Showing posts with label Exhibition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Exhibition. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

EXHIBITION: Marjanishvili Quarter. Correlations of Architecture, Politics, and Identities. Exhbitions I Lectures I Architecture Tours. 2nd Tbilisi Architecture Biennial. (17.10. 2020 – 8.11. 2020)

The project MARJANISHVILI QUARTER was specificallyconceptualized for the 2nd Tbilisi Architecture Biennial and focuses on the area that today, as well as historically, is recognised as the centre of the left bank of Tbilisi. Its origins go back to the 19th century, when the German settlement was founded northwest of Tbilisi. The exhibition shows historical, critical, ironic and poetic aspects of this place through different contexts and media. Among other things, the project contains materials of the alteration project of the Marjanishvili district in the 1980s and 1990s. Marjanishvili district is still developing. The residents and the urban space are going through changes. Different realities and habits reveal themselves; a mood of departure emerges. In temporal as well as spatial representations it is shown what constitutes the coexistence of the people of this district – what do we have in common? 

MARJANISHVILI QUARTER: CORRELATIONS OF ARCHITECTURE, POLITICS, AND IDENTITIES Exhibition / 2nd Tbilisi Architecture Biennale / Tbilisi (17.10. 2020 – 8.11. 2020)


Das Projekt MARJANISHVILI QUARTER wurde für die 2. Architekturbiennale in Tiflis konzipiert und bezieht sich auf das Viertel, das als Zentrum des linken Ufers von Tiflis gilt. Die Entstehung dieses Viertels geht auf das 19. Jahrhundert zurück, als eine deutsche Siedlung nordwestlich vom damaligen Tiflis gegründet wurde. Die Ausstellung zeigt historische, kritische, ironische und poetische Aspekte dieses Ortes anhand von verschiedenen Kontexten und Medien – unter anderem die Pläne zum Umbau des Marjanishvili-Viertels aus den 1980er- und 1990er-Jahren. Das Marjanishvili-Viertel ist immer noch im Wandel. Die Bewohner und der urbane Raum durchlaufen Veränderungen. Es offenbaren sich unterschiedliche Realitäten und Gewohnheiten, eine Stimmung des Aufbruchs entsteht. In zeitlichen wie auch in räumlichen Darstellungen wird aufgezeigt, was das Zusammenleben der Menschen dieses Stadtteils ausmacht. Was verbindet uns?


პროექტი „მარჯანიშვილის უბანი“ შეიქმნა თბილისის არქიტექტურის მე-2 ბიენალესთვის და წარმოაჩენს ტერიტორიას, რომელიც თბილისის მარცხენა ბირთვის შემადგენელი ნაწილია. ის დაარსდა მე-19 საუკუნეში, როდესაც თბილისის ჩრდილო-დასავლეთით გერმანელების კოლონია შეიქმნა. გამოფენა წარმოადგენს ამ ადგილის ისტორიულ, კრიტიკულ, ირონიულ და პოეტურ ასპექტებს სხვადასხვა კონტექსტსა და მედიაში, მათ შორის, 1980-იან და 1990-იან წლებში ამ უბნის რეკონსტრუქციის არქიტექტურულ არქივს. მარჯანიშვილის უბანი სახეცვლილებას განიცდის. გარდაიქმნება საზოგადოების, ეკონომიკისა და ურბანული სივრცის ორგანიზება – შესაბამისად, იცვლება ჩვეული რეალობებიც. ამ კონტექსტში, ბიენალეს მესიჯი „რა გვაქვს საერთო?“ ფიქსირდება დროით და სივრცით წარმოდგენებში, რაც გარკვეულწილად ამ ტერიტორიაზე ადამიანების თანაცხოვრებასა და თანაარსებობას გულისხმობს – რა გვაკავშირებს ერთმანეთთან? რა გვაქვს საერთო?

