A day late, but between the amount of food consumed that could feed a small army JUST by me and the copious amounts of alcohol festive beverages I ingested, any sort of commentary on the start of my holiday season was unthinkable.
But here I am, in the good ole hometown of Fremont staying with my parents and visiting good people. Wednesday night was the staple trip to Denny's where I was able to hang out with a bit of the younger crowd including Nicole who I heart dearly. I spent part of the evening agonizing over whether the boy drove home safely (my girlfriendly instincts lay dorment for so long, I forgot I even had them...I've spent most of my time looking out for numero uno so I was like, "What the hell is this feeling? Worry? ANGST?? WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME?? I have to get used to this again...But, I digress...) and enjoyed a lot of unhealthy foodstuffs.
Thanksgiving dawned not-so-early with me getting out of bed at 11:00 and eating Mom's Thanksgiving breakfast. Lazy was the word of the day, we did manage to make it to Uncle Steve's on time for another dysFUNctional family get-together. My mom and her brother and sister picked and bickered with each other, I watched two whole football games with my older cousins, managed to torture, tickle, and cuddle with the younger ones, drank my Uncle's expensive German schnapps, drank four beers, tried everyone elses drinks, and managed not to throw up the heaping mound of food I ate. Good times were had by all.
Gotta love 'em!
Watched Grey's Anatomy (I realize I haven't obsessed about my TV habits on here...later post my friends) and gasped along side my equally addicted family.
I realize I'm thankful for things every day, and don't see the need to harp on them any particular day of the year...family, friends, my sense of humor, my (semi) good health, my education, it's all good!
So Happy Thanksgiving, I'm going to go to my Dad's and be as lazy as humanly possible for the next two days because next week...well, next week starts two weeks of educational hell. Failure and keeping my sanity is NOT an option.