their representatives who stand by and let it continue. Feckless journalists lament the growing abuse of overdose deaths  by heroin. It flows freely into the country across the southern border with no controls. The same business interests are stealing taxpayer funds billing for treatment of addicts who have not yet died from heroin. It is a good business model almost as self perpetuating as the psychiatric industry. To suggest that countries are not overrun by invading cultures indicates he has no knowledge of history, or ignores history of the exact abuses he denies. 

[From article]
At the Institute of Politics, Zeid Ra’ad Al-Hussein, the United Nations’ high commissioner for human rights, called for more accountability for UN peacekeepers, a number of whom face accusations of sexual exploitation and assault, and emphasized the enormous threat that such behavior poses to the organization’s reputation.
The John F. Kennedy Jr. Forum event, co-sponsored Friday by the Kennedy School’s Carr Center for Human Rights Policy, comes a month after the UN Security Council adopted a resolution expressing “deep concern” about allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse by UN peacekeepers.
[. . .]

Al-Hussein lamented that legislation reforming the disciplinary process for peacekeepers has been stalled for the last decade. One proposed measure he supported was mandatory DNA testing of all peacekeepers to both deter illicit conduct and investigate allegations of sexual misconduct.
He also emphasized that only individual governments—not the United Nations—could subject peacekeepers to criminal investigation and punishment.
[. . .]
“The UN can dismiss them from service, in violation of some administrative regulation, but if you can engage in sexual abuse of the worst kind—and we’ve seen this over many years—it’s simply not good enough that the UN can send you back home,” Al-Hussein said. “It’s so frustrating, of course, for us to continuously receive the most appalling accusations.”
Al-Hussein also decried the extremist and nationalist rhetoric of the political right in Europe and United States at Friday’s event, pointing especially to the “incendiary” speech in the ongoing U.S. presidential race.
[. . .]

He also called on Americans to resist “disgraceful” rhetoric that places blame on immigrant communities, and asked Europeans to adopt a more “humane” attitude when discussing the refugee crisis.
“Humanity has a way of self-adjusting and you don’t have to fear that you’re going to all be swamped by people from other countries and lose your identity, it doesn’t really work like that,” Al-Hussein said.

UN Human Rights Chief Calls for Peacekeeper Accountability
April 24, 2016

March 21, 2016

Anti Trump Protesters Attack Secret Service

[From article]
Last night’s Trump rally in normally polite and sedate Salt Lake City saw rampant lawlessness on the part of Trump opponents. Gateway Pundit has assembled a variety of video posted to Twitter by various networks.

[19 videos embedded]

March 19, 2016
Anti-Trump demonstrators tore down Secret Service checkpoints attempting to shut down rally
By Thomas Lifson

March 20, 2016

Billionaire-George-Soros-Funded Move On Boasts of Violent Disruption of Presidential Campaign

Using his billions to destroy free speech, democracy, the Constitution and the United States. 

Donald Trump's campaign is not urging violence on the campaign trail.  The White House began encouraging violence to justify his violations of the Constitution. His lawlessness is imitated and instigates others to be violent attacking people with who they disagree. This is a product of the lawless seven years of this White House. Typical of propaganda, these thugs accuse others of what they do. 

[From article]
Ilya Sheyman, a failed Illinois contender for Congress and the executive director of Political Action, has taken credit for the violence at a cancelled Trump event last night in Chicago. He promised similar violence and disruption will occur at future Trump political events leading up to the election.
“Mr. Trump and the Republican leaders who support him and his hate-filled rhetoric should be on notice after tonight’s events,” on the George Soros funded MoveOn web page. “To all of those who took to the streets of Chicago, we say thank you for standing up and saying enough is enough. To Donald Trump, and the GOP, we say, welcome to the general election.”
MoveOn has consistently functioned as a lobby group for the policies of the Obama administration, including the disaster of Obamacare and the continuation of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and the escalation of the war on terror that has turned America into a police and surveillance state. In 2007 it backed a bill trotted out by then Democrat Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi to continue financing the occupation of Iraq.
The group acts as a front for wealthy Democrats. It was founded with the help of the financier George Soros who donated $1.46 million to get the organization rolling. Linda Pritzker of the Hyatt hotel family gave the group a $4 million donation.
Many of the Democrat and “progressive” candidates supported by MoveOn have failed to be elected since the organization was formed in 1998.
The violent demonstration in Chicago on Friday may represent a precursor to the sort of activity the organization will engage in as it tries to “shut down” its political enemies and elect either Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders.
On Friday night many of the protesters shouted “Bernie!” and held placards announcing their support for the socialist Democrat.