Link [pdf] Project Marjanishvili Quarter


Venue 1 AA Architecture Ambience 2 Marjanishvili St 3802 Tbilisi Georgia

Venue 2 TBC Concept 7 Marjanishvili St 3802 Tbilisi Georgia

Curator: Irina Kurtishvili
Editor: Heike Maria Johenning
Graphic Design: Irakli Kiziria
Editing: Thea Tvalavadze (Georgian) Nathan Michael Hudson (English)
In Collaboration with W2KSHOP COLLECTIVE, Dimitri Eristavi, Lado Shonia, Tilman Haseloff, Liza Bokeria and Contemporary Art Space Maudi Nina Akhvlediani, Curator of TBC Concept and TBC Art Collection and Ketevan Korzakhia, Director, TBC Art Gallery
Exhibition Production: Zura Tsofurashvili
Archives: AA Architecture Ambience


AA Architecture Ambience
2 Marjanishvili st | 0102 Tbilisi | Georgia Open during the Biennial
Tuesday – Sunday 3pm – 7pm
AA is free and open to all people.

Please reach out to us in advance with any requests.
Mob. + 995 (5) 55 21 44 83

TBC Concept
7 Marjanishvili str | 0102 Tbilisi | Georgia Open during the Biennial
Monday – Saturday 11am – 8pm Sunday 11am – 5pm

Irina Kurtishvili thanks all institutions, people and partners who contributed to realize this project

Printing: SpreeDruck, Berlin

TAB Tbilisi Architecture Biennial
Directors and Founders Project Management
Tinatin Gurgenidze, Natia Kalandarishvili, Otar Nemsadze, Gigi Shukakidze, Tamara Janashia
4 Shanidze st | 0179 Tbilisi | Georgia

Monday, October 21, 2019

VIDEO: Georgian Artist Irina Gabiani - Solo exhibition "Game without rules" in the Gian Marco Casini Gallery, Livorno

Irina Gabiani, solo exhibition "Game without rules"at Gian Marco Casini Gallery, Livorno, Italy
14 September till 26 October, 2019
Music: John Vallis (
Voice: Ivan Adorno and Irina Gabiani
Catalogue: Gian Marco Casini Gallery - Irina Gabiani  

More links: 

Irina Gabiani is a Luxembourg based Georgian-Italian visual multimedia artist.

Monday, October 14, 2019

ART: Handmade Print Festival TBILISI. LIFE N STYLE, 2019

Closing Event

Dates: 17.10.2019– 28.10.2019
Program: 17.10.2019 - 19.00 p.m
MOMA Tbilisi Modern Art Museum

Article: Georgia to Host 4th Int’l Print Festival ‘LIFE N STYLE’ []

We Have Pleasure to Invite You on the 4th issue of the Handmade Print Festival TBILISI. LIFE N STYLE, 2019, Presentation & visual installation

100 Georgian & International Contemporary Artists Handmade Prints.
Georgia, Azerbaijan, Austria, Estonia, Turkey, Lithuania, Russia, Greece, Armenia, France, Hong Kong

Participant artists & curators:

Georgia – Handmade and milited edktion printing studio – Curator - Nana Kirmelasvili; Artists: David Aleksidze, Mariam Akubardia, Mari Ataneli (Mari Ataneli), Lia Bagrationi, Maka Batiashvili (Maka Batiashvili), Uta Bekaia (Uta Bekia), Natia Benashvili, Nino Bilikhodze, Nino Bosikashvili (NinoBosikashviliArt), Sopo Cherkezishvili, Ketevan Davlianidze, Nato Eristavi, Nutsa Esebua, Gia Gogatishvili, Gia Gugushvili, Kote Jincharadze (Kote Jincharadze), Natia Kalandadze, Rusudan Khizanishvili, Tutu Kiladze, Guga Kotetishvili, Luka Lazar /Lasareishvili, Mai Lashauri (Mai Lashuri Art), Tamar Maglaperidze-Dadeshkeliani, George Maskharashvili, Vakhtang Megrelishvili, Konstantin Mindadze (Konstantin Mindadze Studio), Nino Moseshvili, Zaira Nadirashvili, Manuchar Okrostsvaridze, Guela Patiachvili (Guela Patiachvili Art), Elene Rakviashvili, Koka Ramishvili, Salome Rigvava (Art by Salome Rigvava), Romanoz (Romanoz), Julia Sanikidze, Mariam Shakarashvili, Lia Shvelidze, Malkhaz Shvelidze, Murtaz Shvelidze, Tam Oonz, Maka Tavamaishvili, Teyo, Oleg Timchenko, Kako Topuria (KAKO), Luka Tsetskhladze, Mamuka Tsetskhladze, Guram Tsibakhashvili (Guram Tsibakhashvili), Tinatin Tskhadadze (Tinatin Tskhadadze), Guela Tsouladze, Tamaz Varvaridze, Iliko Zautashvili, Maka Zedelashvili (Maka Zedelashvili Art), Shalva Khakhanashvili, David Machavariani / Kakadu;

