Showing posts with label Family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Family. Show all posts

Friday, November 23, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving all!

A day late, but between the amount of food consumed that could feed a small army JUST by me and the copious amounts of alcohol festive beverages I ingested, any sort of commentary on the start of my holiday season was unthinkable.

But here I am, in the good ole hometown of Fremont staying with my parents and visiting good people. Wednesday night was the staple trip to Denny's where I was able to hang out with a bit of the younger crowd including Nicole who I heart dearly. I spent part of the evening agonizing over whether the boy drove home safely (my girlfriendly instincts lay dorment for so long, I forgot I even had them...I've spent most of my time looking out for numero uno so I was like, "What the hell is this feeling? Worry? ANGST?? WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME?? I have to get used to this again...But, I digress...) and enjoyed a lot of unhealthy foodstuffs.

Thanksgiving dawned not-so-early with me getting out of bed at 11:00 and eating Mom's Thanksgiving breakfast. Lazy was the word of the day, we did manage to make it to Uncle Steve's on time for another dysFUNctional family get-together. My mom and her brother and sister picked and bickered with each other, I watched two whole football games with my older cousins, managed to torture, tickle, and cuddle with the younger ones, drank my Uncle's expensive German schnapps, drank four beers, tried everyone elses drinks, and managed not to throw up the heaping mound of food I ate. Good times were had by all.

Gotta love 'em!
Watched Grey's Anatomy (I realize I haven't obsessed about my TV habits on here...later post my friends) and gasped along side my equally addicted family.
I realize I'm thankful for things every day, and don't see the need to harp on them any particular day of the, friends, my sense of humor, my (semi) good health, my education, it's all good!
So Happy Thanksgiving, I'm going to go to my Dad's and be as lazy as humanly possible for the next two days because next week...well, next week starts two weeks of educational hell. Failure and keeping my sanity is NOT an option.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Ok, I swear I'm here.

Life gets a little crazy so I sort of forget to post as often as I want. There are days things will happen, and I'll think to myself 'remember to blog about that'...but then the day gets away from me. So as of late:

*Jimmie won the championship. Thrilled...or not. NASCAR needs to start shaking things up or they're going to lose my undying love and loyalty. Time to re-coop and wait for Daytona again. Now, I'll just sit and twiddle my thumbs.

*Speaking of sports, we lost our last home game to WVU. Only by 5 points so it could have been worse but on your senior night of marching hope for the big win. And it was senior night, so I played my final notes in Nippert Stadium and they even said my name right. I didn't cry though. I got a little teary-eyed during dismissal:

But I got over it rather quickly. I've always embraced change more than I've mourned it. I didn't cry my senior night of high school band and I certainly didn't cry at graduation. I more than likely rub my hands together and say, "Bring on the next big thing." We have our concert on Tuesday night and some type of bowl game to contend with over Christmas Break and our Spring football game come it's never really over for me. But the usual Saturday game day shenanigans are done. I am very ok with this. My heart knows it's time to gear up for the next stage in my life: adulthood. I have a year of education classes and student teaching left. I will be moving out of the UC neighborhood next year. I'll probably get something that resembles a real job. So, this is just one more step.

*My Mom and Mike were down this weekend for Senior Night. On a top 10 list of my favorite people, they easily are at the top. Everyone always comments on how my Mooze and I are exactly alike and I couldn't take a higher compliment. My mom is beautiful, so funny, strong...if anyone sees her traits in me, I can only be flattered. They spent the weekend hanging out with my friends, making me laugh, and spending money on me. What more could I ask for? Even the dog came down and had a good time.

*I have 7 papers due in the next 3 weeks. Then, exams. Kill me now. Please. Curse my english major existence. I'm having a really difficult time concentrating this quarter (this has been an on-going problem for awhile and the doctor thought it had to do with my lack of sleep but nothing has been really done about this. Another thought it was ADHD. I don't think so, I can FORCE myself to concentrate but it's very difficult to do. I'm just not as motivated as I used to be.

*There's this guy...makes me smile. I don't know how much to put on here, I haven't been comfortable talking about my personal personal life as of I'll just leave you with this.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Mother o' Mine

My dear Moozie came down from F-town to visit me in the city this weekend. By herself. Normally, this does not sound like a huge accomplishment, but you don't know my Mom. She HATES driving more than 10 minutes and I'm only located a convienent 3.5 hours away. But, she survived and we had a great time. We spent way too much money at Barnes and Noble which convinced me to finally get a membership. As much as I love Amazon's cheap used book prices, I have neither the patience or love of old books to use the website very often. Nothing spells fun for me like hours on the floor of B & N with potentials all around me...its a high not often matched.

I get lonely which may be the reason for my random posts about being in love with people that sometimes don't exist or I only know from Wrangler Jean commercials...

Monday, July 30, 2007

Home Again

Fairly good weekend at home...Dad ended up not going on his vacation because Deb was sick (and my tummy hurts like flu-hurt...hope I didn't catch it...) Gramps turned 75 years old on Friday and we ate cake and watched him open cards. It's hard to believe that the feeble man before me was once my strong and hard-working Grandfather.