A precursor to activity the organization will engage in as the election approaches
Kurt Nimmo
MARCH 12, 2016

March 18, 2016

Political Disruption Reminiscent of 1930s

[From article]
GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump canceled a scheduled speech at an event to be held in the Windy City, where a sizable crowd of left-wing students and Black Lives Matter activists clashed with Trump’s supporters. Telecasts showed that in addition to screams of “Hitler!” and other face-to-face confrontations, punches were thrown and a few landed.
Although Chicago police did their best to prevent bloodshed, the anti-Trumpeteers succeeded in preventing people from hearing what the Donald might have had to say
Trump’s free political speech was trashed. It remains to be seen if the anti-Trumpeteers’ tactic will be repeated. After the Chicago rally was cancelled, the Soros-funded blog hailed the leftists’ success, and seemed to call for more such outbursts. When Trump was speaking at an event at Dayton Airport the next day, a far-left punk rushed the podium, and only quick action by Secret Service agents kept him from reaching Trump.
[. . .]
Trump is taking the brunt of the blame. Not only have his rivals for the GOP’s presidential nomination rushed to judgment, the electronic and print media have also painted a negative picture of Trump. On Friday night, even Fox News coverage was, on balance, anti-Trump. The Associated Press reportage was even more explicitly negative. A blog on (March 14) not only accused Trump of cowardice, but went on to praise the Chicago protesters and deny they had abridged Trump’s freedom of speech.
[. . .]
On at least two occasions during Campaign 2008, however, Barack Obama urged aggressive action by his supporters against opponents. On September 18, for example, he told his supporters to confront their opponents, to “get in their face,” which can only be interpreted as urging confrontations that could turn ugly. On June 14, he went even further. At a fund-raiser in Philadelphia, he told a crowd of supporters what he’d do to counter GOP attacks: “[i]f they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun.”
[. . .]
Watching televised images of the violent outbursts at the event in Chicago induced memories of the grainy, black-and-white film of street fighting between Communists and Nazis in Germany during the final years of the Weimar Republic. A few broken heads here, a couple of dead demonstrators there, culminated in exchanges of gun fire and flailing Billy clubs as the over-whelmed Weimar police decreasingly could keep the peace.
We all know how street battles during the Weimar Republic ended.
Yes, Donald Trump is a polarizing personality. But so are Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Bernie Sanders. Is the American political system robust enough to deal with political leaders of their ilk? If it isn’t, we may be staring straight at a very scary future.

March 16, 2016
Liberal Fascism in Chicago Last Friday
By Richard Winchester

March 16, 2016

Billionaire Democrat, Labor Unions Funding, Planning More and Greater Disruptions of Trump Campaign

[From article]
People like George Soros know how to plan ahead to manufacture mob violence masquerading as social movements.

It worked like a charm in Ferguson, Missouri, and laying the groundwork for energizing the critical black turnout in 2016, courtesy of #BlackLivesMatter and others. #BLM is also serving as a useful vehicle for suppressing the Trump phenomenon.

Now, a group called Working America, funded by the AFL-CIO (which relies on raking off a portion of the paychecks of people forced to join unions) and by billionaires George Soros and Tom Steyer, is advertising for organizers in Cleveland.

March 13, 2016
Soros-funded group getting ready for ‘spontaneous’ demonstrations ‘caused’ by Trump’s rhetoric at GOP Convention?
By Thomas Lifson

March 15, 2016

Disrupting Political Campaigns, Condoned by Billionaires, Criminals, Free Speech Advocates and Politicians

These are young people and students, often from nations where free speech does not exist. They bring their values and try to obliterate ours. They are trying to destroy not a Trump rally, but the entire constitutional apparatus and culture of the United States. A group of supporters of Palestinian terrorists tried to do the same thing at Harvard Law School a few years ago. It is shameful that not only Cruz, Kasich and Rubio blame Trump but also the two socialist Democratic candidates. Seldom is heard the word "Constitution" among these presidential wannabes. Is that what being presidential looks like? Ignoring the constitution as the current lawless White House did for seven years? 