Georgia – Tbilisi Academy of Arts – Curator – Tamaz Varvaridze; Artists: Loreta Abashidze-Shengelia, Mariam Davitashvili, Mariam Kalmakhelidze, Anastasia Kvakchakhadze, Lika Kviciani, Viktoria Makharadze, Salome Vacheishvili, George Jordania, Lela Zarkua; Georgia – Aluminum Etching Workshop – Curator – Vakhtang Megrelishvili (Vakhtang Megrelishvili); Artists: Mari Ataneli, Mariam Akhobadze, Natia Benashvili, Mariam Chelidze, Maya Chichua,, Nino Esaiashvili, George Jordania, Zura Khatiashvili, Rusudan Khizanishvili, Nino Khvingia, Nukri Kutateladze, Lika Kviciani, Vakhtang Megrelishvili, Lia Shvelidze, Salome Vacheishvili; Georgia –- Ozurgeti – Lithuania – Curator Tandila Tavartkiladze; Artists: Tamaz Darchia, Kura Brodskaya, Gia Gvichia, Ugne Zylite, Neringa Zukauskaite, Tandila Tavartkiladze

Austria – Roberto Muffaletto

China – B. Conrad Lau

Armenia – Greece – Curator - Masha-Marina Yeremyan; Artists: Ioannis Chantzidis (Greece), Stepan Veranyan, Vahagn Halambashyan

Estonia – Ukraine – Curator - Olga lybaskina; Artists: Khachatur Bely, Yuri Arrak, Vera Stanishevskaya, Vlad Stanishevsky, Ivan Pirkov

France: Gabrille Kurdadze

Ukraine; Azerbaijan – Artists: Shakhnaz Aghaeva, Inna Kostina; Museib Amirov   

Turkey – Curator - Denizhan Ozer; Artists: Deniz Cobankent, Kara Devabil, Erdem Ilgin, Gonca Erim, Ozgur Eryilmaz, Hakan Esmer, Lutfu Kaplanoglu, Serap Özergin, Kader Ozturkmen, Ilnah Sumeyra, Oben Yilmaz;

Russia – Curator – Ria Keburia Gallery (Ria Keburia)

Artists: Anna Voda, Adil Aubekerov, Roman Ermakov (Roman Ermakov Art), Sasha Frolova, Vera Reiner, Masha Ershova, Tatyana Plakhova

Russia – Alexsander Florenski, Olga Florenskaia

Exhibition in Space

Georgian artist Romanoz (Art by Romanoz)
Exposition in Stratosphere /Documentary/
Address: 27, Rustaveli avenue, Str. Tbilisi. Georgia
Date 18.10.2019 – 18.11.2019
Opening 18.10.2019 – 20:00

October 18 th Sculpture Park opening in Wine Factory # 1

Participant artists: Sepo / Tengiz Sepiashvili, Nato Eristavi, Venera Kazarova, Uta Bekaia, Roman Ermakov, Sasha Frolova, Oleg Timchenko, Anya Mokhova, Luka Tsetskhladze, Tbilisi State Academy of Arts Address: 1 Petriashvili str, Tbilisi. Georgia Curator: RIA KEBURIA FOUNDATION

Event Supporters: Tbilisi Municipality Mayor, Georgian Innovation & Development Center,
HYTECH-GS (NASA Spinoff Technolgy), Ria Keburia Gallery,
Batumi Municipality Mayor, Château Svanidzeebis Marani
General Media Partner: The Financial
Internet Partner: MAGTI
Media Partners: Radio Tavisupleba, Antidot, PRIME TIME

Curator: Nana Kirmelashvili
Tel: +995 599 215 396

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

VIDEO: Robert Atwater & Rusudan Khizanishvili. Opening of the exhibition

Robert is a North American fine art photographer, printmaker, and book artist from New York. Rusudan is a painter from Georgia, Tbilisi.

