Showing posts with label F-town. Show all posts
Showing posts with label F-town. Show all posts

Friday, November 23, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving all!

A day late, but between the amount of food consumed that could feed a small army JUST by me and the copious amounts of alcohol festive beverages I ingested, any sort of commentary on the start of my holiday season was unthinkable.

But here I am, in the good ole hometown of Fremont staying with my parents and visiting good people. Wednesday night was the staple trip to Denny's where I was able to hang out with a bit of the younger crowd including Nicole who I heart dearly. I spent part of the evening agonizing over whether the boy drove home safely (my girlfriendly instincts lay dorment for so long, I forgot I even had them...I've spent most of my time looking out for numero uno so I was like, "What the hell is this feeling? Worry? ANGST?? WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME?? I have to get used to this again...But, I digress...) and enjoyed a lot of unhealthy foodstuffs.

Thanksgiving dawned not-so-early with me getting out of bed at 11:00 and eating Mom's Thanksgiving breakfast. Lazy was the word of the day, we did manage to make it to Uncle Steve's on time for another dysFUNctional family get-together. My mom and her brother and sister picked and bickered with each other, I watched two whole football games with my older cousins, managed to torture, tickle, and cuddle with the younger ones, drank my Uncle's expensive German schnapps, drank four beers, tried everyone elses drinks, and managed not to throw up the heaping mound of food I ate. Good times were had by all.

Gotta love 'em!
Watched Grey's Anatomy (I realize I haven't obsessed about my TV habits on here...later post my friends) and gasped along side my equally addicted family.
I realize I'm thankful for things every day, and don't see the need to harp on them any particular day of the, friends, my sense of humor, my (semi) good health, my education, it's all good!
So Happy Thanksgiving, I'm going to go to my Dad's and be as lazy as humanly possible for the next two days because next week...well, next week starts two weeks of educational hell. Failure and keeping my sanity is NOT an option.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Cedar Point Vaca

I can honestly say I had an absolutely wonderful time this weekend. A handful of my pledge brothers and candidate sisters from the band sorority and fraternity took a trip up north to Cedar Point. It was just a great time spending time with all of them and laughing so hard I probably almost peed once or twice! William and I even showed them Fremont in all its glory which consisted of getting a beer at the Depot and eating cheese fries at Denny's. :-) The weather was perfect, even a bit on the chilly side. Quote of the weekend goes to Steph: "If I were to give a blow job on a roller coaster, it would be the Millenium Force because it's sooo smooth!" Good times...:-)

Hell weeks begin this week. Work will essentially be as chaotic as humanly possible as we gear up for band camp. Percussion camp starts Wednesday night through Sunday and Monday we leave for Camp Higher Ground. The frat and sorority are also working parking at Oktoberfest all weekend long. I also need to find time to go shopping before I pack, finish all my work stuff, do laundry, and just generally get ready to leave. I get anxious this time of year and try to take it all one day at a time. I'm a creature of habit and need my schedule.

Though sometimes I just want to stand on the edge of the world and look down...go wherever adventure takes me. But until ;-)

Monday, July 30, 2007

Home Again

Fairly good weekend at home...Dad ended up not going on his vacation because Deb was sick (and my tummy hurts like flu-hurt...hope I didn't catch it...) Gramps turned 75 years old on Friday and we ate cake and watched him open cards. It's hard to believe that the feeble man before me was once my strong and hard-working Grandfather.

But, times go on and we all get older. Even my mom looked a little older to me than last time.
Saturday, I went to the beach and treasure-hunting with Cindy! It was so good to see her probably for the last time before Christmas because she moves to Denver, CO at the end of August. It seems all Fremont friends are migrating out west...first Megan to Utah, then Caitie to Cali and now Cindy to Colorado. I must have missed the memo. I was able to find a large, practically brand new skillet for 12 dollars. It was quite the treasure indeed.
Tonight is my second sleep disorder study only this time, I'm doing it at home. I have to go to the clinic at 7:30 to get all wired up and then drive home looking like a robot escapee or something. I'll have a little box that travels with me that all the wires hook up to and I sleep with that night. I'll be glad when this ordeal is over, and I can get a good nights sleep. I just want to get all this out of the way since as August progresses, its going to get more and more hectic.
Went through all my old pictures with my Mom on Saturday night...what memories. I am buying a new printer soon with a scanner so I can put some of them online. Hilarity.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Christmas Break Recap

Christmas break in Fremont was quite nostalgic. I spent a lot of time with relatives, re-hashing stories of old, and drinking a hell of a lot of coffee at the local Denny's until the wee hours of the morning. 10 Days of Fremontness was not half-bad.
I was able to visit Fremont Ross to see a few favorite teachers and had my usual dinner date with Mr. Reed and visited Scotty's family. I spent most of my days visiting, and hanging out with friends and family. I spent a lot of time with my mom and was also productive in making a scarf for my sis and my mom.
The night before Christmas Eve, Erika, Cindy, Justin, Kenton, and I went Christmas Caroling! It was probably one of the more hilarious schemes we've ever concocted. It was a lot of awkward singing to a boombox of random Christmas music but I think everyone we sang for was amused and we even spent some time talking to the Burroughs.
Christmas Eve was awkward as always with my Dad's family because we only see each other once a year on this night. I enjoyed catching up with some of the cousins though and I got to watch the Bengals play in my Uncle's pimped out sports garage. Christmas day I spent with Mom's side, saw my step-family, grandparents, and Ashley's boyfriend came to spend the day. I received some very nice gifts, my Dad upgraded my computer to 1 G of ram instead of my old 512 and managed to fix all the problems with it. I received a Homedic massage chair, knitting supplies, a make-up mirror I've wanted for EVER, new make-up (I was geekin'), some books, some clothes, and ate my weight in horse-do-overs. Christmas night was spent at where else, but Denny's with Erika, Cindy, Drea, Jessica, and Jasmine drinking coffee and eating more unhealthy things I didn't need in my system.
The Annual After-Christmas party was a lot of fun, and I enjoyed The Group all being together again. We played a few games, ate MORE food and spent the rest of the evening being all nostalgic-like. What I absolutly love about The Group is that even though a majority of us don't even speak over the course of a year, whenever we see each other, it is like no time has passed. We are each able to lead our own lives with minimal contact, but still be very close friends. I hadn't seen Kenton since last Christmas and we had only talked on the phone a few times in the past year, but it was just like old times. Tyler, Cindy, Erika and I ended up spending the night at Justin's and even though I had to leave early in the morning, I loved all the time I spent with these kids over the past 10 days and when we all get together next Christmas, it will feel just the same.
Poor Nate was subjected to all that is the glory of F-town when he came yesterday morning to visit and take me back to the 'Nati. I showed him all the "hotspots" and we saw my family to say goodbye and even ate at Grate's because their wings? Amazing. We rolled in early last evening and I was surprised to find my Christmas present from him which was Guitar Hero I and II already in my room so we stayed up with the roomies late into the night rocking out. Good to be home.
Overall it was GOOD.
New Years post shortly to follow!!!