These are the tactics I first saw at Columbia University in 1968. The leftist Communists intentionally provoked administrators using violence and lawlessness. They kept it up until the University needed to call the NYPD to remove students who had taken control of several university buildings, preventing classes from being held. John Lindsay was mayor of New York City. With his police Commissioner, Howard Leary, they recognized the dangers of sending police with guns to remove students, who were determined to provoke angry police. The commissioner ordered the officers to conduct the removal without their guns. They were allowed night sticks which were used. But no one was shot or killed while clearing the campus. Nonetheless minor injuries were played up by journalists and the leftists to show how "brutal" the administration was. This is what these reportedly Soros-funded, Move-On and Google Corp.-funded radicals are doing now. They want brutality to gain sympathy from ordinary citizens who still believe in the system of government under a constitution. That is their objective. It will continue until election day and beyond if Trump wins the nomination. Look for frequent Democratic vote fraud in the general election if Trump is the Republican nominee.

[From article]
This makes Ted Cruz ‘s spineless rejoinder to the violent demonstrations in Chicago so galling to me.
Some years ago I wrote here of my contempt for conservatives who flee the forum for fear of getting their spotlessly white togas spattered with mud and blood when their colleagues are being savaged by liars and thugs. This week my White Toga award goes to Ted Cruz. As thousands of rent a mobs from Soros funded Move On, the White House approved Black Lives Matters fabulist race baiters, and Bernie Sanders fans mobbed and threatened the thousands of people who’d waited in lines for hours to attend a rally in Chicago for Donald Trump.
Even Obama pal and admitted terrorist Bill Ayers, doubtless reliving his “glory days” as a Weatherman was there cheering the mayhem on:
We shut Trump down! Beautiful gathering of anti racist youth.
Bill Ayers (@WilliamAyers) March 12, 2016

The People’s Cube, which has perfected its satire of left speak described the event from the thugs’ point of view:
CHICAGO, IL - Tonight one thousand peaceful communists, socialists, anarchists, Black Lives Matter activists, devout Muslims, immigration advocates with Mexican flags, and local students of Marxism, disrupted a meeting of some twenty five thousand angry and violent Trump supporters.
The Trump crowd had it coming because they had conspired to shut down everyone else's right to free speech by buying tickets to the event, which was closed to those who didn't have tickets. That was a grotesque violation of the protesters' right to get inside, jump on the podium, rip Trump signs, and scream "F** Trump" into a TV camera.
As the news of the event's cancellation was announced, the protesters peacefully celebrated their victory by throwing punches at Trump supporters and police officers, shouting over their objections, flipping the middle finger and kicking their cars, and walking into the road to block traffic composed of gas-guzzling, global-warming-causing vehicles.
Did Ted Cruz criticize this effort to deny thousands of people their right to free speech and assembly or the violent nature of the demonstration? No, he feebly offered up this on Fox News’s The Kelly File: "A campaign bears responsibility for creating an environment when the candidate urges supporters to engage in physical violence."
[. . .]