Ussiaugu tee 20, Vaskjala, 75313 Harju maakond, Estland
9X43+V9 Vaskjala, Kreis Harju, Estland +372 5551 2898

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

EXHIBITION: Guram Tsibakhashvili’s photographic retrospective of 90s #Georgia to launch new #Tbilisi exhibition space. via @agenda_ge

Artists Lado Burduli and Irakli Charkviani photographed in Tbilisi in 1992, with the city bearing traces of damage from the civil war. Photo: Guram Tsibakhashvili
Guram Tsibakhashvili - "Winter is left behind"
Address: Barnovi Art House, Rustaveli Avenue N18, III floor
Exhibition April 24 - May 31
Opening: April 24, 19:00
working hours:
From Tuesday to Saturday - 12: 00-20:00
Sunday - 12:00-18:00

The fake country was collapsing.
Under Gorbachev, we already knew that it was inevitable.
Just like every other change, it was a painful and necessary change. Except that we were unaware of the pain that still laid ahead, so at first we just rejoiced.
Once, Mamuka Tsetskhladze came to me. He had a way of sugar-coating pills. He offered me to hold an exhibition, to see how many of us were around in fall, and then how many would still be here in March, when winter would be over. And the exhibition was titled conveniently: Wintering Over.

Guram Tsibakhashvili
Twenty-five years after this exhibition, Guram Tsibakhashvili is traveling through time to describe this momentous period in Georgian history, in which the newly established state is struggling to cope with war, starvation, and the cold, on one hand, while contemporary art is springing up to blossom in the country fresh out of the Soviet Union, on the other.

Wintering Over Is Over is a conventionality filling the author with hope that that trails and tribulations are dead and buried, and the art inspired by the then controversies is now part of history. Still, this exposition gives rise to occasional questions like what have we inherited from the 1990s? What has changed in these 25 years? Has anything changed at all, or is it just wintering over that is over?

[] A display of photographs illustrating a vital and tumultuous moment in Georgia’s history will become the opening event of the Barnovi House of Arts, a new exhibition space in downtown Tbilisi on Wednesday.

Photographer Guram Tsibakhashvili, referred to as “one of the most outstanding figures in Georgian contemporary artists” by, will bring a selection of his works reflecting the social and political events following the Georgian independence in the 1990s.

"[The photographs illustrate] a newly born state struggling against war, starvation and cold [...] while contemporary art begins to unexpectedly flourish in the wake of the country’s freeing itself from the Soviet Union,” a preview for the show says."

Tsibakhashvili has titled the exhibition Winter is Left Behind, as a reflection of an idea of leaving behind the troubles of the era but still having to face questions including “what has changed 25 years later?” and “what is the legacy of the 1990s?”

Film critic and journalist Giorgi Gvakharia and screenwriter Tamuna Melikishvili putting up posters
outside the Cinema House in Tbilisi in 1990. Photo: Guram Tsibakhashvili.
While the photographs take up the space of the newly launched exposition venue, the photographer will also unveil an illustrated book bringing together around 250 of his works.

The photos selected for the publication are found on its pages along with essays by author Ana Kordzaia-Samadashvili, recipient of Saba and Iliauni literary prizes in Georgia and winner of the Goethe Institute Prize for her work in literature and translation.

Known for her works including novels Who Killed Chaika? and Berikaoba, Kordzaia-Samadashvili was also selected for the New York Public Library’s list of 365 Books by Women Authors in 2017.

On his part, Tsibakhashvili is known for his documentary photographs — exhibited in dozens of solo and group displays in Georgia and abroad, from the Writers' House of Georgia in Tbilisi to the Newman Popiashvili Gallery in New York.

Tsibakhashvili worked with author Ana Kordzaia-Samadashvili on a book combining photographs with essays,
set to be presented at the exhibition’s opening. Photos: Guram Tsibakhashvili Georgian National Book Centre.

He also was co-founder of a number of pioneering photography institutions in the South Caucasus, including the Tbilisi Photographers’ Housing (2007) and the ‘Visual Bank’ (1985), and has led workshops at events including the Frankfurt Forum of Photography.

