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Showing posts with label Hazel Atlas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hazel Atlas. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I've Got the Blues

What's It Wednesday #21

Imagine a time when people were either loosing their jobs or forced to take deep pay cuts. A time when families lost their homes and pinching a penny was a way of life. Sound familiar? Well I am actually not talking about the recession we are currently in, but instead the Depression years of the late 20s and 30s. 

During the Great Depression, several glassware companies began to mass produce various types of glassware that we now know today as "Depression Glass". It was very inexpensively produced and had gained much popularity in the American home. 

I call these bubble depression glass. These lovely pieces   belonged to my great-grandmother Helen. My mother actually played with these pieces as a little girl. 

Depression glass is pretty much any colored glassware that was produced during the Great Depression. It was commonly sold at the five and ten cent stores.

Depression glass came in a variety of colors such as pink, red, green, yellow, amber, white, clear crystal and of course my personal favorite, cobalt blue. 

There is something magical about the sunlight passing through beautiful blue depression glass, so I make sure I keep a few pieces in the kitchen window.

In the middle of the Depression, my grandmother and grandfather decided to get married. One of their wedding presents was this beautiful Hazel Atlas "White Ship" bar set. My mother says she had always admired each piece ever since she was a little girl. The large piece in the background is actually a shaker. The top has been missing for many years. I am on a quest to replace it.

These small glasses are called roly poly glasses. Aren't they adorable?

This piece, from the same collection, is an ice bucket that was used to carry crushed iced for mixed drinks.

This rare pitcher is one of my favorite pieces of the collection. It really makes these contemporary cobalt blue tumblers look even better. 

In the 1930s, the Hazel-Atlas company was one of the largest manufacturers of glass in the world. They produced a large selection of "depression" glass which is sought after today by many collectors. 

I bet one of my Spring fruit smoothies would be perfect in this vintage glassware. I will just have to give it a try.

What is your favorite collectable or memory from your grandparents?



Thank you all for participating in our "What's It Wednesday"  linky party!
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Ivy and Elephants

Here are this week's awesome features

Carlene found this beautiful sugar scuttle and you will not believe how much she paid for it. Awesome find at  Organized Clutter.
Swing by Kelly's and take a tour of her gorgeous porch and garden at Essence of Home

Ya'll know I have a weakness for Staffordshire transferware. Karen's collection at Shabby Sweet Cottage is fabulous.
Maria over at the Rusty Hinge has mad skills. Her chandy is simply gorgeous.

Debra does a beautiful commemoration to the memory of the Titanic over at Doll in the Looking Glass
Get ready to be inspired by Little Miss Maggie's beautiful book covers.


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