The organizers' own words belie that claim that Trump bears responsibility for this mayhem: They were well organized and were there to shut down Trump whose political views they oppose.
Here’s People for Bernie:
People For Bernie
Remember the ‪#TrumpRally wasn't just luck. It took organizers from dozens of organizations and thousands of people to pull off. Great work.
Newsbusters picked up from an AP story the role of a Black Lives Matters
When's the last time if even, that a group of right-wing protesters in the U.S. specifically set out to completely shut down a left-wing speaker's address? There's no doubt that the attempt to protest Trump was organized, and that its primary intent was to prevent him from speaking:
"Trump represents everything America is not and everything Chicago is not," said Kamran Siddiqui, 20, a student at the school who was among those celebrating. "We came in here and we wanted to shut this down. Because this is a great city and we don't want to let that person in here."
"Our country is not going to make it being divided by the views of Donald Trump," said Jermaine Hodge, a 37-year-old lifelong Chicago resident who owns a trucking company. "Our country is divided enough. Donald Trump, he's preaching hate. He's preaching division."
Chicago community activist Quo Vadis said hundreds of protesters had positioned themselves in groups around the arena, and they intended to demonstrate right after Trump took the stage.
Their goal, he said, was "for Donald to take the stage and to completely interrupt him. The plan is to shut Donald Trump all the way down."
[. . .]
The president, who has stirred up so much racial division by, among other things, supporting the Black Lives Matter supporters and megaphoning their lies about Trayvon Martin and Ferguson, Missouri, was equally mendacious.
"What’s happening in this primary is just a distillation of what’s been happening in their party for more than a decade," Obama said, according to a report filed by the Texas Tribune.
Given the forces of the left arrayed against his party, Cruz’ take was more than spineless, it was self-defeating. If they succeed in shutting down Trump’s rallies, he’ll be next in their crosshairs. It’s the way they work. In any event, this show of rent-a-mob force may well encourage more voters, sick of this behavior, into the Trump camp.

March 13, 2016
Trump Storm Troopers Mob Sanders Rally: Force Cancellation
By Clarice Feldman

December 16, 2015

Privileged Student Protesters Desperately Seeking Victimhood

[From article]
But here’s my take on all this. Liberals are setting themselves up for a fall with this protest politics, because they fundamentally misunderstand what they are doing.
The theory behind Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals is the fantasy idea that the oppressed multitude ought to be led by educated leaders like Saul Alinsky.
[. . .]
Now let us agree that when the poor rise up against the rich there is a certain justice in their action. After all, who can speak of their privations but the poor?
But it is a very different thing when the poor are led by elite youths, or funded by George Soros, or encouraged by government-paid diversity counselors and faculty. Are elite youths listening to the poor and amplifying their grievances? Or are they merely marching in search of celebrity, money, power, and the love of beautiful women using the poor as cannon fodder?
[. . .]
when George Soros is funding them, when the sons of multimillionaire railroad executives are leading the “peaceful protests,” when college administrators are encouraging the demonstrators, then we are not witnessing the people protesting, we are looking at government in action, the ruling class enforcing its will through its regime supporters hoping for preferment.
We are talking about injustice, of the ruling class, by the ruling class, for the ruling class.
[. . .]
If you want to reduce injustice then you should think about how to reduce government. On this view the only ethical decision for a well-born youth eager for money, power, and the love of beautiful women would be to lead peaceful protests to reduce government on the likelihood that any reduction in government force would also reduce injustice.
[. . .]
the Yales, the Missous, the whole outbreak of snowflake fascism -- and chuckle to myself that these clowns are are creating regime opponents all over America.
[. . .]
Politics is violence; it is imposing your will on other people. Politics is division; it divides people into us and them. Politics is a necessary evil; and you better remember, when you start down the political road with your organizing and your protests, that politics creates enemies.

December 1, 2015
What Do Yale, Missou, Alinksy, Cloward-Piven and Obama's Organizing for Action Add Up To?
By Christopher Chantrill

August 21, 2015

Maunder Minimum May Cause Mini Ice Age

A silent sun: In 2011 this image was captured showing an almost clear sun - which experts say could happen for almost a decade from 2030.

Maybe Al Gore and George Soros can persuade the sun to behave.

[From article]
The Earth could be headed for a 'mini ice age' researchers have warned.
A new study claims to have cracked predicting solar cycles - and says that between 2020 and 2030 solar cycles will cancel each other out.
This, they say, will lead to a phenomenon known as the 'Maunder minimum' - which has previously been known as a mini ice age when it hit between 1646 and 1715, even causing London's River Thames to freeze over.