The Barnovi House of Arts is described as a space focused on developing contemporary art for “cultural convergence” in the region while “reinforcing historical narratives” and sparking “new creative impulses”.

Organisers of the venue aim to discover and present both local contemporary artists and creatives with contribution in historical legacies.

The Barnovi House of Arts is a modern oriented oriented space that will promote cultural approximation in the region, strengthening historical narratives and creating new creative impulses.

The Barnovi Arts Foundation will be oriented on the development of local contemporary art as well as the discovery and coverage of historians with historic value.

Thursday, November 08, 2018

HYBRID LAB: "Marshrutkascape" in #Berlin - Photography exhibition by ithe Italian Chiara Dazi with images from Georgia, the Republic of Moldova, and Kaliningrad (Russia) Nov 9 - 10, 2018..

Photography exhibition about Marhsrutkas, the typical minibuses in the post-Soviet countries. In collaboration with the Technical University of Berlin and the Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography (IfL).

Pop-up exhibition: two days to see a preview of my project about Marshrutkas. Get on, DON'T MISS THE BUS!

The images are shown in the Hybrid Lab, in the area of the Technical University of Berlin. Please check the map to find the right building.

FRIDAY 9th Nov. 2018
from 10am to 1pm & 4pm to 7pm

SATURDAY 10th Nov. 2018
from 10am to 1pm & 3pm to 7 pm

Hybrid LAB
Marchstraße 8
10587 Berlin

In the frame of the final conference "The Marshrutka Project: Spatial
Dynamics of Informal and Shared Mobilities [Nov. 8-10, 2018], you are invited:

The photographer CHIARA DAZI will show a preview of her ongoing photo series MARSHRUTKASCAPE with images from Georgia, the Republic of Moldova, and Kaliningrad (Russia). Up and down the minibuses, and along the roads and stories of the everyday post-Soviet landscape.

MARSHRUTKA STORIES: A VISUAL ARCHIVE presents a series of short texts and images by doctoral and post-doctoral researchers of The Marshrutka Project ("Fluid mobilities for cities in transformation: Spatial dynamics of marshrutkas in Central Asia and the Caucasus"). It offers a modest and inconsistent collection of marshrutka-related narratives and visuals, exposing a tiny share of the ways marshrutkas can be an entry point in understanding post-Soviet socio-spatial and political-economic transformations.


In einer 2-tägigen Popup-Ausstellung diesen Freitag & Samstag zeigt die italienische Fotografin Chiara Dazi (Frau Lösung) eine Vorschau ihrer Fotoserie #Marshrutkascape aus Georgien, der Republik Moldau und Kaliningrad (Russische Föderation). Während der Reise in typischen Sammeltaxis (auch als „Marshrutkas“ bekannt) entlang der Straßen der Post-Sovietischen Landschaft entstanden Bilder, die sich auf den Alltag und die Geschichten ihrer Reisenden beziehen.

Nov 9 — 10, 2018
Hybrid Plattform / Hybrid Lab [Charlottenburg] (
→ Weiterlesen auf PiB ☞
→ Read more on PiB ☞

Image: © Chiara Dazi (

Thursday, September 20, 2018


Broken Sea

by Russian Georgia female photographers duo Nata Sopromadze & Irina Sadchikova

© Broken Sea by Nata Sopromadze & Irina Sadchikova 

Exhibition - installation

Opening at 18.30, Stamba Hotel.


Salty Taste of The Black Sea 

© Gueorgui Pinkhassov / Magnum Photos. Sokhumi, Abkhazia, Georgia 2009 

by Eric Baudlaire, Jonas Bendiksen/Magnum Photos, Family albums, Maria Gruzdeva, Yuri Kozyrev/NOOR, Justyna Mielnikiewicz/MAPS, Gueorgui Pinkhassov/Magnum Photos, Anna Dziapshipa, Thomas Dworzak/Magnum Photos, Anonymous Polish tourists’ photo archives, documentary movies from 70s, found footage.

Screening with live music accompaniment by Ben Wheeler

at 20.30 Stamba Hotel Amphitheatre.

