Showing posts with label School. Show all posts
Showing posts with label School. Show all posts

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Scheduling Potty Breaks

Even my bathroom breaks need to be fit into my hectic schedule...
I'm half way through day two of fall quarter and already I'm looking forward to Christmas break. With two jobs, marching band, sorority, and a full-time class schedule, I'm feeling the strain of having to schedule my day down to the last minute.

Today is a good example:
8:30 Wake up
9:30 First Aid/CPR Training
11:00 Lit Theory Class
12:30 Lunch/Communication Theory homework/Online Anthro class
3:00 Buffalo Wild Wings job meeting
4:00 Work
6:00 Band Practice
8:30 Exec/Joint Exec meetings
9:30 Brit Lit homework
11:00 HOPEFULLY bed

Gone is my power of spontaneity and now, I have to live my life down to a scheduled tee. I'm nervous, I'm worried and I'm sad that things like pleasure reading, knitting, and NASCAR must fall to the wayside for the time being.

I have one more year of this intense pressure, than my senior year will be a bit more laid back. I'm just scared I won't get it all done. There is no room for mistakes...

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Prep Time

School starts frickin fourth year of college. Which does NOT seem possible. This is equivalant to the time I spent in high school which also does not seem very possible. I 've noticed as of late, that time is starting to speed itself up. This is good since I am restless and would like to move into the next phase of my life (whatever that may be) but not so good in the aspect that I'm afraid of growing up. I think this is why I continue to take classes I don't neccessarily need to graduate so I can subconciously pro-long my time here even though conciously I need to GET OUT. I tell everyone it's because I love to learn. For example, I'm taking History of a Novel. I'm an English Ed major so this makes sense, and I also LOVED the teacher my freshmen year. But, I don't need it to graduate so I'm just wasting 3 credit hours? But, I'll enjoy the material AND it may be beneficial to my future as an English teacher (though not so beneficial if I become a theatrical make-up artist on Broadway or a NASCAR dreams, haha!) Will report which side gets the best of me and watch me change classes. I always pick my classes as early as possible, but when the quarter begins, I end up switching at least half of them. Go figure.

Going to buy my books and school supplies, getting things around for the first TBS meeting of the quarter tonight and participating in general mayhem and shenanigans. Crossing my fingers for a good year.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Clusters of Joyness

Update because I'm a frickin blog slacker...It is no secret that I LOVE L-O-V-E foodstuffs of all kinds. But man. I discovered a new heroin...instant grits. It's like God opened up the sky and sayeth, "And I shall create instant grits for those so un-blacketh they can not make them themselves...and they shall pour water into a bowl and create grits for all." And it was good. So good I have eaten three bowls this morning. Is there such a thing as grits overdose? Maybe this will replace my Chipotle addiction which would not only be healthier but cheaper as well? Pffft. No way.

In other news, my classes are a huge cluster of JOYNESS. Not really...I still don't have my schedule straightened out and it's driving me nuts being the fourth day of classes. I won't go into the long boring details of ninja-kicking Communications Professors in the face to try and convince them to let me into their classes based on my insane martial arts no avail. But trust me, Elyse is getting a wee bit pissed off...Anna, Amanda and I did a kick-butt workout last night since most of us hadn't seen the gym in oh, 6 months. I am now sore in places I didn't know I could get sore. It is quite unfortunate. The next four days should prove to be overwhelming and daunting...District Convention is this weekend and I will be sharing a glorious hotel room in Kentucky with Shannon, Anna, Manda, Steve, and Z. Today I have to print out parts for a 250 piece reading band to read like five songs and then tonight after rehearsal I have to make poster board signs and pack because tomorrow after classes for four hours and four hours of work, we have to leave for the hotel so we can be there in time for the High Adventure practice...ugh. I haven't picked up a harmonica or knitted a stitch in WEEKS and it unsettles me...when do I get time for me?I saw Rockstar on Monday night despite all the sad craziness...that was a nice pick-me-up.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Talking to Myself

I had a conversation with myself at the library tonight. The guy next to me promptly got up and left.

Me: What's that?
Me: Oh that's just my brain puddling around my shoes.
Me: Gross.

I totally wrote 2 papers tonight. And I'm CRAZY WHEEEEEE

Monday, January 22, 2007

I feel like I am slowly LOSING MY MIND.

It is a sad day when I skip class to do as much work as humanly possible. I need clean clothes, I need to finish two projects, one before tomorrow night, and one for Wed which I haven't even touched yet, my final ad comp paper is due tomorrow, I went to bed at 2 am last night after not getting much accomplished other than recapping my awesomely painful collegiate history, and having to work today...I just added it up that I needed to stay home. I was sick with the stomach flu all week last week and now today is no class either. Tomorrow I HAVE to go. Come hell or high water I am not missing my two most important classes of the week. Darnit! Of course I got no rest and nothing done this weekend. I think I might have picked the WRONG classes to take during winter quarter and trust me, this won't happen again. I will save all my easy classes for next winter quarter. While there are parts I absolutely love, I am craving spring with a fiery passion. For some reason, I just keep going and going until my face gets run into the ground and then some. So, until an awesome bout of mono lands me in the hospital with my eyes bulging out of my head from lack of sleep and my mind completely out of control? I will continue to go. I think after this weekend, I'll feel much better but until then, this week is go time. So here I go...

Monday, December 04, 2006

7 AM

Went to sleep count 'em 3 hours ago...the drugs I took for my cold are still heavy and I had to PEEL myself from the bed...feel like I was hit by a very large truck-shaped object. My eyes are burning for some reason. It is this hour that I feel the deepest, darkest pit of hell as a college student...I have to complete two finals back to back on 3 hours of sleep...I am flat bedroom is 10 degrees colder than the rest of the apartment causing me to dress like an eskimo who lives near a Good Will...the apartment looks like a bomb exploded because a day of non-stop studying will dirty any kitchen/living room...I've eaten nothing but pure junk food for the past 24 hours and came to the horrifying realization with Michael last night around midnight that we needed to lose some poundage...I will soon be leaving for heavy-duty coffee at Starbucks with Anna as we traipse in 4 degree weather to our exams in the dark. THIS is the college life. And I think 3 hours of sleep is making me delusional. Peace my friends.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Hallo-Buff Prep

It should prove to be a legendary weekend indeed. On a somber note. I hate math. A lot. It can kiss me butt.On a neutral note? I officially switched out of the CCM into CECH. Bye bye theater...time for Secondary Education. Whee! I know I was meant to teach...but that doesn't mean I won't look back and wonder "what if..." I say that too much. I don't regret anything I've done because each decision has rendered some sort of positive outcome regardless of the orginial intention. But I always think "what if....????" I did the same thing by giving up music education at BGSU. But God has a plan, everything happens for a reason and I can only give it up to Him and trust that things will be as they should in the end. "Every tomorrow has two handles. We can take hold of it by the handle of anxiety, or by the handle of faith." ~Author UnknownYou know was completely under-rated? Will Smith. He was cute, talented, and rapped about something other than drugs and scantly-clad women. He is a good actor and a family guy and did I mention CUTE? So yeah. Props today to Will Smith because he never got enough.And on the opposite side of props, we shall give flames licorice because it is disgusting. It is the worst flavor in the entire world and some medicine even tastes like it making it guilty by association. Sorry black licorice but you suck. On to Hallo-Buff!!!!