Is a mini ICE AGE on the way? Scientists warn the sun will 'go to sleep' in 2030 and could cause temperatures to plummet
New study claims to have cracked predicting solar cycles
Says that between 2030 and 2040 solar cycles will cancel each other out
Could lead to 'Maunder minimum' effect that saw River Thames freeze over
PUBLISHED: 12:40 EST, 10 July 2015 | UPDATED: 15:42 EST, 10 July 2015

May 13, 2015

George Soros Funds Radical Leftist Agenda

[From article]
According to Rolling Stone, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio held a closed-door meeting at his mayoral residence on April 2, 2015, to create the Progressive version of the 1994 Republican “Contract with America.” De Blasio called his update the “Progressive Agenda” and its stated purpose was to address “income inequality” in the U.S. A dozen far-left leaders attended the closed-door meeting, including George Soros’ son Jonathan Soros. Jonathan claims to support removing money from politics, yet hypocritically serves on several boards at the Open Society Foundations (OSF). OSF has given more than $550 million to liberal organizations.
[. . .]
The Agenda is supported by some of the nation’s most radical left-wing individuals, nearly all of whom have ties to George Soros.

Earth to Chuck Todd: George Soros Backs New 'Progressive Agenda' with $159 Million
By Alatheia Larsen
May 12, 2015 | 12:42 PM EDT

May 1, 2015

George Soros May Have Tax Bill of $6 billion

[From article]
While building a record as one of the world’s greatest investors, the 84-year-old billionaire used a loophole that allowed him to defer taxes on fees paid by clients and reinvest them in his fund, where they continued to grow tax-free. At the end of 2013, Soros—through Soros Fund Management—had amassed $13.3 billion through the use of deferrals, according to Irish regulatory filings by Soros.
Congress closed the loophole in 2008 and ordered hedge fund managers who used it to pay the accumulated taxes by 2017. A New York-based money manager such as Soros would be subject to a federal rate of 39.6 percent, combined state and city levies totaling 12 percent, and an additional 3.8 percent tax on investment income to pay for Obamacare,
[. . .]

Applying those rates to Soros’s deferred income would create a tax bill of $6.7 billion. That calculation is based on publicly available information such as the Irish regulatory filings, which provide only a partial glimpse into Soros’s finances.

George Soros May Face a Monster Tax Bill
Deferring income helped the billionaire hedge fund manager build his fortune
by Miles Weiss
5:00 AM EDT April 30, 2015

February 25, 2015

George Soros, Ford Foundation Fund Campaign for Government Control of Internet, Curbing Free Speech

George Soros 

[From article]
Liberal philanthropist George Soros and the Ford Foundation have lavished groups supporting the administration’s “net neutrality” agenda, donating $196 million and landing proponents on the White House staff, according to a new report.
And now, as the Federal Communications Commission nears approving a type of government control over the Internet, the groups are poised to declare victory in the years-long fight, according to the report from MRC Business, an arm of the conservative media watchdog, the Media Research Center.
“The Ford Foundation, which claims to be the second-largest private foundation in the U.S., and Open Society Foundations, founded by far-left billionaire George Soros, have given more than $196 million to pro-net neutrality groups between 2000 and 2013,” said the report, authored by Media Research Center’s Joseph Rossell, and provided to Secrets.
“These left-wing groups not only impacted the public debate and funded top liberal think tanks from the Center for American Progress to Free Press. They also have direct ties to the White House and regulatory agencies. At least five individuals from these groups have ascended to key positions at the White House and FCC,” said the report which included funding details to pro-net neutrality advocates.

Soros, Ford shovel $196 million to 'net neutrality' groups, staff to White House
FEBRUARY 25, 2015 | 2:22 PM