Saturday, May 12, 2018

ART FESTIVAL: Fest i Nova 2018 "Castaway Freedom", May 26, 2018 - Independence Day Festival

12:00 Flea Market; Akhalkalaki market

14:00 Independence Day parade from the Market to Akhalkalaki Ancient wall accompanied by Khoni Wind Band

15:30 Opening of the festival: Tournament in Georgian Wrestling; Firing Mill Canon at Akhalkalaki Ancient Wall

16:00 Kites at Art Villa Garikula

18:00 Sovlab member’s Irakli Khvadagiani’s Lecture on Independence of Georgia in 1918-21;
Art Villa Garikula Palace Library
Exhibition opening: Castaway Freedom
(Photo Archive of Sovlab, Photos by Natela Grigalashvili and Guram Tsibakhashvili)

19:00 Presentation of futuristic cocktails and cocktails’ book; Art Villa Garikula

19:30 – 22:00 Music, DJ Anushka Chkheidze, CES

Curators: Group Bouillon and Lali Pertenava
Organizers: Karaman Kutateladze and Jaba Mujiri
Contact: 995555291887;

Fest i Nova is supported by Ministry of Culture, Monument Protection and Sport i Nova 2018

Sunday, April 08, 2018

KUNST: Zwei Ausstellungen von Gela Samsonidse in Kenzingen und Neuf-Brisach

Kann Abstraktion narrativ sein und Figuration sich nicht nur auf die reine Gegenständlichkeit beschränken? Gela Samsonidse, der 1965 in Tiflis geboren wurde, dürfte darin keinen Gegensatz sehen. Denn es ist, als würden seine Bilder die vermeintliche Opposition von figurativer und abstrakter Malerei aufheben. Da klettert ein Bergsteiger einen Felsen hoch, der nur aus quer laufenden Balken zu bestehen scheint, in die sich sein eigener Schatten eingeprägt hat. Da verbergen lamellenartige Streifen eine Interieurszene, die links und rechts von bunten, ornamentalen Kringeln flankiert wird. Seitdem Gela Samsonidse in Tiflis sein Studium an der Staatlichen Kunstakademie abgeschlossen hat, war der Georgier, der seit 1994 bei Freiburg lebt, durch seine abstrakten Bilder aufgefallen, nicht zuletzt durch seine Zeichnungen auf außergewöhnlich schmalem Format. Sie schienen ein sowohl als auch zu verbinden, ein davor mit einem dahinter. Nun, zehn Jahre später, vereint er Abstraktion und Figuration miteinander. Die Porträts, oft nach dem eigenen Familienalbum entstanden, darunter auch einige Selbstporträts, sind die radikale Standortbestimmung eines Malers, der viele Gegensätze zwar nicht aufzuheben, aber auf der Leinwand auszutragen vermag.

Bilder von Gela Samsonidse aus "Face to Face-Ansehen" die in Neuf-Brisach ausgestellt werden

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

LEIPZIG: Anniversary Exhibition Celebrating 10 Years LIA - Sedimente - with Georgian & Caucasian Artists, 8 March 2018 at 7pm

We cordially invite you to the opening of the anniversary group show “Sediments” on the occasion of 10 years LIA on 8 March 2018 at 7pm in the exhibition space “Werkschau” at Spinnerei Leipzig!

Source: Anniversary Exhibition Celebrating 10 Years LIA

Opening & tour through the Exhibition
in conversation with cultural protagonists of the city of Leipzig

Thursday, 8 March 2018 at 7pm
Location: Spinnerei Werkschau (hall 12)

Exhibition runs: 9 March – 24 March 2018
Open: Thursday – Saturday, 11am – 6pm
and on request

Sediments - Anniversary Exhibition celebrating 10 years LIA Leipzig International Art Programme

Many artists work intermittently outside of cultures familiar to them. The LIA residency - Leipzig International Art Programme, has supported this form of artistic nomadism for now ten years. Over 200 artists from more than 40 nations have been through this program, enabling them a working stay of three or six months in the Leipziger Baumwollspinnerei, the former cotton mill - now cultural hub of international renown. For some artists, this opportunity marked a new chapter of their professional life. The change of location, a studio, as well as the supportive benefit of visits from guest critics.