But, times go on and we all get older. Even my mom looked a little older to me than last time.
Saturday, I went to the beach and treasure-hunting with Cindy! It was so good to see her probably for the last time before Christmas because she moves to Denver, CO at the end of August. It seems all Fremont friends are migrating out west...first Megan to Utah, then Caitie to Cali and now Cindy to Colorado. I must have missed the memo. I was able to find a large, practically brand new skillet for 12 dollars. It was quite the treasure indeed.
Tonight is my second sleep disorder study only this time, I'm doing it at home. I have to go to the clinic at 7:30 to get all wired up and then drive home looking like a robot escapee or something. I'll have a little box that travels with me that all the wires hook up to and I sleep with that night. I'll be glad when this ordeal is over, and I can get a good nights sleep. I just want to get all this out of the way since as August progresses, its going to get more and more hectic.
Went through all my old pictures with my Mom on Saturday night...what memories. I am buying a new printer soon with a scanner so I can put some of them online. Hilarity.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Update of Life

Dear God I am A POSTING SLACKER. My apologies. But, with the Christmas season upon us, things have been nothing short of a zoo around here. So before I get around to my end-of-the-quarter post, I'll get my crap together and update a bit on the going-ons so I don't feel so guilty for not pouring my heart out on this page every day like I used to.
This past weekend was a bit crazy...Friday night was the fraternity/sorority outing to see the lights at the zoo. Despite the frigid temp, it was actually quite fun and I enjoyed embarressing Sarah in front of the talking tiger. We also watched a zebra-like gazelle lick his pee off the floor and then proceed to whip himself in the face with his overly-large tongue. That was sort of gross...but interesting none the less.
Saturday I cleaned all day and dealt with the bathroom problem Mike and I have been encountering...our bathroom sink has been ridiculously clogged but at least would drain after awhile and after two bottles of Drain-O, I lost it. My family was coming in a few hours and the water WOULD NOT GO DOWN. So I attacked it Xenia-style with a plunger. Luckily, Mike came to rescue me from the insanity and plunged while I scooped stagnet water out of the sink into a bowl...we ended up taking the pipes apart under the sink and after an hour of this madness, finally buckled down and called the landlord. Sink update? Fixed. My dad, step-mom, and sister came down for my dad's 50th birthday and it was ACTUALLY ENJOYABLE. No whining, no complaining, no incidents. We went to the Hofbrauhaus to surprise my dad because of his love of German food and he LOVED it. You know the man is in good spirits when he shares his stine of beer with me. We had the polka band play happy birthday...then we came back to my CLEAN apartment and had a cake and presents waiting. It was just a fun time. They left Sunday morning after we had lunch at Panera.
Yesterday was my big Christmas shopping day with Shannon and Sarah...we power-shopped for three hours and let me tell you how hilarious it is to watch those two. I'm an ok shopper, but don't pride myself in any special shopping skills...those two however. Insane. We went to Macy's to find informal dresses and I swear they have radar. Two minutes later they hand me a dress and say "hereitistryitonitsyoursize". Looking at it, I would have SWORN it would have looked like complete poo on me. But, I buckled down and put it on for them...and it looked good? Wow. It DID look good. It was actually perfect. And marked down TWICE from it's original price making it 1/2 off. Then of course, we went to almost every store in the mall and it was like magic. We would walk into a store and they would immediately walk to the clearance rack reach their arms in and come out with about 5 shirts that I wouldn't have found on that damn rack if I had tried. It was truly an art form. I had been shopping with both of them before for one or two things, but never an all-out power shop. Needless to say, we had a blast and bought some pretty awesome stuff. They crack me up so much. And thanks to them, my informal dress is off the hook. I wish our lives weren't so busy that the three of us could hang out more often...when we're together, we're an unstoppable force. I love those ladies.
In addition to all those goings-ons...we decorated our apartment for Christmas. Anna's aunt gave us a tinsel-green Charlie Brown tree. We put that up with as much bling as we could fit, some lights around our entertainment center, and the stockings my mom made for us with all our names. We also hung a wreath in the window and door. It's quite cute.
We have been having an on-going battle with the neighbors upstairs. They have spent the last few months blasting their music at ridiculous hours of the day and night, one party they threw, someone threw a full beer can at Michael's head in the parking lot below, they were playing football in the house and started making our light in the living room blink uncontrollably. Just ridiculous shenanigans...we have spoken to them several times about it with promises of them keeping it down then doing the same thing the next day...we've banged on their door, they've banged on our floor. They had been fairly quiet through exams and most of the week before but two nights ago, it started up again...we were hanging a wreath on our front door and pounding a nail into it when they went CRAZY and started jumping around on their floor/our ceiling to get us to we stopped but were pretty pissed that they would get mad at US? So the next night, they were blaring the music again, so we went outside and rang their doorbell as much as possible...don't think they heard it. So we took the hammer and let loose on the door until they finally quit. But this morning? Blaring the music. At 9:30 in the morning on Christmas break. And if they're going to blast that music that loud? At least blast something that isn't Christina Aguliara? I don't even know how to spell her last name, that's how much I DON'T LIKE HER. Those guys could have such better music tastes. I probably wouldn't have such a beef if say, "Stairway to Heaven" was being blasted. That I could handle.
We added a new member to our new hammie, Rigby. He's a Syrian Bear hamster and probably the most sweet-tempered hamster I have ever seen. He's a big fat black and white guy and he's such a sweet-heart. I pimped him out with fun toys and chewies and such. He loves to run in his ball and instead of freaking out at the change of habitat, he took to our apartment right away...hasn't bitten or pooped on anyone yet, so thats major points. He's the new love of my life and as my mom said, "I am so glad you have a friend - one that won't turn on you or give you grief." True dat.
This weekend is Rent at the Aronoff with Nate and then I head home Sunday for about 10 days. I hadn't planned on going home so long orginially, but with my grandfather really sick and the lack of seeing my old friends as often as I would like, I think this "vacation" is in order. It will probably consist of a lot of card games with the grandparents, Denny's trips every night, and trying not to be too allergic to the good times indeed.
Mostly been working and playing with my friends...we were going to go ice skating last night but it was too warm and rainy so we went to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner in celebration of Anna's birthday.
Working on my write-up for the quarter and the end of the year. Gotta work at the band office, and then Cross-town Shoot-out against Xavier then hanging out with Julie.