January 16, 2015

George Soros Funds Protests

[From article]
Mr. Soros spurred the Ferguson protest movement through years of funding and mobilizing groups across the U.S., according to interviews with key players and financial records reviewed by The Washington Times.
In all, Mr. Soros gave at least $33 million in one year to support already-established groups that emboldened the grass-roots, on-the-ground activists in Ferguson, according to the most recent tax filings of his nonprofit Open Society Foundations.
[. . .]
In all, Mr. Soros gave at least $33 million in one year to support already-established groups that emboldened the grass-roots, on-the-ground activists in Ferguson, according to the most recent tax filings of his nonprofit Open Society Foundations.
[. . .]
“More than 500 of us have traveled from Boston, Chicago, Columbus, Detroit, Houston, Los Angeles, Nashville, Portland, Tucson, Washington, D.C., Winston-Salem, North Carolina, and other cities to support the people of Ferguson and help turn a local moment into a national movement,” wrote Akiba Solomon, a journalist at Colorlines, describing the event.
Colorlines is an online news site that focuses on race issues and is published by Race Forward, a group that received $200,000 from Mr. Soros’s foundation in 2011. Colorlines has published tirelessly on the activities in Ferguson and heavily promoted the #BlackLivesMatter hashtag and activities.
[. . .]
Hands Up Coalition has dubbed 2015 as “The Year of Resistance,” and its outreach program strongly resembles how President Obama’s political action committee — Organizing for Action — rallies youth for its causes, complete with a similarly designed Web page and call to action.
Mr. Soros, who made his fortune betting against the British pound during the currency crisis in the early ‘90s, is a well-known supporter of progressive-liberal causes and is a political donor to Mr. Obama’s campaigns. He committed $1 million to Mr. Obama’s super PAC in 2012.

George Soros funds Ferguson protests, hopes to spur civil action
Liberal billionaire gave at least $33 million in one year to groups that emboldened activists
By Kelly Riddell
The Washington Times
Wednesday, January 14, 2015

October 27, 2014

George Soros' Son In Pre-Nup Divorce Battle

Photo: Bill Cunningham/The New York Times
Robert Soros, right, never shared the enthusiasm of his father George, left, for following the markets. Robert is one of five Soros children.

Robert and Melissa Soros

Meredith Ostrom

Seems like these men attract women who love money.

[From article]
Billionaire George Soros’ eldest son, Robert, is going through an increasingly messy divorce after he cheated on his wife, Melissa Robin Schiff, with model and “naked artist” Meredith Ostrom.
Robert, deputy chairman and president of the $28 billion Soros Fund Management, filed for divorce from his wife of 22 years in Manhattan Supreme Court in May.
But sources tell us that Schiff is arguing their prenup is “ambiguous” in order to go after potentially billions of dollars of Robert’s personal wealth.
One source told Page Six: “One of the reasons Robert filed for divorce was that he was already seeing Meredith well before their marriage ended.
“The current battle is over their old and archaic prenup. Many of the provisions in it appear to be ambiguous. Melissa believes she can go after a large portion of his wealth, which could extend to billions of dollars.”

Billionaire George Soros’ son in messy divorce after cheating
By Emily Smith
New York Post
October 22, 2014 | 9:14pm

August 11, 2014

Misguided Liberals, Two Book Reviews

[From review]
“Liberalism,” Fawcett argues, “is about improving people’s lives while treating them alike and shielding them from undue power.” But Fawcett’s assertions don’t apply to liberalism’s contemporary incarnations. Take his point about treating people alike: the faculty senate at the University of Wisconsin at Madison, long one of the flagships of American liberalism, has, with barely a dissent, proposed a new plan for increasing diversity on campus by distributing grades on an ethnic and racial basis. As John Leo has reported, the plan calls for “proportional participation of historically underrepresented racial-ethnic groups at all levels of an institution, including high status special programs, high-demand majors, and in the distribution of grades.”
As for improving people’s lives, the “billionaire boys club” of radical environmentalists central to the Democratic Party’s finances is dedicated to a stratified America, in which the masses are kept in their properly subordinate place. Opponents of economic growth—billionaires such as Tom Steyer and George Soros, as well as the Rockefeller and Page Foundations—seek to curtail the expansion of the natural gas industry in the name of climate change. On both sides of the Atlantic, a liberalism dedicated to heading off the supposedly imminent threat of environmental catastrophe has scant concern for the declining middle class.
[. . .] In de facto one-party “blue” states, like New York and California, issues such as the imminent danger of climate change are deemed “settled” by leading liberals. Rather than distrusting power, Obama liberals, assuming they have a permanent lock on the presidency, have been happy to expand their power through a neo-imperial presidency and a Senate shorn of the rules that curbed majority abuses. The discovery of vast new sources of natural gas, which liberals once might have seen as progress, is denounced by today’s “progressives,”who decry carbon-based energy. They’re willing to block energy exploration, even at the cost of increasing poverty. Finally, public figures holding traditional views on, say, gay marriage have been excoriated and their companies threatened with boycotts. So much for respecting people, “whatever they think.” Fawcett misses all this because he tunes out liberalism’s intolerant tendencies, which first took hold on campuses and are now spreading to the broader culture. [. . .] plutocrats such as Steyer, Soros, and the Rockefellers have formed a top-bottom political alliance with entities like the Service Workers International Union, which organizes janitors, fast-food workers, and, through what was once known as Acorn, the unemployed. This alliance is central to the Obama administration’s goal of making low-wage workers and the poor comfortable in their relative poverty.
[. . .] Obama liberals, concludes Rubin [. . .] are “motivated by something that blends deliberate suicide with incompetence . . . and they will never get better because they are uninterested in learning what works.”

