Politik, Kultur, Geschichte, Wirtschaft, Internet und andere Aspekte über den Süd-Kaukasus // Politic, Culture, History, Economy, Internet And Other Aspects About South-Caucasus // Re-Blogged & Posted By Ralph Hälbig
Showing posts with label Kristi Kipshidze. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kristi Kipshidze. Show all posts
Final act of Irma de Flore's presentation "The Ball of Irises" presented during Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week TBILISI. Irma de Flore's Founder, designer, photographer and visual artist Irma Sharikadze wearing antique silk kimono from new collection.
The inspiration of the Autumn-Winter 2017-2018 collection is Belle Époque and Art Nouveau. The collection was influenced by the flowing femininity of dresses that accentuate the forms of women. The symbol of collection is Iris, the flower that represents the nature’s true grace with its delicate, refined forms and beautiful colors. This collection of Irma de Flore is about femininity and grace and tenderness, something that needs to be appreciated even more in the fast moving and innovative modern world.
(georgianews.ge) Contemporary Art Museum “Erarta” in St. Petersburg is hosting an exhibition by well-known Georgian photographer and artist Irma Sharikadze titled “Letters”. The exhibition has been seeing visitors in great numbers. Sharikadze told ambebi.ge website that the event had been opened on April 4th by Museum Director Mikhail Ovchinnikov. The exhibition hall of the museum was full of portraits surrounded by words and lines. To create mystifying atmosphere Irma worked for two years with the help of model Kristi Kipshidze.
The “Vesti” news program of Russian Television covered the exhibition in a news piece.
The project consists of several parts:
18 photo works of a different format, the text of the correspondence of
well-known Mexican artist Frida Khalo with the twin sister Maritsa,
video "Frida's Dream, and the installation "Frida and Maritsa".
The publication of correspondence of
Frida Khalo and her twin sister Maritsa will be presented for the first
time in Petersburg at Erarta museum. The text of correspondence of Frida
with her alter ego was exclusively created by the Georgian writer Maka Goguadze for the project and presented in a hand-written look under the photoworks.
Irma Sharikadze about her photoproject:
"Trying to sum up the last 10 years of own career — these are years of
my formation as artist - the image of Frida Kahlo as a topic for a
future project attracted me.
Frida's so invisible eye artily
processes the experience of fight against painful dualism of the
attitude and overcoming in herself, her human nostalgia and finally a
willingness to cock in the holy martyrs".
The project was
successfully held at GMG Gallery in Moscow in 2010. Pictures of the
project "Letter" are in private collections in Russia and abroad.
In the role of Frida Kahlo and Maritza - Christi Kipshidze.
The enamel by Sophia Gongliashvili The idea and the organization of the project - Elena Sementsova.
Opening: On April 4, at 19.00
Entrance fee is 150 rubles.
Address: Vasilyevsky island, 29th Liniya, Erarta Museum and Gallery of Contemporary Art
Monday, August 20, 2007
Armanian Girl In Georgian Fashion
Thanks for the photo! The name of the model is Kristi Kipshidze (*1977)
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OAT Gallery and artcafe 144 stairs in Tbilisi
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Lohnenswert: Dokumentarfilm von Ruth OlshanWIE LUFT ZUM ATMENist eine Reise in ein kleines Land zwischen Asien und Europa, das zu unrecht zwischen den Grenzen der Kulturen vergessen wird: Georgien, das hier in seiner ganzen Schönheit, seinem Zauber und seiner Vielfältigkeit eingefangen ist. Der Dokumentarfilm von Ruth Olshan entdeckt vor allem die beeindruckende Musik Georgiens, in der die kulturelle Identität seiner Bewohner tief verwurzelt ist. In den fast verloren gegangenen und wieder entdeckten Gesängen und Tänzen, die die UNESCO auf die Liste des Weltkulturerbes gesetzt hat, meint man Stimmen und Lieder aus einer vergangenen Zeit zu hören.
Musik sei für sie so wichtig wie die Luft zum Atmen, erzählt eine Protagonistin im Film und man versteht sie sofort. Ruth Olshans vielschichtiges Porträt eines Landes, seiner Menschen und ihrer Musik zeigt, was das Besondere an der georgischen Musik ist: die Lebendigkeit der Folklore im Alltag, die aufrecht erhaltene Tradition, die in den Texten gespeicherten Mythen, das soziale Erleben der Musik, die regionale Unterschiedlichkeit der Kultur, und die Musiker, die die Musik heute auch in Pop- und Jazzbereiche weiterführen."Großartige Bilder, sympathische Protagonisten und schöne, unvertraute Musik!" (filmdienst)
"Ruth Olshan hat einen sehr feinen Musikfilm gemacht, der einen Ort 90 Minuten zum Klingen bringt" (zitty)
"Eine berückende Hommage an ein Volk, dessen große Kultur durchströmt wird von Gesang" (Rheinischer Merkur)
"Folklore kann ganz schön cool sein!" (Die Welt)
"Ein ‚Hit’ für musikbegeisterte Weltreisende im Kino!" (programmkino.de)
Ruth Olshan in her film portrays musicians who work with different approaches: a male choir searching and cultivating old folk songs in the Caucasus region, a female choir, a school dance company and musicians who enhance Georgian folk music. There is a common denominator that links the diverse protagonists in Olshan’s film: Singing, dancing and music are crucial elements of their lifestyle. Music is as important as “air to breath,” explains the director of the female choir . The subtle camera work discreetly catches moments and spontaneous encounters, showing that the rehearsals and the singing brings moments to these women where they are taken away from their normal course of life. For life in Rustavi, a small town near Tiflis, seems bleak. The industry is dead, the unemployment rate is enormous. You ask yourself how people can live. The choir women’s beauty and positive energy exude an affirmative sign of life, even in mournful moments. Men and women sing and dance both joy and sorrow off their chest. In Georgia, music seems to be omnipresent, almost existential. Even if a young singer does not think folk music is “sexy”, he still gets hooked. It gets under his skin. The film pays tribute to this fascination, vitality, and spiritedness.