The exhibition, on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the LIA residency, focuses on that which the artists, as cultural ambassadors, have taken with them on their journey, and from which they make visible fragmentarily in their Leipzig work - like sediments, deposits of substances; traces that remain after departing elsewhere. In their trans-cultural context, the artists' works become indicators of political, economic or ecological processes, operating as aesthetic speculations of further developments. The exhibition covers all mediums of contemporary art, and shows a selection of works from over 50 international awardees of the LIA programme.

We cordially invite you to the opening of the exhibition on 8 March 2018 at 7pm in the Spinnerei Werkschau.

Anna-Louise Rolland, LIA director / founder
Laura Bierau, LIA programme coordinator


Katie Armstrong (USA), Catalina Bauer (Chile), Eva Borner (Switzerland), Tamar Botchorishvili (Georgia), Nadja Bournonville (Sweden), Osvaldo Budet (Puerto Rico), Connor Calhoun (USA), Ian Cao (USA/China), Francesco Cincotta (USA/Italien), Ryan Daffurn (Australia), Martin Daiber (Chile), Mitja Ficko (Slovenia), Aika Furukawa (Japan), Elisabeth Glassner (USA), Nikita Kadan (Ukraine), Zhanna Kadyrova (Ukraine), Madeleine Kelly (Australia), Alison Kennedy (Australia), David Ashley Kerr (Australia), Tinatin Kiguradze (Georgia), Trevor Kiernander (Canada), Jaebum Kim (South Korea), David Kukalashvili (Georgia), Luiza Laperadze (Georgia), Sophia Lapiashvili (Georgia), Gyeore Lee (South Korea), Kylie Lefkowitz (USA), Euan MacLeod (Australia), Jordan Marani (Australia), Elisabeth Moritz (Sweden), Darren Munce (Australia), Lada Nakonechna (Ukraine), Alexander Povzner (Russia), Raiya Al Rawahi (Sultanat Oman), Sarina Scheidegger (Schweiz), Simon Sieradzki (Australia), Douglas Stichbury (New Zealand), Julia Stoddard (USA), Simon Tatum (Cayman Islands), Brooke Tomiello (USA), Shonah Trescott (Australia), Guram Tsibakhashvili (Georgia), Samuel Vanderveken (Belgium), Taylor Varous (USA), Andrea Garcia Vasquez (USA), Jahnne Pasco-White (Australia), Antonia Wright (USA), Jahangir Youssif (Aserbaidschan)

Sowie als Teil des Grafikprojekts / And as part of the graphic project
„Die Sprache Radierung – Radierungen 10. New York – Leipzig":

Marcelo Daldoce (USA), Franziska Holstein (Leipzig), Volker Hüller (USA), John Jacobsmeyer (USA), Henriette Grahnert (Leipzig), Bastian Muhr (Leipzig), Maria und Vldao Ondrej (Leipzig), Charlotte Seghall (USA), Matthias Weischer (Leipzig)

Website: - anniversary group show on the occasion of 10 years lia

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

ART: Art Villa Garikula / არტ ვილა გარიყულა - Metamorph - Bolgarsky Palace in Venice

Story that has spanned more than a century: from Bolgarsky summer residence in Akhalkalaki village to the first regional Center for Contemporary Art in Georgia. Garikula – Center of the Arts project of the newly established art center presented Georgia first time in Venice at the 9th International Architecture Exhibition in 2004. Bolgarsky summer residence was built in 1885 by Tbilisi born civil engineer of Polish descent, Vasili Boglarsky for his beloved wife. Apart from this house, he constructed several public buildings in Tbilisi including Military Cathedral in the centre of town (which does not exist anymore) and engineered a new water system for the famous Motley Baths in the Old City.

The summer residence was equipped with heating system and plumbing and boasted with wonderful wine cellar, as well as Champaign production and canning. The delicious output of Bolgarsky estate, could have been bought not only in the Russian Empire’s parent state but in Paris as well. After the establishment of the Soviet Rule, with the beginning of Red Terror Bolgarski was declared people’s enemy and subsequently executed. Estate was plundered. A boarding school was opened in the Bolgarky residence, but to everyone’s dismay, later closed, abandoned and used as a hay barn in a village.