Liberalism on the Rocks
Two recent books appraise the contemporary Left, with varying results.
8 August 2014

Liberalism: The Life of an Idea, by Edmund Fawcett (Princeton University Press, 468 pp., $35)

Silent Revolution: How the Left Rose to Political Power and Cultural Dominance, by Barry Rubin (Broadside Books, 332 pp., $25.99)

June 25, 2014

Soros Funded Effort To Radically Alter U.S. Constitution, Courts, Congress

[From article]
According to a recently published briefing book "obtained by Politico" by the liberal megadonor group Democracy Alliance, "progressives' long term success hinges on our ability to fundamentally change our current political system - including large questions about who can vote, the role money should play in politics, and what our courts look like."
The briefing, a report card of 2013's challenges and accomplishments for the organization, said that the George Soros founded and funded Democracy Alliance is "more than capable of turning back the latest threats from the Right."

Leaked Lib Megadonor Doc: 'Fundamentally Change Our Current Political System'
June 25, 2014 - 9:50 AM

By Mike Ciandella

March 18, 2013

Columbia Student Sues Soros' Lover For False Rape Claim

Legal battle: Adriana Ferreyr, who is suing billionaire George Soros, is herself being sued for falsely accusing a man of rape

George Soros' former Brazilian lover, 31, 'cried rape' against Columbia student after naked fight in elevator
Adriana Ferreyr is suing billionaire Soros for not buying her $1.9m home
Ferreyr herself to be named in $5m lawsuit for falsely accusing man of rape
Student claims pair had consensual sex after which Ferreyr called cops
Actress allegedly 'drew blood' when she tried to stop him from leaving
Daily Mail (UK)
UPDATED: 09:38 EST, 18 March 2013

February 10, 2013

Liberals' Free Speech Double Standard

[From article]
much of the media and most liberals urge Americans to be scandalized about “too much money” in politics. That three-word trope means (because most political money is spent on the dissemination of political advocacy) that there is more political speech by others than is considered proper by much of the media, which are unrestricted advocates.
[. . .]
Last year, Procter & Gamble, America’s largest advertiser, spent $2,949,100,000 — more than will be spent by the Obama and Romney campaigns and super PACs supporting them.
[. . .]
The collapse of liberals’ confidence in their ability to persuade is apparent in their concentration on rigging the rules of political persuasion. Their problem is that the First Amendment is the rule

Jewish World Review
May 31, 2012/ 10 Sivan, 5772
Rigging free speech
By George Will

October 7, 2011

Soros fails to quash conviction

October 6, 2011 9:34 pm
Soros fails to quash insider trading conviction
By Sam Jones in London and Stanley Pignal in Brussels
Financial Times

August 14, 2011

Soros Sued by 28-year-old Jilted Lover

[From article]
"As baggy-eyed billionaire George Soros celebrated his 81st birthday yesterday, his 28-year-old bombshell Brazilian ex-lover revealed in an exclusive interview with The Post all the seamy details of the pair's oddball, five-year relationship -- from their romantic first dates to their pillow talks, to how she discovered he was cheating with his traveling nurse."

ODD COUPLE:  Financier George Soros dated Brazilian soap actress Adriana Ferreyr, who is five decades younger.
Splash News
ODD COUPLE: Financier George Soros dated Brazilian soap actress Adriana Ferreyr, who is five decades younger.

Soros' jilted ex on their 5-year affair and his sudden change of heart
New York Post
Last Updated: 4:15 PM, August 13, 2011
Posted: 1:52 AM, August 13, 2011