Art villa started in late 90s of the last century as an artists’ squat based in Bolgarsky Palace, a derelict and desolate building which was cleaned and put in order with the help of artists, architects and students from Tbilisi State Academy of Arts led by the educator and painter Karaman Kutateladze. The process of rehabilitation was carried out in accordance with the new functions of the cultural heritage. Later, its result was turned into architectural project Garikula - Center of Arts. The latter presented Georgia first time at the Venice Biennial of Architecture in 2004 titled METAMORPH. The project showcased the metamorphosis of the Bolgarsky Palace from the abandoned heritage into its new future as the Centre for Contemporary Art.

Renovation to restore iconic look of popular Art Villa Garikula [agenda_ge]
Art Village []
Art Villa Garikula steht am Rande der Ortschaft Akhalkalaki []

Sunday, September 10, 2017

EXHIBITION: Knights from Pshav-Khevsureti - Andro Semeiko - in collaboration with writer Ana Kordzaia-Samadashvili and fashion designer Manana Antelidze

Opening: Friday 15 September 18.00
16 September – 14 October
Tuesday–Friday 11.00-18.00, Saturday 11.00-17.00
Giorgi Leonidze State Museum of Georgian Literature
Address: 8 Giorgi Chanturia St., 0108, Tbilisi
Phone: +995 322 932 890; +995 322 932 045
Facebook: from Pshav-Khevsureti

The project explores life and work of Vazha-Pshavela in relation to pertinent socio-political issues around the world and particularly in Georgia.

Andro Semeiko and Ana Kordzaia-Samadashvili have explored Vazha-Pshavela’s work and his personal objects from the Literature Museum collection, and have selected the poet’s handkerchief as the central object around which they create a metaphorical world through their own work.

Andro Semeiko creates an installation inhabited by a ghostly presence of a medieval knight, a legendary crusader that lived in Khevsureti. He carries the poet’s handkerchief as a talisman and addresses Vazha-Pshavela’s ideas of humanism and progressive attitude towards nature.

Ana Kordzaia-Samadashvili has, in the process of her research, discovered that the handkerchief was made especially for the poet and given to him as a gift by Georgian Women’s Society; she creates a fictional character that reflects women’s voice in the world.

Manana Antelidze addresses various aspects of Vazha-Pshavela’s humanism including the female voice in his work, and designs an androgynous outfit, which combines audacity and gentleness.

The exhibition is an installation consisting of painting, drawing, fashion, archival material, slideshow, text and audio work that create a multilayered story. The project will be followed by a Georgian-English publication and further exhibitions and book launches in the UK and Georgia.

The project is made possible with the kind support from Arts Council England, British Council, AG Alco and magazine Beaumonde.

Thursday, July 06, 2017

EXHIBITION: Pop-Up Chess Palace - On Architecture, Ideology and Chess, June 22-26, 2017, ZK/U Berlin

Curated by Nini Palavandishvili and Lena Prents

Participating artists: Atu Gelovani, Lasha Kabanashvili, Aleksander Komarov, Lado Lomitashvili, Magdalena Pięta, Nino Sekhniashvili, Tatia Skhirtladze and Naili Vakhania
Chess program: Uli Huemer

"Chess palace" may sound unusual in the Western European context. However, it was a common idea in the Soviet Union, where chess was widely played in its pioneer palaces, cultural houses and workers' clubs. In a few years after the October Revolution, the young Soviet Union managed to turn a "useless game of the bourgeoisie" into a sensible pastime of the working masses. After the Second World War Soviet domination in chess became an important ideological argument for the superiority of the system. In the 1970s the special palaces were created for chess - not in the centre though, but in the peripheral Soviet republics of Georgia, Armenia and Belarus. These buildings are distinguished by their striking architecture, sophisticated design and intelligent placement into the urban environment.

The exhibition Pop-Up Chess Palace focuses on Tbilisi Chess Palace and Alpine Club - architecturally the most demanding and ambitious one among these palaces. The curators of the exhibition question how to generally deal with the unique features of the modernist socialist architecture and how the ideal content of these buildings can be lived today.

The exhibition is funded by the Ministry of Culture and Monument Protection of Georgia in the frame of German-Georgian Friendship Year 2017 program.

Photos by David Meskhi

More: future neve -happened

EXHIBITION: Pop-Up Chess Palace - On Architecture, Ideology and Chess, June 22-26, 2017, ZK/U Berlin